• Published 4th Mar 2014
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The Pony and the Hurt Changeling - Ugly-Duckling123

Fluttershy get's captured by the Changelings after being separated from her friends

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Chapter 7 Thoughts and Purple Tears

Back at the Changeling's Hive, Meep was pacing around the holding cell, buzzing her wings in anger.

First they yell at her for slipping out of the Hive and insulting the soldiers, then they stun her new friends and hold her back when they take them back to the Hive. After that she's placed in a separate holding cell when her friends were taking to the prison ward.

Meep didn't know what the Queen wanted with these ponies, but she was not going to let her do it. Even if it costs me my life. She thought looking down at the wrapped up leg Rainbow Dash had fixed.

At that moment the door opened reveling a solider Changeling.

"Ok Runt, your times up, the Queen said let you out early due to you bringing to her two more Elements." he explained. "Now get back to work..." he said walking away not seeing Meep head for the prisoners ward instead.


Down in the prisoners ward, every pony, except Braeburn and Strong Heart had a separate cell, and Fluttershy's was cleared out of the gifts.

Right now Rainbow Dash was pacing around hers, mumbling to herself. Applejack was bucking at the 'bars' trying to get them to break. Strong Heart and Braeburn were trying not to feel scared since this was their first time in dealing with Changelings. And Fluttershy was on her bed her pillow soaked in her tears, her eyes bright red and dry repeating that she was sorry to herself over and over again.

"Fluttershy this is nothing for you to be sorry for," Applejack said turning around to look towards Fluttershy.

"Yes it is," Fluttershy said her head down. "If I was louder you would have heard me telling you about the clouds," Fluttershy said hugging her pillow as if it were her teddy bear back home.

"She's got a point AJ," Rainbow said stopping her pacing to talk to her friends.

"I thought you were her friend Rainbow?" Applejack said trying her best to stare Rainbow Dash in the eye. "Besides if it's anyones fault it's the storm clouds fault for shooting us down..." Applejack said.

"Which is another way of saying it's Pegasus Pony's fault for making them so they can do it." Rainbow answered back her wings flared in anger at the cow-pony eyes squinting.

All of the sudden all the doors to the cells opened and they could hear slight buzzing.

Rainbow Dash was the first one to step out of her cell and looked around. "He... Hello?" she asked looking all over the place. Then looking up she saw...

"Meep! What are you doing here?" she asked flying up to meet her.

"Rescuing you lot of course..." Meep said smiling, as the others, except Fluttershy stepped out of their cells.

Rainbow went down and went to talk to her.

"Shy what wrong... Don't you want to be rescued?" she said putting her wing over her friend.

"I can't fly Dash, I broke my wing when I landed and it's not better yet." Fluttershy said showing Rainbow Dash her bandaged wing.

"Well it looks like some-pony was kind enough to bandage it up for you..." Rainbow Dash said looking at the wing conning Fluttershy to walk out of the cell she was in.

"Only by Chrysalis's orders... Nurse 516... I think she was called." Fluttershy said.

"I know her," Meep said jumping up buzzing her wings, shocking Fluttershy a bit. "She takes care of me when I'm hurt after my same day siblings normally hurt me. Even though we don't have hearts of our own, she has and care for anyone who's hurt, it being an order or not. Oh I'm Meep by the way." she said sticking her holey hoof out to Fluttershy.

"But I thought Changelings didn't have names only had numbers," Fluttershy said taking the hoof timidly.

"That's because we don't have friends to give us any," Meep said buzzing onto Rainbow's back, rubbing herself into Rainbow's fur.

Seeing this Fluttershy whispered to Rainbow, "Um... Are you sure that's not Scootaloo?"

"I'm sure Shy," Rainbow said as they started off down the corridor turning to Meep's commands. "After I flew over here to get you, I found her hurt up top after she was locked out of the Hive." Rainbow explained. "At first all my anger over losing you just wanted to yell at her, but after seeing she was hurt, I fixed her up, and became friends with her."

"You must never make friends with a Changeling. You shouldn't even tell them about friends." Fluttershy said stopping, looking slightly greyer than before, making the group all look at her confused.

"Are you alright Sugarcube?" Applejack asked coming over to Fluttershy as Rainbow was caring for a upset looking Meep.

"I'm fine Applejack," Fluttershy said whipping herself away. "Lets just get out of here..." she said taking the lead and started walking again.

"What was that about?" Little Strong Heart asked coming up next to Rainbow Dash to see if Meep was alright.

Some buzzing later and they turned to see another Changeling behind them.

"Nurse 516!" Meep cried and flew over to her crying her purple tears as she was hugged by the bigger Changeling.

"She has been telling us all about friends, and how to earn them." the nurse said coming up to the others walking along with them to keep them going, Meep still crying on her back. "Unfortunately every so often, she would let something slip about her friends," she said looking to Rainbow and Applejack. "Then at one point the Queen came and said she didn't care that Fluttershy was doing this, as it was teaching them how to get friends now, then them struggling to get them when they need to con ponies later."

"Er... how much did she say," Applejack asked carefully, "About us and friends..."

Nurse 516 thought for a moment. "She said Pinkie Pie knows everyone in your colony that lives in Ponyville, she told us how she and Rainbow Dash became friend," Everyone except Meep who was still upset looked at Rainbow Dash, surprised to see no reaction.

"She told the first lot of Changelings who came to her about the four types of friends, er... friends, best friends, sibling friend, and boy and girl friends, giving off love as she talked about that one..." shocking Applejack and Rainbow. "How you get friends by doing something nice to or for someone else. And that... A friend is someone you can count on, who knows they can count on you as well. Someone who will always make you feel better, who's always there by your side, and will come and save you no matter what the dangers that will await them."

After that everyone was quiet shocked by how much Fluttershy had said about friends to beings that take the forms of them to feed off your love for them.

"Wow... That's... That's more that I think she's talked in the last year," Rainbow Dash said trying to be supple about this news.

"Er just a guess here," Applejack piped up "But is Chrysalis planning to take over Equestria again soon?"

"Yes, she is..." was all Nurse 516 had to say to get them going a bit faster catching up with Fluttershy who was looking down the corridor seeing no one there.

"Where is everyone?" Braeburn asked confusion on his face.

"Probably in the Speech Room," Nurse 516 said. "Around this time every day the Queen gives us speeches on what it means to be a Changeling and to talk about her plans if she has any..." she explained.

"So we won't meet anyone until the gates?" Rainbow Dash asked hopefully.

"We shouldn't..."

"Then lets go already!" Fluttershy said running down the corridor followed by the others.

In the Speech Room, all the Changelings were there but as they heard the same boring speech since the day they were pupa's none of them were really listening. Instead the ones who went to see Fluttershy and learn about friends were mentally talking to one another, since they were so young, their thoughts were not in the same waves as the older Changelings yet, so they knew they could do this without getting caught.

Up the front Chrysalis was saying...

"It is a Changeling's job to take the form of an idiots ponies love or 'friends' and feed off of their love for them so the Changelings can bring it back to the Hive to feed it's colony. Once you are big enough my children and the time is right..."

'When she has a plan...' one of the kids said to the other getting mental giggles from the others.

"...You will be sent out there to do just that!" Chrysalis said her wings buzzing. "We already have three of the Elements of Harmony, all we need is for the losers to tell us where the other three are, and we can start taking over Equestria...."

'Why is she so fussed over taking over Equestria?' another small Changeling said. 'I mean sure the Badlands are, well bad lands, but at least we don't get blown away by gigantic love bubbles here.'

'Yeah!' the others agreed some buzzing their wings realizing too late to stop them.

"Has anyone got something to say against my plans?" Chrysalis asked looking down over her subjects trying to see who wasn't listening to her. After not getting an answer right away she tried another tactic. "Those who tell me who was not listening to me will get a pot each of royal jelly..." Still nothing. Getting annoyed now, Chrysalis started buzzing her wings. "If no one comes forward or tells me who it was, then you are all going to the holding cells!"

"Er... I'd advise you not to do that my Queen," a Changeling up on stage with her in his armor said.

"And why is that Solider 213?" Chrysalis asked spinning around to him her horn bright green her fangs reflecting the green flames coming from the torches.

Bowing to so respect, the solider then said "They are all worker-lings, my Queen. If they are all in the holding cells, there won't be any Changelings to do the work around the Hive." he explained.

As Chrysalis looked from the solider to the workers and back thinking in her head what he said, her anger grew.

"AAAGGGHHHH!!!" she cried and stormed out of the room kicking a table to pieces that got in her way.

After a minute of every-ling looking at the door Chrysalis went out of Solider 213 said. "Well then... Back to work, all of you!" he said and headed out the door to see if his Queen was alright.

The five child Changelings were the last to get out. "So what are we going to do to help the ponies?" one of them asked.

'You can come and help me get them out of the Hive' they all heard in their heads.

'Who is this?' another asked.

'Meep. Er.... Worker 727, and I'd like some help,' the voice answered.

This got the five small Changelings to run down the corridor trying to find the Changeling in question.

'Where are you? Why do you need our help?' the first one asked.

'I'm by the gate with the ponies,' Meep said. 'But we can't get out without being seen by the soldiers.'

'So what do you want us to do about it?' the second one asked coming to a halt as they let some other Changelings cross the path before carrying on for the gate.

'Once you get here, make a distraction so we can get out,' Meep said. 'Two of the ponies will take care of the ones outside, but Fluttershy can't fly because of her wing.... We'll need as much time as we can to get ourselves out and away from the Hive.'

'And this will make us her friends?' a third Changeling added into the conversation.

'Yes. So are you coming to help. Please...' Meep asked.

'YEAH!' the five Changelings mentally cried and raced to the gate.

Down a bit from the gate Meep suddenly wrapped her hooves over her head.

"Aghhh" she said wincing.

"Meep," Rainbow said coming over from looking around the wall spying on the soldiers. "You ok?"

"Too loud..." Meep said rubbing her head not noticing Rainbow by her side.

"What's going on?" Applejack asked Nurse 516 as Rainbow kept trying to calm Meep down.

"Changelings can talk to other Changelings though the mind. But only to those around their stages." she explained.

"And that's what Meep was just doing?" Applejack asked.

"By the looks of it," the nurse said. "Some of the Changelings her stage can be a little loud wither it's face to speak or telepathic speech."

Suddenly Meep snapped out of it. "We're going to get help." she said smiling.

"How?" Strong Heart asked.

"A hoof-full of small worker Changelings are going to come and distract the guards on this side of the gate, so we can make it out." Meep said. "Then all we have to do is take care of the ones on the other side, and the scouts, and make it across the Badlands and we'll be free." Meep said her smile getting bigger and bigger.

"Humph who said anything about 'We'?" Fluttershy said causing purple tears to come to Meep's eyes again.

"That's it." Rainbow Dash said going over to Fluttershy pinning her down. "Shy You're acting just like you did when Discord but his spell on ya. A big fat jerk!"

Everyone was shocked at this but said and did nothing.

"And that is not the pony who I came here to find and save." Rainbow Dash continued. "So if you're going to continue shunning my friend, even though she is a Changeling, you can just make your way back to that cell we rescued you from and die there for all I care!" she said her eyes glittering with tears at the thought that she would lose her oldest friend, just by getting a new one.

This got Fluttershy to take a second look around herself and at Meep who was weeping into Applejack's chest purple tears rolling down her face.

To Applejack who wore a 'You should be ashamed of yourself' look on her face while trying to comfort a crying Meep.

To Strong Heart and Braeburn who weren't around when Discord struck, but still looked upset at her.

To Nurse 516. The first Changeling here to show her some kindness by fixing her wing and tending to her head, in a pony disguise to make her feel more comfortable.

And then up to Rainbow, her oldest and most dearest friend. The one who had stuck up for her at Flight Camp, and stayed with her ever since. To the mix of anger and shame behind those magenta eyes and the frown that was on her face.

Realizing that Rainbow was right, Fluttershy said the two words every-pony knew would work... "I... I'm sorry." she said looking around at them all and focusing on Meep. "I... I guess I have been a bit of a jerk haven't I? Not really what the Element of Kindness should be is it?"

But Meep wasn't listening. instead she had her ears twitching and eyes half closed.

"They say they're as close as they can be, and are waiting for us to give them the signal to start." Meep explained looking to the ponies her smile returned a bit.

Looking around the corner again they all saw five reasonably same size Changelings as Meep lying in wait to cause trouble.

"Lets get this going then..."

Over in Appleloosa everyone was having trouble now. In some places it was all sun, in others rain came down in bucket loads flooding the orchards, other places it was so dry the ground dried up and started to show cracks and set fire to grass and bushes, and in the last corner of the city gale force winds were blowing the roofs off of the tops of houses and buildings.

Scared and confused every-pony lied in wait in the town hall, and although everyone who was there, there was not much talking was being said.

Every so often the doors or windows would fly open and bang against the walls. It took ten ponies to close and latch them afterwards only for them to do it again in ten to fifteen minutes.

Twilight was in a corner with Rarity and Pinkie Pie thinking of a way to stop the weather machine when none of them can fly to just switch it off.

"Twilight..." Rarity spoke up tapping her hoof against her chin thinking. "Why can't you do that 'Wingless Ponies Wing' spell so we can just go up there ourselves."

"I thought of that Rarity," Twilight said. "Remember how hard it was to do to just one pony. And their delicate remember. They'll shrivel up before the ponies I give them to can even reach the height of the machine, because of the weather it's making."

"This is the worst wedding ever..." Pinkie said her tail twitching telling her to jump to one side as a bit of the roof came falling down where she was just standing.

All sighing in agreement, the three friends rejoined the silence praying to Celestia and Luna that this will all be over soon.