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Intermission II

Twilight woke up gasping for some air. She had a horrible dream. She had dreamed of Princess Celestia disowning her and claiming her to be one of her biggest failures. Twilight curled up into a ball and shivered when she noticed something. She was no longer in a barren wasteland filled with nothing but a black and red sky and red dirt. She got up and looked around as White trees surrounded her.

She got up and looked around for Discord, who seemed to be nowhere in sight.

"Discord?" she yelled out into the void but heard nothing but her own echo.

Twilight began looking around, dodging trees and occasionally looking up to the skies for any signs of Discord flying around. She trotted around not knowing where she was going at all and started feeling lonely but not just lonely, sad. Her trotting soon became a gallop as she began panicking and frantically searching for the Draconian. "Discord! Discord where are you?!" she yelled.

Twilight fell to the ground on the verge of tears. She had never felt a sense of being alone, sad and scared in her life. Not only because of how lonely and scared she felt, but almost as though the void itself wouldn't allow her to be happy at all. Almost as though the void itself wanted every single aspect of her life to be filled with misery and suffering.

The tree's suddenly started glowing as she heard a distant laughing. At first she started gaining some hope thinking it was Discord, but when the laughing started growing louder and more sinister, she knew that it certainly wasn't Discord's voice. It sounded almost as though the glowing tree's around her was laughing at her.

"Discord.. Please..." she said sobbing. Suddenly she heard the flapping of wings.

Discord was up in the sky beginning to land on the red dirt. Twilight got up and ran over to him hugging him.

"Uhh, glad to see you too?" he said landing.

"Where were you? I was so scared, I-I was beginning to think you abandoned me..." she said.

"Why would I do that? I was just going out to explore when I started feeling all depressed and lonely for some reason." he said. "That's when I flew around to try and find you." he said. "Oh, and also, here." he said dropping a strange Heart shaped fruit. It was heart shaped, but not in the shape of the pink hearts that you would normally get on a date or on valentine's day, it was actually shaped like a heart that had been torn out of somepony's chest, only it had leaves, resembled a fruit and was sort of a sky blue mixed with light pink and neon green color.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know, I found a strange, abandoned village a couple of miles up northwest and the tree's were packed with a bunch of them. Try them, they're sweet." he said handing her one.

Twilight took the strange fruit and took a bite out of it. The fruit itself had suddenly changed color when she took a bite out of it but more importantly it tasted insanely sweet, almost as though it were some of the sweetest things in the world mixed into one.

"Mmm... It's very flavorful." said Twilight. "But, I wonder what it could be?" she said. "Where did you say you found the village?" Twilight asked.

Discord pointed to the destination from where he came from. "Why?" he asked.

"Well, if you found that village, then why did you come back here? There must have been fresh food and probably water there." she said.

"Well, like I said. I felt all sad and depressed, I started thinking about you, and wondered if you were ok. Besides, I couldn't just let my friend sit out here all alone." he said with a warm smile.

Twilight suddenly felt her cheeks get hot as they turned pink. She shook her head and started walking towards the direction Discord had pointed. "W-Well we'd better get there soon. If there's more of these fruits then we could probably fill our stomachs, I've only been here for how long, and I'm already starving." said Twilight.

Discord walked along with her or more likely, dispersed the air into a cloud of cotton candy and started floating towards the village along with her.

Twilight thought about what Discord said. He couldn't let his friend sit out here all alone. Her cheeks blushed slightly thinking, what if he...

She dismissed the thought and kept walking with him. The village may be the key to finally relieving her stomach which had been rumbling for near days.


When Discord and Twilight reached the village. Discord helped her up the steps into the old village. The village itself was covered in a thick blanket of mist and fog, but felt quite warm. The trees were the same all over, the same platinum colored pine trees, only they had heart shaped fruits on them. The houses themselves were made of what looked like red painted wood, rice paper and roof tiles. The entrance to the village itself was a gigantic red gate-like arch with a few symbols on it. The village was very large and shrouded in the shade of the gigantic trees.

"What is this place... ?" asked Twilight.

"I have no idea..." Discord replied. "look!" he said pointing over to one of the houses. A small filly was standing by the doorway. Her features weren't really distinguishable from afar but they could both tell she was wearing a gown and a long platinum-silver mane that fell down to her shoulders and midway down her back.

"Hey!" yelled Twilight as she began running through the village.

Discord and Twilight chased after her, as she ran as far as her little legs could carry her until soon enough they reached a dead end. The little filly turned around not knowing where to go. She began backing against the wall of the wall she had run into.

"It's okay we're not goint to hurt you..." said Twilight slowly approaching her.

The little filly sighed and stood up on her two hind legs revealing she had a wolf paw and a dragon claw for her front legs. She looked up from her platinum hair revealing the face of a pony with dark red eyes and one small fang sticking out of her mouth.

Discord and Twilight's eyes widened at the sight as the little filly looked up at them both.

"Hello, brother." she said with a familiar voice.

"E-Eris..." said Discord.


After nearly an entire two hours and a half of tears, hugging and reminiscing about childhoods, they decided to head inside one of the houses. Eris welcomed Twilight and told her somewhat embarassing stories of Discord's childhood.

"So, Eris, would you mind telling us exactly where we are?" asked Twilight.

"Well, it isn't exactly easy to explain this, but.we're inside Discord's subconcious." said Eris.

Twilight and Discord simply stared at her blankly.

Eris chuckled and said. "well...." she said sitting next to her brother and hugging him. "After Discord's subconcious was locked away into stone and he was trapped into both the stone statuette and the cursed object, His subconcious became much larger and his mind created a world where he himself would stay until he was released from his stone prison. That world along with the realm of the cursed eventually colided and created this world." she said.

"So this isn't real?" asked Discord looking like he was about to cry.

"Oh no, it isn't that, this world rides along one of the tenth circles of Tartarus, so technically, we're dead, in a way." she said beaming innocently.

"But it still doesn't explain how the Cursed Object led us here. Maybe perhaps the Cursed Object is a direct wormhole loop into the limbo plane and cuts straight into this world?" asked Twilight sipping some tea.

"Exactly!" sai Eris.

Discord sat there with his expression hollow and his mouth was in the shape of a little 'O'.

"This world is real, thing is it isn't in our reality, it's in another dimension. In Tartarus." said Eris hugging her brother.

"Oh okay, but, how is it that you know all of this?" asked Discord.

"The same way you knew about the 'Cursed Object' you didn't really find out about the 'Cursed Object'. Your subconcious just sort of provided you with the information. The cursed object isn't really powered by the central time paradox though, but by magic. The kind of magic that-" she gulped "-ghost ponies use. A sort of one way ticket into the underworld. Sort of creeped out to say, though, but... It's technically what you might call 'Haunted'..." she said sort of whispering.

"Well, the great thing is, that You're here with me." said Discord smiling down at his sister and cuddling with her.

"Yeah, I love you bro." she said.

Twilight smiled and nearly shed a tear at the beautiful scene. She looked outside the window and asked Eris, "Why is is that nearly nopony is outside?"

"Well, a lot has been happening lately, but it isn't really anything you should be concerned with, just a little bad weather, a few freak accidents, stuff like that..." she said. "But enough of that, we're reunited now..."


"Hey, what are you doin' out here?" asked Discord approaching Twilight at the foot of the gate entrance.

"Not much really just sort of thinking." she said.

"Well, don't think too, hard." said Discord sitting next to her. "You know, never once in my life did I ever think that there would be a village full of other Draconians like me, and now here I am with them." he said with a small smile along his face. Mother would've loved to see this..." he said hugging his knees tighter.

Twilight smiled at him. He looked so happy. They had only founded the Village a mere two and a half hours ago and later found out that all of the denizens of the village were Draconians, but for some reason they hated coming outside. Especially 'At this time of year'. Twilight wondered why though...

"Welp, we'd better get back to the story, don't wanna keep the readers waiting." said Discord winking up at the sky.

"What readers?" asked Twilight.

"Nevermind." said Discord turning around and winking once more.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Wanted to announce a couple of things. One, I will start doing the whole intermission thing every five chapters and keep going so with it, because to be completely honest, I don't think I'm giving Twilight and Discord enough attention. I'm sort of going to use the intermissions as a sort of bonus chapter type things just so we could see what's going on outside of Discord's life. I'll be shedding a little bit more light on where Discord and Twilight are in the next few chapters and in the next Intermission chapter. I have a general idea of where I want them to be, but the specific details are still going to be a little hazy and blurry considering I don't know what I actually want the place to be like.
Anyways there's that, my second announcement is that I'm going to further delve deeper into the Equestrian Archives and go on with another story. If you follow my blog, you might already know what the next Equestrian Archives will be about, if you don't then I'm not going to reveal much simply for the sake of not spoiling anything for those readers who actually want to be surprised. I am also going to be unveiling a new story that I've been thinking about doing for a long time. It deals with Discord's reformation even though Discord's Reformation is already canon (I thought about reforming Discord way before I even knew about Keep Calm and Flutter on). The story is called 'Chaos theory: An Ordinary Life' if you're interested please come by and check it out.
Anyways, that is all. I hope I didn't take up too much of your time. I'm going to keep working on The Draconian Curse even though Discord's reformation is already canon. If you have any issues/problems with the story please don't hesitate to give me some constructive criticism, and as always, Bronies Brony on! ^-^