• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 402 Views, 6 Comments

Its All in the Eyes - IamSquillium

A stallion with a peculiar talent meets a heart-broken mare and they fall madly in love and blahblahblah it's just a cheesy love story. Maybe some clop at the end if you guys want it.

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A Proposal

“So you’re sure you guys can handle this?”

“The birds have been practicing for weeks now. Haven’t you little guys?”

Some chirps of agreement.

“And you Dash”

“Are you kidding me. Ten. Seconds. Flat.”

“Well alright, let’s do this! She’ll be here any minute now, so go get in place”

I was in a familiar little meadow on the edge of Ponyville, and today was the day. I had invited Sunset back to the spot where we’d had our first date so long ago, but this time I had something much better in store for her. I watched as the six ponies who’d volunteered to help me snuck off, some to the sky, some to the bushes, and one curiously sticking sideways out from behind a tree. How Pinkie constantly managed to defy the laws of physics I would never know, I’d just learned to roll with it. Once I ensured that the final details were in order I trotted over and laid down on a blanket under the shade of a very special tree.

As I predicted, Sunset was just a little late, but before long the sound of hoofsteps met my ears. Praying that everything would go well, I jumped up and galloped toward the approaching mare. She was just as beautiful as ever, her mane shimmering in the light breeze blowing through the clearing and making her look like she was on fire. I ran to her, hugging her and kissing her lightly on the cheek. That was as far as we had gone after her…incident. She was still very fragile, though she always tried to hide it from me, and shied away from physical contact. I’d tried to distract her for the last few days, and it seemed to be helping.

“I’m so glad you made it Sunset. I have something really fun planned!”

“Alright, but you better not have tried to bake anything this time. I was sick for a week after that little ‘cupcake experiment’ of yours.” She replied, shuddering at the memory of my failed attempts at baking.

“Don’t worry, no baked goods of any kind this time. I promise!”

“Alright.” She sighed, genuinely relieved that she wouldn’t have to suffer through any baked goods. “So what is this super awesome surprise I had to meet you out here for?”

My grin widened as I clopped my hooves together. I immediately saw a rainbow blur dash into the sky, grabbing every cloud in sight and arranging them as I had requested. Right on cue, a choir of birds began singing. Up in the sky, the message formed just as the sun began its decent toward the horizon. I leaned in close to her and whispered into her ear.
“Why don’t you look up and find out!”

With a confused look she turned to the sky and gasped at what she saw. Rainbow Dash had taken all the clouds she could find and arranged them to spell out “Marry Me?” Apparently she’d had some extras, because underneath the message was a fairly accurate cloud sculpture of me on my haunches with a ring. Leave it to Dash. In the glow of setting sun the words seemed to blaze in the sky, imitating Sunset’s mane. As she turned to look at me, I copied Dash’s sculpture, getting down on my haunches as a few birds carried a ring out from a nearby bush. (Still not sure where the other one went.)

As Sunset looked at me, I saw the faintest smile on her lips.

“Didn’t we already do this…like four days ago?” she asked sarcastically.

“Yes, but if you recall you said ‘No’ to that proposal so I thought I’d try again. Plus this time I actually have a ring, so it seems more official!” I stated with a laugh.

“Hmmm, and what happens if I say ‘No’ again?”

“I’ll ask again and again until you finally say yes, so you might as well get it over with. Sunset Rains, you know I love you. Will you marry me?”

Sunset pondered this for a moment before looking back at me with amusement.

"Sunset Rains, will you marry me?”

“Still no”

“Sunset Rains, will you please marry me?”


“Sunset Rains, will you not marry me?”

“No…Wait I mean yes. Yes. I SAID YES, WIPE THAT GRIN OFF YOUR FACE!!!”

She lurched forward, tackling me into the grass and landing on top of me. I just grinned up at her, laughing that she had fallen for that so easily. I grabbed onto her, rolling so that I was on top of her, before whispering in her ear.
“Looks like we’re really getting married, since you actually agreed to it this time. Now will you let me put the ring on or are you going to be stubborn about this?”

She crossed her hooves defiantly, preventing me from slipping the ring onto her forehooves. Instead of forcing her to uncross, I leaned forward and looked into her eyes. The strange connection that appeared after her ordeal had not gone away, so I knew she was getting everything I felt.

“Ugh fine. Stupid emotion crap keeps messing with my head.” She muttered before allowing me to slip the ring onto her leg, securing it slightly above her hoof.

“There. Now was that so hard?” I asked, letting her jump up to look at the golden band around her leg and get used to its weight.

“Yes, but this shouldn’t be!” she exclaimed, dragging me up by the hoof and pulling me in for a kiss.

I was shocked at first. She hadn’t kissed me since the ordeal in the alley, and I could tell that she was still a bit uncomfortable getting close to anyone. I silently reassured her, pulling her a bit closer and letting her take control. She wrapped her forehooves around me, holding me close as she got more into our kiss. Despite her efforts, I could still feel her hesitation as she kissed me. After only a few seconds she pulled back, giving me a shy smile. The small look we shared confirmed my suspicions.

“You know Sunset, we can move at your pace if you want. You don’t have to just jump back in after everything that happened. I certainly won’t mind.” I reassured her.

“I know, I wanted to do that…more or less.” She sighed. “I just don’t want that one moment in my life to define me. I want to show that asshole that I’m not going to give up just like that. I mean, it’s all in the past anyway, there’s nothing I could ever do to change it even if I wanted to. It’s time to just…move on.”

I smiled at her. “You’re a brave little pony Sunset. I’m glad you’re mine now.”

“Oh please,” she whispered, wrapping me in yet another hug. “I’ve been yours since the day we met!”

As we walked away from the clearing, we watched the sun finish setting. Dash and Fluttershy had already taken off to Fluttershy’s cabin, but Dash had been kind enough to leave us one last message in the sky.

Gross. PDA.

Author's Note:

Woooo motivation. Everybody is all happy and no one is dead yet isn't that wonderful.
Oh wait. Why is there a yet
Because I've thought of my final ending, that's why. I've already cried over the draft trying to proofread it, but don't worry you still have four chapters until then.