• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 402 Views, 6 Comments

Its All in the Eyes - IamSquillium

A stallion with a peculiar talent meets a heart-broken mare and they fall madly in love and blahblahblah it's just a cheesy love story. Maybe some clop at the end if you guys want it.

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It had been a LONG two years, four months, two weeks, three days, and seven hours since we had parted ways after that first date, and as I walked to the door of the house I’d been seeking, it was a very different type of nervousness that pervaded my thoughts. As I knocked on the door, looking around carefully to make sure Sunset was nowhere to be seen, I mulled over the endless possibilities of that night. When the door opened I stepped in, looking back one more time to make sure Sunset had not followed me, and with a sigh accepted the consequences this night would surely have.


I was dumbstruck. I had gone to her house for something very important, but when she opened the door all I got was a smack to the face, and it definitely wasn’t playful.

“Sunset what’s wrong. Did I do something?” I begged of her, trying to avoid the punches still being thrown in my direction. I was starting to get worried.


I tried to explain the situation. If I could just get her to calm down, this would all work out; I could still do this. All hope vanished, however, when Sunset’s wing slammed into my side, taking me by surprise and making me stumble backwards onto the front porch. Sunset slammed the door, and before I could move it made contact with my muzzle which was still slightly over the threshold. I felt my bones snap and blood poured out of my nose, but I didn’t care. I could still hear Sunset’s cries from the other side of the door, and I could not let it end like this.

“Sunset please, just let me explain. That’s all I’m asking. Don’t throw me out like this, it’s all just a big misunderstanding!” I called through the door.

“Leave now. I call the cops in two minutes.” I heard the faint reply as Sunset struggled to speak through her tears. This reply was followed by the sound of retreating hoofsteps as Sunset went upstairs. It was too late to do anything now. It would only make her hate me more. Even with my fucking stupid talent I couldn’t save our relationship. I knew exactly how she felt, and I couldn’t even use my head long enough to prove to her that I loved her. I really was the biggest ass in Equestria.

As I fell to the ground, tears and blood rushing down my muzzle, all I could think of was the beautiful mare who I’d just destroyed, the same mare who I’d promised myself I could never hurt, the mare I had LOVED with every fiber of my being. I don’t know when it got dark or when I fell asleep, still bleeding and crying. All I remember that night is thinking of that beautiful mare and looking at the ring I’d gotten custom made from Rarity only a week before as I slowly slipped out of consciousness.

I was awoken by a very different kind of muzzle against me. Looking up I saw Sunset’s father, Storm, holding a shotgun. I tried to say something, but I was quickly interrupted by the gruff voice behind the trigger. “I don’t want to hear a single goddamned word son. You get off my property and don’t ever step near my daughter again, you hear?” A look into his eyes told me all I needed to know. Defeated and out of options, I slinked off into the night, desperately trying to find a reason to go on.

Had Storm looked around a bit more, he would have seen the ring still sitting on the porch. He also would have seen the note folded up beside it with the words “The best of luck with your proposal Shining – Rarity” written in an unmistakable loopy script. Unfortunately, he was a bit preoccupied with his own thoughts. It was only a week or two ago that I had gone to him asking for his daughters hand in marriage, and he was a bit confused as to why his daughter was currently sobbing in her room upstairs. All he did was turn around and walk back inside, still troubled by the circumstances that had led to his daughter’s hatred of her recently ex-stallionfriend.

I, on the other hand, had finally made it back to my house after wandering through many back alleys and bars, desperately trying to drown out the thoughts running through my head. I saw the looks as other ponies saw me, covered in tears and blood from my recently broken muzzle, but no one made a move to help me. By the time I made it to my room I had passed the point of feeling and I collapsed, exhausted and numb, onto my bed.

I would later learn that sometime in the night a certain draconequus named Discord came by and saw a lovely ring on the front porch of a certain house. He took a liking to that ring and, though he was “reformed,” decided to take it for himself. To wore that ring when the mood suited him, and he intended to keep it forever. Unfortunately, a small white bunny by the name of Angel decided he wanted to sell that ring to pay for his strippers, so he stole it from the draconequus when he stole Angel’s favorite spot on the couch one time. The ring was sold back to an unknowing Rarity, who had taken a liking to the elegance and beauty of the design, and it has stayed in her care since that time.

However, when I woke up the next morning I was completely clueless. I couldn’t remember too much from that night. The fight, Sunset’s father, and the first few bars were the only things I could bring to mind. The rest was lost. It wasn’t until I reached up to rub my eyes that I felt the pain radiating from my broken muzzle. Looking around, I could see blood everywhere and realized just how big of a mess I was. I jumped into the shower and got the blood off my coat and mane so that I could at least face my parents, as they were sure to be worried about me. I had gone out with the hopes of proposing to Sunset and come back drunk, bloody, and crying.

When I went downstairs, however, I remembered a certain fact that tore at my already broken heart. I lived alone in a house I’d bought for me and Sunset. This realization hit me like a tidal wave, and as I thought of all the hopes and dreams I’d ruined I broke down into tears once more, crying myself back to sleep.

It was due to this sleep that I did not hear the desperate pounding on the door or the shouts as Sunset called out to me. She had gone out that morning, still heartbroken and slightly furious, to get the mail and noticed a small, folded note which had been left on her porch. Reading it, her jaw dropped and she realized how big of a mistake she had made. She had rushed over to my house to say how sorry she was and beg me to take her back, but I would never answer the door. She slinked away, worried about what I might have done the night before but determined to find a way to make it up to me.

Some time around nightfall, I woke up. Still morose and angry at myself, I decided to head to a bar again and see if I could drown out the aching in my chest with the burn of alcohol. It was on my way there that I heard a familiar voice coming from an alleyway, and I almost dashed to it, but something held me back. There was a certain…fear in that voice, and I was stopped dead in my tracks as I realized what I was hearing.

“P-Pl-Please…j-just please s-stop. I-I’m begging you. Y-You c-c-c-can’t do this.” The words were almost a sob.

“Shut up you bitch. Maybe this will teach you not to break up with me. Tonight you’re my little whore, whether you want it or not.”

There was something about the way Sunset was begging, as if… The realization struck me and I dashed into the alleyway, my blood boiling as I took in the scene in front of me.

Sunset had her forehoofs tied behind her and was bound snuggly so that she could not move. Her ex boyfriend stood behind her, forcing her into the wall as he mercilessly slammed into her. There were tears running down Sunset’s face, and she was begging for him to stop. He paid no heed to her pleas, and began beating her when she struggled. My rage boiled to the surface, and my horn lit up as my fury clouded my mind. My eyes whited out, and the alleyway flashed, blinding all of us momentarily. When the light faded, only Sunset and I remained. To this day I don’t know what spell I used or what I did to that scumbag, but no one has been able to find him and I can only hope for the worst.

Sunset, no longer held up by her rapist, collapsed. I ran to her, holding her close in my forehoofs and using my magic to untie her. She cried into my chest for hours and I just held her, thanking Celestia she was safe and with me again. As I held her I remembered a spell, locked away in one of the medical books I had retrieved for Dr. Whooves when I worked for him. Lighting my horn once more, I cast the spell, praying it would take hold quickly. I got my wish, and as the spell worked through the body of my sunset mare, healing her wounds and releasing the melatonin stored in her system, she gently drifted into a calming sleep.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, she looked up, into my eyes, and the rush of feelings hit me. It was worse than anything I had ever felt before. It was completely indescribable; the purest desolation and destruction of any being. The embarrasement, fear, hatred, sadness, helplessness, pain, and horror of her experience flooded through me, breaking me down and destroying me, but I wished I could take it all. I wished I could drain all of those feelings from her, have her forget everything from this night. I yearned to erase the whole ordeal from her memory, but there was nothing I could do. In that moment, as she shared her most vulnerable secret with me, I promised myself I would protect her. I swore that nothing would ever harm her again. With a final breath, she whispered two words, as if she could sense my feelings too. “Thank you”

And that’s what brings us here, to the upstairs room of my house, as I wait for Sunset to awake. I carried her back here after that whole…ordeal, and I’ve been waiting here with her since. I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen next, but I hope that whatever it is we can face it together.

Author's Note:

So like I said, the rating of this story will probably have to increase due to the more sensitive material in this segment. I think this has been a bit therapeutic at least writing about my own and similar experiences. I'm sorry if I upset anyone with that segment of the story,but i had to get it out somehow. That will be the last of the delicate matters, and the story should be a bit happier for the final chapter. Thanks for putting up with my crap for this long :D