• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 1,767 Views, 22 Comments

Growing Pains - Bluecatcinema

Mist finds herself feeling pangs of love... for two colts.

  • ...

Blazing Blues

The royal families were having lunch, enjoying their meals, when Mist came in, rather happy.

"Ah, Mist, there you are." Shine noted.

"Hello, big brother." She said in a dreamy voice. As she passed Celestia, she added "Hello, big sis." She passed Twilight. "Hello, teacher." She passed Chrysalis and Sleight. "Hello, your majesties." She passed Caboose, standing watch as a royal guard, but didn't say a word.

"What? No 'hello, good ol' Caboose?'" Caboose said, affronted.

Mist took a seat.

"Wow, looks like somepony is feeling awfully chipper this afternoon." Shine smiled. "Might I ask why you're so happy today?"

"Oh, I just got back from a walk..." Mist shrugged.

"A walk?" Shine mused. "You mean outside the castle?"

"Hmm-hmph." Mist nodded. "Mister Luxury invited me for a stroll with him. It was absolutely lovely."

"Luxury? As in Fancypant's son? That Luxury?" Shine asked.

"Shine, dear, I believe Mist here was just on a date with a pony." Celestia smiled.

"Well, either that or aliens kidnapped her and probed her brains." Caboose suggested, glancing upwards, "They're out there... watching."

The other ponies looked at him.

"Does he always spout stuff like this?" Sleight asked Blueblood.

"Not really." Blueblood shook his head. "He also goes on about 'El Chupacabra' and 'Big Hooves'."

"Since I'm in a good mood, Caboose, I won't berate you for how crazy you're sounding." Mist declared. "It wasn't really a date, though. We just went for a walk."

"So nothing happened?" Shine asked.

"Not much." Mist answered. "Luxury defended my honor against this rude colt, but that was it."

"Oh, how gallant." Celestia smiled.

"So when are we going to meet this coltfriend of yours?" Shine asked.

"He's not my coltfriend." Mist insisted. "It was just a walk."

"Sure it was." Shine smirked.

"If anypony needs me, I'll be studying out on the balcony." Mist declared as she left the room.

"Well, at least she's not studying in her room." Shine noted. "Looks like attending that function may have done the trick after all."

"Shine, didn't you just hear your sister?" Shining Armor asked, "She was just on a date with a colt."

"Yeah… so?" Shine asked.

"Well, surely, that must concern you a bit, right?" Shining questioned.

"…No, not really." Shine shrugged.

"What?!" Shining gasped, "Really?! I mean, your sister is seeing a stallion. Don't you feel the need to…I dunno…protect her?"

"Why? Mist is a grown mare. She's beautiful, she's smart… and she could easily buck a stallion right in the cherries if they get frisky. My sister may be a bookworm… but she can handle herself just fine."

"But what if Mist decides to…" Shining didn't finish the sentence, as he cast an uneasy glance at Miracle and Blueblood's twin colts…

"Shortly after the first date?" Shine raised a brow, "Highly unlikely. Even then, it's her choice, and I would support her." Shine finished by sipping his tea.

Dusk Glow, having been seated next to his mother lean in towards his uncle, "Uncle, I thought every big brother had the 'instinct'."

"I thought so too…" Shining replied, confused by Shine's indifference, "But Shine seems to be… well…"

"Trusting of his sister and doesn't meddle with her love life?" Twilight smirked, joining her son and brother.

Dusk and Shining looked away, hiding a blush.

Sleight and Chrysalis watched them drabble.

"When you told me that the royal family here was odd… I was hoping you meant there was a senile old stallion in the mix." Sleight whispered to his mate.

"Well, they hadn't changed much over twenty-five years." Chrysalis shrugged.

Mist sat out on the balcony, her book on the ponyolithic era at her hooves. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, she began reading. Before long, she became engrossed in the words, as the afternoon flew by. As she was finishing the book, something landed on the balcony, right in front of her.

"Hey, there!"

"Aah!" Mist leapt back, before realizing who it was, as Blue Blazes stood before her, with a smirk. "What are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?"

"Sorry." Blue Blazes snickered. "I was flying over the castle, saw you down here, figured I'd drop in and say 'hi'."

"Literally." Mist noted.

"What's the matter, aren't you glad to see me?" Blue winked.

"Well, I didn't say that..." Mist found herself blushing.

"So, whatchya up to?" Blue asked.

"I was just reading up on the ponyolithic era." Mist declared.

"Boring!" Blue snorted.

"It is not, actually." Mist said heatedly. "It's very fascinating."

"You want some real fun?" Blue smirked. "How about a race? You and me, once around the mountain. Finish line'll be that cloud up there." He pointed to the cloud.

"I'm not really the racing type." Mist shrugged.

"I understand." Blue nodded. "You probably wouldn't be able to keep up with me anyway."

"Excuse me?" Mist growled.

"Yeah, a sheltered royal mare like you wouldn't be able to get up to decent speed." Blue grinned. "Not compared to the son of two Wonderbolts, that is..."

"Okay, you're on." Mist declared. "I'll show you speed."

"Please do." Blue teased as they got into position. "Ready, set, go!"

They took off into the sky, their flight paths curving around the mountain.

"Not bad." Blue declared. "You got some zip in your wings after all."

"You haven't seen anything yet." Mist smirked.

"Neither have you." Blue chided.

Blue suddenly put on a burst of speed, powering ahead.

"See ya at the finish line!" He called.

"Oh no, you don't!" Mist flapped her wings as hard she could, catching up to Blue.

"What took you?" Blue teased.

As they neared the end of their race, they were almost neck-and-neck. Blue put on another burst of speed, reaching the cloud first.

"BOOYAH!" He cheered.

Mist sprawled onto the cloud, exhausted.

"Hey, not bad out there." Blue smiled.

"Thanks." Mist panted.

Blue lay on his back, more tired than he let on.

"How'd a royal mare like you get to be such a good flyer?" He asked.

"I wasn't always a royal mare, you know." Mist declared. "I grew up in Dodge Junction. Lots of room to fly out there."

"Oh, yeah." Blue nodded. "I forgot your bro used to be a farm pony. What was it like, growin' up in a little place like that?"

"It was... nice." Mist smiled. "Lots of friendly folks there, and plenty of fun to be had."

"Sounds like a quiet life." Blue noted. "Y'know, being the son of two Wonderbolts ain't always a picnic."

"It's not?" Mist asked.

"Nah." Blue sighed. "Everypony expects me to follow in my parents' footsteps, and be as good as they are. I mean, I love them both to death, and I love fame and everything… but sometimes, the pressure gets to me."

"That does sound pretty hard to live with." Mist noted. "I wish I could help."

"That's okay." Blue declared. "Just havin' somepony to talk to about it makes me feel better."

"Anytime." Mist smiled. "And thanks for the race. It was fun."

"My pleasure." Blue smiled. "You ever want a rematch, you know who to call."

"Oh, you can count on that." Mist smiled. "And next time, I'll win."

"We'll see." Blue chuckled. "I was holding back before, y'know."

"Whatever you say." Mist smirked.

"Oh, yeah?" Blue snorted, giving a cocky smirk. Forgetting his exhaustion, he quickly got onto his hooves and rolled up a cloud ball…

"Blue, what are you-"

"Take that!" Blue shouted, throwing it right at the mare.

The ball struck Mist square in the face.

"Oh, it's on now!" She chuckled, preparing to return fire.

The two pegasi engaged in back and forth volleys, laughing all the while.

Blue chuckled as he rolled up an exceptionally big ball of cloud. "Take some of this!"

The ball struck Mist hard, even more so for a soft, puffy projectile, however, Mist happened to be right at the edge of the cloud when she was hit, causing her to lose her balance as she fell off the edge.

"GAH!" Mist screeched as she fell (her position preventing her from flapping), landing right in the middle of the lake that was below them.

"Mist!" Blue yelled, diving down to get her. He pulled her out in one swift move. Mist began sputtering and coughing profusely in her savior's hooves.

"Easy there." He whispered. "I gotcha."

Mist began sneezing, showing all the signs of a bad cold.

"You okay?" Blue asked.

"No." Mist sniffled. "I have a weak immune system."

"Meaning?" Blue asked.

"I get sick easier than most ponies." Mist clarified. "It's been this way since-" She sneezed again. "I was a filly…"

"Oh." Blue nodded. "Let's get you someplace warm, then."

Blue took her back to Canterlot Castle. Mist directed him to the study, where he lit the fire, and gently placed her in front of it.

"There we go." Blue smirked, glancing back at Mist. However, he noticed tears coming from her eyes, her body still shivering. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"I'm so sorry for being such a nuisance." Mist shivered. "This immune system of mine had caused me nothing but grief all my life. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've almost…" Mist sneezed again, grunting as a tear rolled her cheek. "I can't imagine this is very fun for you."

"Fun ain't everything, you know." Blue tenderly wrapped his wing around her, and sat right next to her. He then wiped the tear off her cheek. "And you're no nuisance. We all have our weaknesses, and even though they get us down at times…I like to think they make us stronger."

"Wow… where did you read that?" Mist shuddered, giving a small smile.

"Didn't. Came up with that on my own." Blue smirked proudly.

Subconsciously, Mist cuddled up against Blue, savoring the warmth of his body. Just then, Shine, Shining and Dusk came in.

"Hey, Mist, are you in-what is going on here?" Shine gasped, noticing Mist cuddling up to Blue Blazes. Shining and Dusk were shocked, as was Mist and Blue.

"Uh, Prince Shine, sir... this is not what it looks like..." Blue stammered.

"I doubt it isn't." Shine said calmly. "It looks like Mist somehow got a cold and you're simply trying to warm her up." He smirked. "How friendly of you… what's your name?"

"Blue Blazes, sir. Son of Spitfire and Soarin', the leaders of the Wonderbolts." Blue answered tensely, a bit intimidated by Shine, though the prince showed no signs of mistrust.

"Ah. Well then…carry on." Shine smiled as he turned away.

Blue and Mist let out a sigh of relief, while Shining and Dusk were dumbfounded as they turned to Shine.

"Really?" Dusk asked. "Your little sister is cuddling up to another guy..."

"And you don't feel the slightest bit angry?" Shining added.

"No, you guys." Shine shook his head. "Like I said before, Mist is a grown mare. I trust her... wish I could say the same for you two regarding your own sisters."

Shining and Dusk gaped, stammering as Shine walked off. Blue and Mist let out a small chuckle. Shine and Dusk glared at Blue, then departed also.

Mist and Blue snuggled together for a while longer, as darkness began to fall outside.

"I gotta go." Blue sighed. "My folks'll be wondering where I am. You gonna be okay?"

"I'll be fine, thanks to you." Mist smiled.

Blue kissed her lightly on the cheek.

"Feel better, kiddo." He smiled tenderly, before flying out of the window (taking care to close it as he left).

Mist stroked her cheek. That was twice she had been kissed, and by two different colts. Two different colts that she held the exact same feelings for. It didn't take long for her to consider the ramifications.

'Oh boy...' She thought.

Outside the room, looking into the study, Caboose glanced at Mist, just as perturbed as she was.

"To quote that Ponese pony…" Caboose declared. "Oh my."