• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 5,970 Views, 470 Comments

Other Wanderings - ed2481

A group of short stories about Ethan the Lone Wanderer and Twilight Sparkle continuing the adventure after the events of Light Wanderings. Needless to say those who haven’t read either Dark or Light Wanderings will be flying blind. Expect silli

  • ...

Drekzone Epilogue

Faust spent the next four hours helping ferry and shephard the denizens of Drek’s station to their proper homes, whether that was their actual home... or a prison. She’d also, at Ethan’s desperate questioning plees, picked up a blue hoverbike that he’d used in the arena and returned it to him. During all that time, she caught sight of David and Wistala several times... but only from a distance, she wouldn’t risk getting close to them again. The strawberries had been a big enough risk and it wouldn’t do to... spring things too early, painful though it was for her.

The alicorn let out a sigh as she sat on the floor of the deserted station.

“Well, that’s one less threat to the multiverse,” a cheerful Simon spoke right next to her.

Faust looked up to see the green suited smiling man standing there and gave him a slightly baleful gaze. “You know, I could have handled this much easier and I'm within my right because his home is technically within my domain,” the alicorn told him tartly.

“I know, but you enlisted our help, so taking down a maniacal businessman comes with the package,” the man told her with a shrug, not phased by her sour tone.

Faust let out a large sigh and shook her head. “Fine, but you're letting me handle it next time,” she told him, still a bit cross at the king.

“Only if you don't ask for my help next time,” Simon told her with a small chuckle.

“I simply asked for your help finding Ethan... I didn’t need your help retrieving him,” she said, a bit of acid in her voice.

“Ah but by doing so, you brought it to the Order’s notice, so they technically had no choice but to act,” Simon explained to her. “It wasn’t really my doing, but of yours. Besides they can't just fight the Lords all the time.”

“So, they’re not a big enough problem now?” Faust asked with narrowed eyebrows.

“No, they still are, but when they tend to do nothing over a long period of time, things tend to get boring on Parx,” the man explained. “You can only do so much exploration for our members; not everyone is like Yinnass.”

“I... I know,” she said softly. “It’s just that... today was hard for me Simon.”

“Really? Doing a couple more copy and paste paperwork a bit too much now?” the man inquired.

She was here and she doesn’t remember me,” Faust said through narrowed eyebrows. “She doesn’t remember me at all...”

Simon looked at Faust with remorse. “I know… but it was the price to save her from the Lords.” The man walked up to her and rested a hand on her back. “Beside, memories can’t be totally erased. They just need to be dug back up.”

“I know... and I look forward to when I can... but for now...” she looked away, small tears forming in the corner of her large eyes. “All I can think of is us...”

“Then keep thinking, so you can share later,” Simon told her. “Else you lose hope.”

“Yeah, thanks, that helps,” Faust said, shaking her head a little. “I suppose I should get back home now Simon... the paperwork for this mess is going to take me a month to get through...”

“Or a week if you just copy and paste the forms and change the names at the top,” the man said with a chuckle.

“Such a cheater,” Faust said, shaking her head.

“No, just a bit lazy,” the man jest.

“Call it whatever you like, it’s still cheating,” the mare said, giving him a fond smile. “I’ll see you around, ‘My King’.”

“See ya around Faust,” Simon said returning the smile.

The two vanished, leaving behind an empty station.

“You sure you want to do this?” Twilight asked Ethan as they stood hidden beneath a veil not far away from a large Japanese house.

Ethan held up the newly re-forged katana and nodded. “Yeah, it’s what I want to do,” he replied with a small shrug. “Is my translating spell working?”

“Perfectly,” Twilight replied with a nod. “Should be good for the rest of the day.”

Ethan nodded. “Thanks Sparky... well, now or never, he patted her head and stepped out from under the veil. The soft breeze of the wind whisper through the grass field as the man walked up to the soft wood built house.

He paused for a moment at the paper door and then knocked lightly on the wooden frame.

“Coming,” an aged female voice answered and Ethan heard to soft footfall of feet on the wooden floor. The door slide open to show an old asain woman in her fifties standing at the door. A surprised expression formed on her face as she looked at Ethan. “Can I help you?”

“Yes...” Ethan said with a small nod. “I have something that belongs to your family,” he continued, holding up the sheathed katana. “And some bad news.”

The woman stared at the katana, and slowly, sorrow grew on her face as she held up a hand to her mouth. She glanced back up at Ethan, her eyes beginning to tear up.

“He died with honor,” the man said softly.

Sobbs seeped out of the woman’s throat as her head dropped down, tears flowing down her cheeks and dropped to the floor. “My love...” she whispered in grief.

Ethan’s face softened a little and he nodded. “If you would like to hear the story, then I will tell you, though I doubt you will believe me nor would you like me to be here. If not, I’ll go.”

“No… you told me enough...” she said as her hand reached out to grasp the sword, picking it up with shaking hands. “Thank you for bringing it back, sir.”

“You’re welcome... I had to have it re-forged, I hope my smiths were capable of restoring it,” he said solemnly.

“It looks the same as always… I’m sure our son will wield it well,” she said.

“Good, it is a fine blade,” Ethan replied with a small nod. “I suppose I should get going then... it was a pleasure meeting you Ma’am, despite the circumstances.” The woman nodded her head, stopping to stare at the sword in her hands. Ethan turned around and set off, his duster blowing gently in the wind as the woman cried behind him.

Glen was resting in her room in Canterlot, the plush bed forming to her back as she let out a satisfied sigh. It had only been a day for her and she’d already eaten more food than she had in her entire life.

“If I don’t watch myself, I grow fat,” she said with a chuckle.

“I know the feeling, believe me,” a newly familiar voice said from the doorway with a chuckle. Glen looked up to see the purple form of Twilight Sparkle standing in the doorway. Glen had met the alicorn at her ‘feast of honor’ not long before and she already liked her. “The first time I got back from the Wasteland I ate for a solid week.”

Glen blushed a bit as she rolled off her back. “Heh, well, I think I can eat a solid month,” she said with with a small chuckle.

“After what you’ve been through, I wouldn’t blame you if you ate for the entire year,” Twilight said, chuckling a little.

“Yeah… but I can’t just eat all the time. Don’t want to get too fat,” the brown mare said with a shake of her head. “That and it’s just not me.”

Twilight nodded as she strode into the room, flapping her wings a little. “So, how are you enjoying your stay in Canterlot Castle so far?”

“Heh, I feel like I’m in one of the suites in Tenpony Tower,” Glen replied with a small chuckle. “Just not full of cracks,” she said glancing at the stonework of the room.

“I guess I’ll take that as a compliment,” Twilight said with a small nod as she sat down across from the mare.

“Yeah… never thought I’d be in Canterlot… never dreamed I’d even be here,” the earth pony muttered.

“I’m sure,” Twilight nodded.

“No, seriously... where I come from Canterlot is a deathtrap where anyone who enters is slowly dissolved by a magical pink cloud,” Glen said with a shudder. “That’s if the zombies or the corrupted transmitters don’t get you first. And even if you do get out, whatever you were wearing is stuck to you forever.”

Twilight looked at the other mare and let out a low whistle. “Damn... that’s pretty bad,” she said with a shake of her head. “Remind me not to go sightseeing in your Equestria?”

Glen nodded and then glanced at the mare next to her. “So, what do you want?” she asked. “Or are ya here just to make sure I’m not causing any trouble?”

“Honestly? I came to thank you,” Twilight said with a slight shrug. “You kept Ethan safe when I couldn’t do it, and I know that he doesn’t really need it... but it’s always good for him to have someone to watch out for him around.”

Glen shook her head. “Don’t see why… wasn’t really watching over him,” she commented.

“Eh, you did what you had to do to stay alive,” Twilight replied, shrugging slightly. “So... have you had any ideas for what you’re going to do with your future? I know that Tia offered you a life without work... but you don’t strike me as that type of mare.”

“Yeah… but I don’t really know what I want to do,” Glen replied with a small frown. “I mean… most of my life revolved around survival, and now living in a world without much danger… don’t know what how to really adapt to that.”

“You could always join my guard,” Twilight suggested. “I’m looking for mares and stallions who are worth a damn in a fight and you definitely fit into that.”

Glen tilted her head. “Uh… become a guard… that would be a first,” she mused.

“Yep, you’ll get to protect ponies, and me of course,” Twilight said with a nod before she added in a whisper. “Not that I really need it.”

The earth pony pondered it for a bit longer. “Hmm… maybe,” she said. “Though I hope a half blind pony is going to be okay for you to have in your guards.”

“Heh, I already have a completely blind one, so I doubt you’ll be much of a problem,” Twilight replied with a slight smirk.

Glen raised an eyebrow. “Huh… well, I guess I can try becoming a guard.”

“I think you’ll like it,” Twilight replied with a smile. “It’s got many good perks, and it should give you something to do that makes you feel good about what you’re doing,” she added.

Glen gave Twilight a sideway glance. “What kind of perks?”

“Amazing free food, amazing free lodging, the adoration of the general public, health benefits, top of the line armor... getting to spend all day around me,” Twilight listed off, though she listed the last one with a chuckle. “Other stuff too, but that’s about the most of it.”

“So pretty much what I have right now, but with actual pay,” Glen commented. “Hmm… alright, I guess I’ll try being a guard.”

“Excellent,” Twilight said with a wide smile. “Your training starts next Monday at dawn, if you’re late then you do an extra five laps, so don’t be late. Until then, you’re free to come or go as you please.”

Glen nodded her head. “I’ll try to remember… and thanks.”

“You’re very welcome Glen,” Twilight replied, smiling. “Let me know if you need anything else and I’ll see about providing it,” she said.

"I’ll keep that in mind,” the pony told her. “For now… I think I just want to take a long needed nap. Built up a lot of stress over my time in that hell hole, looking forward to getting a lot of it unwound.”

“I understand,” Twilight said, rising to her hooves. “I’ll just leave you too it then, sweet dreams.”

“Hopefully,” the mare muttered crawled up the bed and rested her head on the pillow.

Glen drifted off to sleep, the sun shining lightly through the window on her back, warming the mare. She let out a contented sigh and for the first time in her life, got a night’s sleep without having to worry about being shot. That’s not to say it wasn’t interrupted... but that’s another story.

Author's Note:

So, it's done and you guys have some interesting things to think about, especially concerning Faust... of course, if you look back at the end of Light Wanderings, I did give you a bit of a hint. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the ride!