• Published 18th Feb 2014
  • 1,368 Views, 9 Comments

War of Three Worlds - kaiju and pony fan

(Alternate Korra season 2) When Avatar Korra discovers a portal, she finds herself in a battle fought by two other worlds against a relentless enemy.

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Air Temple Island

Korra lay wrapped up in her blanket with Naga by her bedside. She had just gotten back from a furious three-on-three tag match between her own team, the Fire Ferrets, the all-girl Hawk Otters, the Gorilla Rhinos, the Dragon Turtles (another all-girl team), the Spider Wasps and the Wolf Dragons. Her body was covered in bruises that, while still healed, still ached. However, right now, she wasn't dreaming about her Pro-bending match nor the Equalists. Instead, something else entered her mind.

Korra is floating in a starry void surrounded by a purple glow, her bare feet dangle beneath her and her hair, free of her three bands, waves in a non-existent breeze. Suddenly, "We're coming!" Mako's voice cries out. She hears Asami scream and Bolin yell. "Let her go!" a new voice, female by the sound of it. "You don't know what it's like to lose a brother. Stop acting like you do!" another voice, an older female. Then the images. She sees a shining land and two winged figures, one a gleaming white and the other a midnight blue. She sees another world of sprawling towers as a gigantic beast easily the twice the size of Harmony Tower slashes out with its paw at a nearby building, rending metal and shattering glass before lifting its head and roaring. Everything goes black. Korra feels something cold around her ankle. She looks down and gasps at the sight of a shadowy tentacle wrapping around her body. As she struggles the tendril coils tighter and tighter. She then hears someone laughing. The laugh sends a chill down her spine. It sounds otherworldly, inhuman, monstrous. She then looks up and finds herself staring at a pair of gleaming blue, reptilian eyes that seem to dig into her soul like a dagger. "Their worlds will burn, Avatar," a demonic voice growls at Korra as giant teeth curl into a vicious smile, "And so will your's!" Before she can do anything else, the teeth snap towards her.

Korra let out a sharp scream as she shot up from her blanket covers. Her breath was shallow, her hair was a mess and her body was covered in sweat. She then felt some weight on her legs. The young Avatar looked down and saw Naga's head propped up on her legs. With a small smile, she scratched the Polar Bear Dog behind her ear. "I'm alright, girl. It was just... just a bad dream."

Golden Oaks Library

"Spike, what did I tell you about eating all those Magma Peppers?" Twilight lectured her young ward who was currently flopped over and moaning on the lavender alicorn's back as they strode upstairs. They had just come home from a potluck at Rainbow Dash's and had to leave early due to Spike gorging himself on some peppers brought over by Fluttershy.

"Don't eat more than twelve." the baby dragon answered with a small burp followed by green sparks.

"And how many did you eat?"


"That was more than twenty."

"Okay, so I had fifty of them! I learned my lesson, happy now?"

"I just wish you'd listen to me before you dug right into them." Twilight sighed as they reached the bedroom, "Let's just get into bed and we'll see how you're doing in the morning." Spike answered with a moan as she tucked him into his bed. She then put on her sleeping cap, pulled the blanket over her own body and let sleep overtake her.

Twilight is walking in a frozen terrain, snow crunching under her hooves and the wind howling like a thousand Timber Wolves. "Hello?" she calls out. She then hears someone crying and flies towards the sound until she comes across a little human girl curled up in a fetal position. Behind her there is what appears to be a mountain with sharp, jagged protrustions sticking out of its left side. Twilight trots towards the girl. The human is small, probably half her size. She has a light blue shirt but no sleeves, revealing her light brown arms. The girl has dark gray pants with a dark blue piece of cloth around her waist and is barefoot. Her left pant leg is torn while the other is draping over her right foot. The girl's chocolate brown hair is held up by three bands, one stumpy ponytail and two stumpy wolftails. Gently, Twilight nuzzles the little one, causing her to turn her blue-eyed gaze up in her direction. "What's your name, little girl?" Twilight asks. The girl replies, "Korra." Suddenly, both alicorn and human feel the ground begin to shake. Twilight looks up and notices that the mountain is beginning to shift in their direction. She then sees what appears to be a giant tail whip out from behind it. The head of the beast looks down at both of them with fiery eyes and roars.

Twilight shot up with a gasp. She looked around the moonlit bedroom, the only noises being her own breathing and Spike's snores. "Just a dream. It's just a dream." she told herself quietly. But it felt so real. she thought.

Challenger Deep, Marianas Trench

Underneath the waves, far below where not a single speck of light could shine, resting among an undersea cliff, was a leviathan. The beast itself was a remnant of days long since gone, sculpted from the million years of evolution, reborn and transformed by the arrogance of the creatures who currently dominated the very world. The same creatures who feared it. Feared him. Awake, the monster was a living nightmare, destroying those either foolish to stood in his way or idiotic to believe they could kill him. Right now, he was asleep and dreaming. However, what ever dreams were entering his head at the moment caused him to stir, his tail thrashed along the ocean floor, his claws dug into the sand and his lip curled up to showcase his dagger-like teeth as images flashed through his mind.

A shining land appears before him. Seemingly created by humans but there are no humans around. It is a place where the sun and moon are controlled by others. Then another world flashes before him. This one is populated by humans and filled with buildings of steel and concrete. However, this world appears less developed compared to his own. There are no robotic mockeries of him. No machines that shoot lightning from their cannons. He also notices one human, a female by the looks of it, floating in mid-air, surrounded by rings of rock, fire, wind and water. Suddenly, he is surrounded by black. The beast turns around to find out he is not alone. Behind him is the silhouette of a beast much taller than him, the only defining features being a pair of glowing blue eyes. Before he can react, the monster lunges at him with a screaming roar.

The leviathan's eyes finally snapped open as he was awakened from his slumber. He then searched the area around him, his fiery eyes seemingly emitting their own light. With a grunt, the beast lowered his head and closed his eyes once more, wondering what those images could have meant before letting sleep get the better of him.

Author's Note:

So begins my biggest crossover yet. Don't worry, I'll try to update Shadows of Giants as well. BTW, IDW and Equestria Girls are canon in this.