• Published 4th Mar 2014
  • 3,450 Views, 55 Comments

The Pony and the Hurt Changeling - Ugly-Duckling123

Fluttershy get's captured by the Changelings after being separated from her friends

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Chapter 12 Truth Comes Out take 3

Back down on the ground the ponies disguises were starting to flicker.

Pies were now flying from every direction hitting Chrysalis every few seconds so she couldn't build up her magic.

All at once, the pies stopped.

"Ha," Chrysalis said looking around shaking the pies off herself. "You think a few wimpy pies would stop the Queen of the Changelings?"

"We weren't trying to stop you Chrysalis," a rough voice said behind her.

Turning around Chrysalis saw the entire Buffalo Tribe lined up and waiting to charge. With Applejack, Little Strong Heart and Braeburn in the front row next to Thunder Hooves.

"Ah so nice to see you again Chief Thunder Hooves," Chrysalis said grinning, showing her fangs. "Nice to see Wittle Strong Heart again..."

"You have no reason to be here parasite!" Thunder Hooves said digging his hoof into the ground in anger.

"Why I just came to wish the happy couple good hopes for the future," Chrysalis said back. "You know it's not the first time a Buffalo Princess fell for a pony. Is it?"

"And how would you know that story?" Little Strong Heart asked looking Chrysalis in the eye.

"My dear, I was there, I was out trying to feed my changelings, and felt the hint of love over the hatred." Chrysalis said looking at the reactions. "I'm surprised you haven't been told, my dear."

"Wha... What do you mean?" Strong Heart asked looking between her father, her tribe who were getting ready to charge, and Chrysalis.

"Do you know who that Princess was, my dear?" Chrysalis asked grinning even wider at the anger she was getting off of the tribe. "It was you're mother, Princess Nala. And if I recall correctly the stallion was some one called Johnny Smith..." She now looked at Applejack and Braeburn loving the shocked expressions on their faces.

"Who... Who's he?" Strong Heart asked looking at her friends.

"He's our uncle." Braeburn said first.

"He was invited to join a crew in a voyage to new lands to see what they were like." Applejack continued.

"When he came home though he was in bandages and no one told us anything about what happened except they made some new friends." Braeburn finished.

"Chrysalis," Thunder Hooves said stomping his hoof. "I insist you stop infecting these children with your lies."

"How can I be lying when it's the truth Thunder Hooves." Chrysalis asked wickedly. "Let's see if the story ends the same, shall we?" She said charging her horn with green light. But before she could fire it at Thunder Hooves, Meep jumped out of the crowd and stood in front of her, her own horn sparking.

"Ah so I finally find the little runt who helped the ponies escape." Chrysalis said cutting off her magic to talk to the Changeling in front of her. "A bit small to be out here on your on aren't you?"

"Who says I'm on my own?" Meep said whistling. Suddenly, out of the shadows, and the skies came the five small Changelings and all who were taught about friends, came to stand behind Meep all of them sparking their horns, glaring at Chrysalis.

"You wimps get back over here now!" Chrysalis cried.

"Sorry Chrysalis," Meep spoke up again "But we're not listening to you any more. We decides that if being a Changeling means having no friends... We'd all rather be pony's." Buzzing of agreement came from those behind her.

"Oh... I see," Chrysalis said. "Well then... There's only one thing to do I suppose. KILL ALL OF YOU!" She cried as a green beam of energy came out of her horn and aimed to the Changelings.

But when it was gone, no-ling was even hurt, for a violet bubble was around them all protecting them.

"What the?" Chrysalis asked then "Twilight Sparkle..."

"Miss me Chrysalis?" Twilight's voice came from the top of the buildings. "Sadly I didn't miss you, but..." Twilight said coming to the edge with her friends to be seen. "That might have something to do with you trying to hypnotize my brother, and imprisoning me and Cadence in the Canterlot Caves!"

Suddenly Pinkie's tail started twitching. Looking around to see what it was, she pulled Fluttershy aside.

"How's your wing Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked.

"Um... Ok I guess, why?" Fluttershy asked.

But before she could answer, Pinkie's tail started twitching again making Fluttershy look up.

"RAINBOW DASH!" she called getting everyone to look up and see the falling Rainbow.

Getting a wicked look in her eye and a smile across her face, Chrysalis flew up to catch Rainbow in her magic grip.

"Let her go Chrysalis," Twilight said to the Queen.

"You know, you should choose your words a bit more carefully Twilight Sparkle," Chrysalis said. "But as you wish..." she said loosening her hold on Rainbow a bit.

"NO!" everyone cried.

"Good." Chrysalis said getting hold of Rainbow again. "Now that I have your attention..." she turned to the Changelings "All of you back over there, or this Rainbow will never shine again."

'What shall we do 727?' one of the kids asked buzzing their wings in anger at the queen.

'We stay here,' Meep answered 'Friends stay together and stand up for other friends... No matter what the danger...'

'But she has the Element of Loyalty' another voice said sounding worried.

All the Changelings were buzzing their wings now wondering what to do, turning to Meep for an answer.

"You do what you want!" Meep said to the Changelings behind her. "But I am not going to leave my friend. 'A friend is someone who's always there to get you out of trouble, who sticks with you forever..." She said quoting Rainbow while looking at her leg remembering what she did for her.

"Awe... What a lovely speech." Chrysalis said not really caring. "Well you heard her, get back over here." she told the others.

"That is NOT what she said," another small Changeling spoke up. "She said 'Do what we want'. And I want to stay."

"Me too," "Me too," "Me too," "Me too," "Me too,".... All though the crowd the Changelings were agreeing with Meep, and choosing to stay.

"Well then..." Chrysalis said holding out Rainbow Dash "Whoops..." she said as she let her go.

Being the only one with wings who wasn't in Twilight's protection bubble, Fluttershy took to the sky to save Rainbow Dash, flying faster than she had ever done before.

Without her knowing, a cone was starting to form in front of her, but all she cared about was getting to Rainbow Dash. Just as Rainbow was about to hit the ground, Fluttershy caught her and pulled up, giving off a 'BANG' and a circle of bright pink almost ripple across the sky, catching Chrysalis by surprise and throwing her all the way back to the Badlands, never to be seen again.