• Published 13th Feb 2014
  • 12,646 Views, 1,208 Comments

The Unity Pact - Truthseeker

This is the story of the efforts of a group of stranded Humans to find equilibrium, balance, and a promise of tomorrow in a world seemingly out to get them.

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Chapter 25: Day In And Day Out

We left the hospital at a brisk walk. Twilight was still in a bit of a mood so I cautiously suggested we go back to the library and I would make lunch. The idea was well received and I even invited Rainbow Dash. Just as we entered Ponyville proper, I heard a sound that was music to my ears: the clang of a smithing hammer.

"Is it . . . alright if I go to . . ." I began.

"Just speak in American, Artex. I have a headache." Twilight said.

"O.K. then, is it alright if we stop by the blacksmith shop? I'd like to commission the smith for a few things." I asked.

"Go ahead." Twilight said wearily, "I'll meet you back at the library."

Razor Wit decided to go with me, for which I was grateful. The blacksmith shop was an open-walled affair with just a roof and support beams covering the work area. The section out front had an anvil that was at least twice the size I was expecting and the furnace in the rear was huge and looked to be fed air by a massive bellows. I saw at least three different types of furnaces, ovens, and kilns. My hopes rose as I got a look at the myriad of finished pieces on display on the tables set up outside of the work area. The smith was an Earth Pony who was slathered with thick, corded muscles. He was silverish blue in his coat and his mane and tail were jet black. there was a tall sign out front that had listed prices for a variety of different makes of items based on method and weight. He also had something I had never before seen in Equestria, leather. The sign stated that the leather was legally imported from Gryphonvalle.

The types of items he had listed were the sorts of things that would make any smith proud. Metal door hinges, springs, nails, and farming tools. I had one single thing in mind though, 'If Celestia says we can't have 'weapons' I'll have to make due with a 'tool' instead.'

The smith had stopped working when Razor and I walked up and he was staring at me with a curious expression.

I waved to him and walked up slowly,
"Hello, I am Crash Course. I would like to . . . ask you to make me something." I had to admit, that sounded really good.

The stallion nodded and placed his fore hooves on the anvil,
"I'm Hard Hitter, what kind of thing do you have in mind?"

"A tool of the finest metal and craft you have." I said.

The stallion whistled,
"That's not going to be cheap or quick. I'll be able to give you an idea in price as soon as I know what you want."

"A tool with a . . . hatchet on one side of the . . . head and a . . . hammer on the other. It should . . . weigh between one fourteenth of a Stone and one seventh of a Stone. The . . . handle needs to be half a Fathom long and made out of . . . Oak." My numbers were sounding pretty good.

The stallion nodded, stroking his chin with his left fore hoof,
"Are you sure you want the finest make and materials? This one tool may cost you more than fifty Bits."

"I need the . . . hardest material that will hold an . . . edge and can . . . withstand hard hits." I said, "It needs to . . . last."

The stallion shrugged his shoulders,
"Alright. I'll charge you sixty bits. It'll be one of my best pieces."

I pulled a sixty-four Bit piece out of my bag,
"Include . . . repairs for life and this is yours."

The stallion smiled and nodded,

* * *

"So what's with the guy you were bringing to me?" Rainbow Dash asked hovering in the air in the main room of the library.

Twilight sighed heavily and trotted toward the kitchen,
"Do you remember the letter from the Princess asking you to train somepony?"

Dash's eyes bulged,
"That's him?" she asked gesturing outside with her right fore hoof, "Geeze how am I supposed to help HIM? He looks like the only thing he needs is a good meal and what the hay is wrong with his face?"

Twilight answered from the kitchen,
"He was kicked by a Unicorn stallion. The bones in his face were shattered and that's the way they healed. He's permanently disfigured."

Dash groaned and landed on the floor,
"So, what country is he from?"

"None." Twilight answered casually coming out of the kitchen, "He's an alien."

"WHAT!?" Dash exclaimed, "HE's an alien?" she interposed herself between Twilight and the rack next to the door.

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed,
"Yes, he's an alien. Would you please move?"

Dash stepped out of the way,
"So he's an alien space monkey? That is SO AWESOME!"

"He's not a space monkey." Twilight grumbled, "His species are called Humans. They didn't come from space either, they were teleported here to Equestria and they don't know how to get back."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. THEY? There's more of them?" Dash asked, "Where are they?"

"This is a big deal Dash." Twilight said rounding on her friend seriously, "They're a secret. As far as I know, the only town that knows about them is Ponyville. You have to keep this quiet Dash. The other Humans have had a rough time and the last thing they need is to be swarmed with curious Ponies. The one staying with Spike and I, Crash, he's their ambassador and his only interactions were when his head was caved in when he was trying to get help for his people. Trust me, you don't want to know half of what I know about them."

"Aw come on, Twilight, just a few things, please?" Dash begged.

Twilight shook her head,
"That's going to be up to Crash when he gets back. End of story." Twilight looked around, "Where did Spike go?"

Dash gestured to the loft bedroom with her right wing,
"He headed upstairs, probably for a nap. Did you see how tired he looked?"

Twilight scuffed her right fore hoof on the floor,
"We must have kept him up all night." she turned her head toward the loft, "I need to make it up to him."

The front door opened and Razor Wit trotted in with me behind her. She stopped to talk with Twilight and Dash while I headed into the kitchen to put away my food and prep for lunch, 'Tomatoes, onions, vinegar, starch, salt, oregano, bread, cheese, butter, knife, skillet, and a pot.'

I finely diced the onions and tomatoes and put them on the stove and that's where I ran into the first problem. I knelt down to turn on the stove and stopped. There were places for an open flame, similar to a gas stove, but there was no ignition peg to make a spark and I had no idea where any matches were.

I raised my head and yelled,
"Twilight, I need some help in here."

Twilight trotted through the door looking curious,
"What's wrong?"

"This stove isn't gas or electric, but there's gas type burners on the top. I use stoves all the time but I have no idea how to start it up. The settings are nearly identical to ones we use back on Earth so that's no issue, I just need to know how to turn it on." I said.

"Oh," she smiled, "That's easy, you just tap the burner knob twice and set it to the desired temperature."

" . . . That's so simple. Why isn't it more difficult to use? If it's that easy, I would imagine foals hurt themselves all the time on these things." I said.

Twilight shook her head,
"Not at all. Parents teach their foals how to use stoves and appliances at an early age. I don't know how Humans do it, but Kavim parents only tell the foal not to touch it once. If the foal does so anyway, which most do, the parents let them get burned then bandage them up. It enforces that the parents won't be there to stop them from making foolish decisions but that the parents know what they're talking about. It's a system that we've used for hundreds of years."

"Huh." something else to think about.

I tapped the knob twice and turned it up to where I needed it,
"Thanks, I should be good from here."

Half an hour later, I plated five servings of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup,
"Lunch time!" I yelled in Velensovth.

The table was too small for all five of us but fortunately Rainbow Dash chose to eat her lunch perched on top of one of the cabinets. I was about to argue and say that I was willing to stand and eat off the counter when I noticed there was a cushion already set up on the cabinets, almost as if it was a common occurrence for her to eat up there.

I shrugged and sat down between Spike, who had just woken up from a nap, and Razor Wit, so that Twilight was across from me,
"Dig in." I hoped the term translated correctly.

The myriad of confused faces staring at me told me it didn't,
"Why would we be digging?" Spike asked, "Is that a tradition for you?"

I shook my head,
"The . . . phrase 'dig in' means to begin eating, or to dig into the bowls with your spoons."

"Oh." Spike said.

I watched Dash pick up her bowl with her teeth and raised her upper lip then tilt her head back so the soup poured into her mouth, she swallowed and looked at me,
"Pretty good Mr. Alien," she crossed her fore hooves in front of her and looked down at me from her perch, "So what kind of cool gadgets do you have on your home world? Space ships? Probes that can see inside somepony's body?"

"Yes to both," I said smugly, "But . . . probably not the kind you're . . . thinking. It's not . . . always a . . . friendly place."

"What are you TALKING about!?" Dash said exuberantly, "You come from a world where . . ."

"Magic doesn't exist." I cut her off, "No magic, no Princesses, no talking . . . animals. Nothing but other Humans. We set foot on the moon, yes, but we also . . . wage wars that kill . . . millions. We have . . . excellent . . . medical . . . science but we need it because there's so many ways to . . . die."

"Woah, take it easy there." Dash said, "I was just excited to learn about your world."

I fixed her with a slight glare,
"How . . . about the part where I never get to see my . . . Wife again, or my . . . family?"

"You were married?" Razor asked.

"I don't want to . . . talk about it." I said.

It was too late. I couldn't help thinking about my wife and that chain of thought brought with it all my regrets from home. My appetite evaporated almost instantly and I slowly pushed my bowl away from myself. My insides were boiling with turbulent emotions and I didn't feel like doing anything. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly then scooted my bench seat back and stood up.

Picking up my bowl, I headed over to the sink,
"I'm going to . . . clean up."

I turned on the hot water and began washing out the pot I made the soup in, then moved on to the skillet and the cutting board. I could hear the Kavim and Spike talking amongst themselves and I was genuinely glad they weren't making a big deal out of my outburst. Once I had dried and put away the pot, skillet, and cutting board the Kavim brought their bowls and put them in the sink. I washed up all the bowls, spoons, and plates then dried them and put them away.

I would have been happy to go have a conversation, but my Wife was still on my mind, I just couldn't stop thinking about her. I missed her so badly I wanted to cry. I couldn't help thinking about her. I idly noticed the Kavim had left the table. I didn't know where they had gone but I needed something to do. I wiped down the table, the counter tops, the inside of the oven, nothing seemed to be enough.

I drained the sink and headed out to the front room. Rainbow Dash had apparently left while I was busy and that left Twilight, Spike, and Razor talking. I walked in, grabbed my shoulder bag, and slung it over my head and left shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Razor asked.

"I need to . . . work. That's how I . . . manage my mind. I need to . . . keep busy." I said, "Where is . . . Applejack farm? I go . . . work now."

Twilight quirked her right eyebrow,
"Now? But the day is half over. Why don't you sit down and just talk to us about what's bothering you?"

I shook my head,
"No. I need to . . . work." why was I having so much trouble with the word for 'work', I had no idea.

"You do realize that Applejack won't be back from the market until six. You'd only have her big brother to work with fir five hours."

I nodded,
"That's fine as long as he isn't a chatter box. I don't feel like doing much talking right now."

"Well THAT won't be an issue." Twilight sighed and rose to her hooves, "Alright, if that's what you really want, I'll take you there."

"Thanks." I turned to Razor and Spike, "I'm sorry to go like this. I need time. Work helps."

Twilight approached the door and I held it open for her then followed her outside, closing the door behind myself. I noticed one big difference in Ponyville right away: foals. There were young Kavim everywhere. They were chasing each other, playing around buildings, and making tons of noise. I needed to move faster, all the little ones were reminding me of the fact that my Wife and I were nearly ready to try to have a baby. I gritted my teeth and walked faster, actually passing Twilight.

"Hey, slow down!" she called before catching up to me, "You don't need to run."

"Too many young Kavim." I said.

"You don't like foals?" Twilight asked.

"My Wife and I were . . . planning on . . . " I trailed off but hoped I was clear enough.

"I'm so sorry." Twilight said quietly.

"Nothing I can do about it." I said in American, "It's just my luck. You've already seen five prime examples of my luck in action when I met your friends." I grumbled, "I'll deal."

My words were confident, but I didn't sound like it or feel it. I felt like my world was ready to collapse down on top of me at any moment. Everything felt like it had the color sucked out of it and I was seeing the world in gray scale. There was no more fun, there was nothing interesting left in life, I felt like I wanted to die. It was a feeling I knew very well. At age seventeen I had been diagnosed with a form of Bi-Polar known as Manic Depression. The depression would come on suddenly and it was so bad they if I wasn't too busy to think, I would get suicidal thoughts. I managed my depression by working until I felt better. My Kung Fu training helped a lot. I knew it was a chemical imbalance and I would remind myself of that as many times per day as I needed. It would fade in time, but until then, I just needed to work. I could never afford my medication so I learned to deal with it by throwing myself into my work until it went away.

Twilight didn't say anything else as we made our way out of Ponyville, heading South. As soon as we left, I caught a whiff of apples on the wind and looked up. Ahead of us, nestled on a series of hills, were acres upon acres of apple trees. Each and every one of them was heavily laden with bright red apples. There was a waist-high fence all around the farm land as far as the eye could see. A gated break in the fence ahead of us displayed the name 'Sweet Apple Acres' above it on an arch of wood.

We passed under the gate and headed up a dirt path which led to a farmhouse and a big red barn. Off in the distance I could see a wrinkly old green mare lounging on a rocking chair on the front porch of the house. She looked to be dozing quietly in the early afternoon sun. A heavy thump off to our right pulled my attention away from the old mare and in the direction of the sound. A massive, muscle bound, red Earth Pony was backed up to one of the apple trees, about eighty feet away from the path. I watched as he lifted his right hind leg and kicked the tree behind him. The tree shook violently and apples fell, filling up wicker baskets set all around the trunk. Many ended up on the ground of course, but he seemed to have the harvesting down to a science and many more that I anticipated, landed in the baskets.

Twilight veered off the path and headed right for the massive stallion,
"Hello Grut Amarentesai." she greeted.

"Big, what-now?" I asked.

"Big Macintosh," Twilight said, "I'm surprised American has an exact translation. But anyway, this is Applejack's big brother."

Big was an understatement. He was huge. He stood almost even with me and could look me in the eye with no difficulty. His legs looked more like the tree trunks he was kicking and his straw colored mane and tail were cut short. He wore a plow harness around his neck that had to weight all of twenty pounds and a sprig of wheat stuck out of the left side of his mouth. His expression was calm and unconcerned, almost bored. He watched up approach with near disinterest while he worked. If he was surprised to see me, he never let slip a single sign of it.

"Big Macintosh, this is Artex Rias. Applejack agreed to let him work out here on the farm with the Apple Family. He wasn't supposed to start until tomorrow but he got upset earlier and says that physical labor is the best remedy. Would it be alright if he worked out here with you for the rest of the day?" Twilight asked.

Big Mac's expression never wavered,

Twilight nodded,
"Thank you. Now he doesn't speak Velensovth very well yet, so if he needs something he may need you to be patient with him, but he can understand it pretty well. If you need anything, I'll be at the library." she turned to leave, "Bye guys."

I watched her trot away and turned to Big Mac,
"O.K. what do you need me to do?"

* * *

Five hours of work sped by like five minutes. I found that I really liked working with Big Macintosh. He was quiet, diligent, he didn't hover, and he took water breaks every half hour. I worked up a ridiculous sweat, harvesting with him and it felt wonderful. I had a plethora of jobs in my life: pig farming, bagging groceries, construction, kennel attendant, roofing, painting, pressure washing, security work, and stocking at a super center. I had enjoyed the farm work quite a lot. Granted I was working with animals not harvesting fruit, but the manual labor was refreshing. By the time Applejack returned to the farm, I was exhausted.

Big Mac had called it a day at, what I guessed was an hour before sunset. He led me to the West side of the farm and my eyes lit up. They had animals.

They had cows, chickens, sheep, and . . . ,
"PIGGIES!" I loved pigs.

When I had worked on the pig farm, my boss had put me in charge of the farrowing field. The farrowing field was where the pregnant sows went to have their piglets. Farrow is the proper word for when a pig gives birth. Since I was in charge of the farrowing field, I was around protective mama sows and adorable piglets every day. It was heaven.

The owner of the pig farm, Jack Kaine, was a British man who had been around pigs his entire life. We discovered early on that some smell about me set the sows at ease and they never attacked me with any real intent. The only two jobs I had ever really loved were pig farming and security, so when I saw the pigs I was overjoyed.

There were two pens that held the pigs. One was about twenty feet by twenty feet squared and the other was closer to eighty feet by twenty feet. Each pen had an overhang in the rear for the pigs to sleep in. It was bedded down with a thick layer of fresh, crisp, golden straw.

There were five pigs in the first pen one in the second, I pointed out each one in turn,
"These five are female." I said in Velensovth.

I saw one female who had a diagonal line down her side. It started high on her flank and extended a good eighteen inches before it sloped at a steep angle toward her undercarriage. I knew that sign very well indeed.

I pointed to her,
"That one is . . . " I had to formulate the correct word in my head, "In-pig. She's pregnant."

Big Mac looked at me oddly then looked back at the sow and spoke the first full sentence since I had met him,
"An' how do you know?" it was an honest question.

"I . . . raised pigs back where I . . . come from." I had wanted to use the word for 'originate' but my brain failed me in lieu of the bright pink pigs.

Imagine my shock when the sow I had pointed out turned and spoke to me in Velensovth,
"Not that it's any business of yours, whatever you are."

I was absolutely floored. Celestia had spoken of the animals of Equestria being smart, but to hear one SPEAK was a shock of epic proportions.

Recovering quickly, I adopted a more respectful tone,
"I'm sorry ma'am. Back home, your kind don't . . . speak or . . . think. I meant no . . . " the next one was particularly tough, "Disrespect."

She seemed to be placated by my words,
"Well then, I suppose I can let it slide this time."

I was surprised. She had used a figure of speech that I was familiar with.

"If it means . . . anything, I loved working with . . . pigs. Most of my . . . species thinks . . . pigs are . . . dirty, but I think you are . . . nice." I said.

"Well isn't that nice." she turned toward the boar in the next pen, "Did you hear that Boris? He thinks we're nice."

I had to stifle a laugh, 'Boris the boar, really?'. I made my way over to the boar's pen as he yelled back,
"Whatever you say Porcina."

I managed not to guffaw at their names and cleared my throat,
"Excuse me sir," I began, "If I may, would you . . . mind if I fed you this . . . evening?"

The boar had to weight all of seven hundred pounds. The sows were average, around five hundred each, but Boris was a big boy.

"Doesn't bother me any, just don't let me catch you staring at my sows, or I'll gore you, they're mine." he sad in a grumpy tone.

"I . . . understand. You don't need to worry . . . about that. I was a . . . type of doctor for pigs. Are you . . . excited to see your . . . piglets?" I asked.

"Yep." he the look on his piggy face was actually discernible as 'pleased', "My first piglets."

"Well . . . congratulations to both you and . . . Porcina. I'll be around to make sure . . . everything goes . . . smoothly. See you later."

Boris snorted a goodbye and my day was suddenly much brighter, 'They have piggies!'

Big Mac led me back to the farmhouse where Applejack was waiting for us on the porch,
"Boy howdy, you two sure took your sweet time. What was so interestin' about the cows and the rest o' them'?"

I couldn't help the grin that broke through my face,
"The pigs." I had used the word often enough to get the hang of it.

Applejack tipped her hat back with her left fore hoof,
"What's so interestin' about them pigs? You like 'em cause they're pink like you?" her tone was playful.

I shook my head,
"I . . . used to . . . care for pigs back on my world. I like . . . animals. I . . . smell good to pigs. Pigs attack most Humans, but not me, I don't know why." that last bit sounded pretty good.

"Well if you want to slop 'em after dinner, be my guest. Careful around ol' Boris though, he can get a mite testy. Now come on in an' meet the rest o' the family." she turned and trotted into the house.

I followed her slowly. Since I wasn't actively moving around, my fatigue had caught up with me suddenly and I found I was bone weary. The front door was thick and heavy, to me it felt like it weighed a literal ton. Big Macintosh followed me and closed the door behind us. Applejack led us through the front room and into what could only have been the dining room. A large, thick wooden table was already set with five plates but only one set of silverware.

I had never seen Earth Ponies eat before so I assumed the silverware was for me, since I couldn't imagine Earth Ponies using utensils to eat. I stood next to the chair that had the silverware next to it and watched the goings on in the kitchen. The wrinkly old mare I had seen on the porch had been replaced with a much younger mare in the kitchen. She moved about with a spry alacrity she should never have possessed. A tiny orange-yellow filly with a big, bright red bow in her auburn mane scampered into the dining room and came to a screeching halt when she spotted me. Her already over sized eyes bulged to the size of grapefruit and she lowered her head and began to slowly back away with a fearful expression on her face.

'Too much cute.' I thought, 'Must resist urge to hug and snuggle.' She was absolutely adorable in every possible way. The over sized head as compared to the rest of her body, the expressive eyes, the bits of baby-pudge still clinging on in the cheeks, 'I have to have diabetes by now. She is SO CUTE!'

I nearly died when the picture of absolute adorableness was completed as she spoke in a southern drawl with the cutest little girl's voice,
"Uh Big Mac," she addressed her brother, "Wah's there a giant, pink monkey at the table?"

I was trying not to squee, 'Too much cuteness, I can't take it!' my defining adjective for the filly changed from adorable to precious.

Big Macintosh opened his mouth to respond but Applejack beat him to it,
"He's alright there Applebloom." she said poking her head out of the kitchen doorway, "Why don't you introduce yourself to 'em?" she ducked back into the kitchen.

Applebloom looked up at m and waved her right fore hoof shyly,
"H . . . howdy."

I managed not to die from the overdose of cute and cleared my throat,
"I'm Artex Rias, a . . . pleasure to meet you Applebloom." I really didn't want to make the same mistake I made with Applejack.

Applebloom seemed to perk right up,
"Yall sure are tall, Artex. What kind o' critter are ya?"

"I'm a Human." there was no viable translation for that particular word, "I'm going to be . . . working on the . . . farm with Applejack and Big Macintosh for a . . . little while."

Applebloom looked confused,
"Ya sure do talk funny."

"I am . . . learning your . . . language. I'm not from . . . Equestria." I said.

Applebloom's eyes widened,
"Where ya from then?"

"A different place." I was saved by Applejack entering the dining room carrying a steaming casserole dish in her teeth.

She set the dish down on the table,
"Come on yall, have a seat, guests first Artex."

I was about to shake my head and argue but then I remembered back to when I had visited some friends in South Carolina and decided to take a seat instead. One thing I had learned about southerners, never argue house rules on hospitality. I had nearly ended up in a fight because I did argue once before, just once. Southern hospitality or not, I was still a gentleman. I walked around to the opposite side of the table and pulled out Applebloom's bench for her.

Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Applebloom all stared at me like I was crazy,
"What are you doin?" Applejack asked.

"It is not . . . polite for a male to sit before females. The male should . . . hold the seat for a . . . lady." I hoped I used the correct word for 'lady'.

"Well it ain't necessary here." Applejack said somewhat sternly, "You just take a seat an' we'll handle the rest. We ain't too frilly an' proper out here, but I'm sure Rarity would be swoonin' all over ya for it." I was surprised I had caught the word for 'swoon'.

I walked back around the table and plopped myself down on the bench seat. It was hard as rock. The old mare came tottering out of the kitchen carrying another steaming casserole dish in her teeth. Applejack went back into the kitchen and brought out a brown, earthenware bowl filled with steaming green beans. I was surprised to see a small wicker basket balanced on her back. She sidled up to the table and shrugged her shoulders. The muscles under her skin rolled like water and the basket nearly floated onto the table top. Once it was in place, I could see it was filled with one of my all time favorite foods: cornbread. The old mare went back to the kitchen one last time and brought out a thick, wide pie clenched between her teeth and a small tray of butter balanced on her back.

The Apple family slid into their respective seats and got situated. Applejack was directly across from me while Big Macintosh was on my right and the old mare was on my left with Applebloom between the old mare and Applejack. I was expecting to see them say grace for some reason but instead, they all set their hooves flat on the table and stomped them twice, then began serving themselves.

I wanted to be polite and wait so I addressed Applejack, not realizing she had to serve herself with her mouth on a big spoon,
"Why did you . . . stomp your . . . hooves on the table?"

To my surprise, the old mare spoke up,
"That there's somethin' we Apples do to respect our family that ain't here with us. I'm Granny Smith, by the way." she sounded positively ancient, but her mind was still sharp and she never blinked an eyelash at me.

"Pleasure to meet you." I said politely.

Big Macintosh passed me one of the casserole dishes and I was pleased to see it contained something akin to a vegetable pot pie. I took a helping of that and passed over to Granny Smith. The next thing to come my way was a casserole dish filled with broccoli with melted cheese on top. I took a helping of that and passed it on then snagged a piece of cornbread and buttered it.

There was very little talking throughout dinner, apparently eating was a serious business. Dinner was absolutely fantastic. The home cooking was something I had missed terribly. Eating with the Apple family almost felt like it could become a regular thing. They were a bit wary of me and not always talkative but they knew their business and they excelled at it. I could accept that.

And so began a solid month of repetition. I would go to Sweet Apple Acres four days a week and train with Rainbow Dash the other three. Each night, I would go back to the library and work on language wit Razor and Equestrian law with Twilight. I wouldn't have much time for the others until my depression passed.

Author's Note:

Remember to Like, if you like the story. :)

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