• Published 3rd Nov 2013
  • 3,078 Views, 47 Comments

Legend of the Shotgun - SleepIsforTheWeak

  • ...

The Middle

Few things about this chapter, cause I know I'll be asked; Lightning and Stormee are the offspring of RainbowPie. Opal is the middle child of Rarijack. 'S why the chapter title is Middle. For more information, see almost every single fic I've written previously.

“I say we tell them,” Opal piped in from the club chair in the corner. Her hind legs hung over one arm, and her head lulled back over the other like a ragdoll.

“Sitting: you’re doing it wrong,” Stormee muttered.

“Conversing: you’re doing it wrong,” Opal retorted.

“Letting big brother read in peace on a Saturday afternoon: you’re both doing it wrong,” Lightning added from the couch. Both mares locked eyes, released quiet snickers and then looked at the young stallion. “What?” Lightning asked. “Go flirt in Storm’s room. The living room is communal territory.”

Opal arched an eyebrow. By definition, communal meant that they were all allowed in the living room whenever they so pleased.

“Marefriend’s Brother, do you even know what communal means?” she asked.

“Sister’s Marefriend, don’t you go there,” Lightning sing-songed. “We went over this. You don’t need to teach me words. I know them all.” He peered over his book top at the young mare sprawled over their Mama’s club chair. Opal beamed back at him and Lightning shook his head at the adorable sight. “I hate that you’re so freaking cute.”

“I know, right?” Stormee huffed.

“It’s a burden, trust.” Opal rolled her eyes.

“Oh, shut up. And we’re not telling them. End of story,” Stormee said, and Opal guffawed.

“I’m flabbergasted at the fact that you won’t even consider it!”

Lightning snorted, rolling his eyes. “I’m flabbergasted that you can work words like flabbergasted into regular conversation,” he mumbled. Both mares shot him amused eyes and then turned their attention back to each other. Stormee crossed and uncrossed her hind legs, and then reached over the coffee table and grabbed The Three Ponyteers, flipping it open to where she had left off.


“Opaaaal,” the pegasus hummed in reply and then flipped a page.

“Can we put the book down?”

“Can we?”

“Will you?” Opal groaned. Stormee rolled her eyes and then snapped the book to hug her bookmark once more, giving her marefriend her undivided attention.

“I am listening, my dear highness.”

“And totally whipped,” Lightning added, eyes still on his book.

Stormee glared and launched a pillow at her brother’s face. It landed hard, dead center. Lightning froze and slowly peeled his face to Stormee’s with a murderous glare. He pointed a hoof at Opal, without taking his eyes off of Stormee.

“When she leaves, you will regret that move.”

Stormee snorted snidely. “Please. I am the undisputed pillow fighting champion of this household. I’d like to see you try.”

The two Dash siblings held their glares for a few moments more before Opal chuckled. Lightning threw her a wink before returning to his book.

“Don’t be winking at my marefriend!” Stormee snapped, catching the gesture.

“’Fraid I’ll steal her from you, baby sister?”

“As if,” Stormee flaunted, flipping her short mane.

“I don’t know, Storm,” Opal began easily. “Lightning’s cute.”

Stormee just stared. “Opal, he’s Lightning. And, like, five years older than you.”

“Your point, love?”

Stormee sputtered for a few seconds, before finally crossing her front hoofs over her chest.

“Careful, Miss Opal,” Lightning muttered. “You’ll make her pout.”

“You were saying, Opal?” Stormee pressed, her wings bristling in clear indication of annoyance, but otherwise not acknowledging her eldest brother’s teasing in any way.

“I was saying; why not? I mean, we already told your family, why not mine?”

Because,” Stormee elucidated.

“Because,” Opal deadpanned.

Because,” Stormee insisted.

From the couch, Lightning smirked into his book, which he had long since stopped reading. Somehow, his book quickly became less entertaining then these two. What was more entertaining about Daring Do going into an all-out war with all of her past nemeses than his petulant little sister and petulant little sister’s pompous marefriend arguing over coming all the way out of the closet?

Resting his case, Lightning chuckled to himself.

“Babe, I just don’t think it’s smart. I mean, your Ma has a shotgun.”

Opal glared so hard her eyes started to hurt, and then she rolled them. “That shotgun is a myth. I’ve never seen it, and I live with her.”

“She could be hiding it,” Stormee insisted, receiving a deadpan stare.

“So you’re afraid, is that it?” Lightning asked, giving up and abandoning his book face down on his barrel.

“No!” Stormee shot instantly, bristling.

“Then what is the problem?”

The brown pegasus fidgeted nervously, brushing her hoof over the well-worn, faded patch on the chair she was occupying. “Well… we just told you guys about us. Can’t we wait to tell the Apples? Like, a few days, or weeks?”

Lightning sighed. The two mares had indeed sat the entire Dash family down and revealed their relationship. Last night, in fact. And now it seemed as though Opal wanted to ride that victory and spread the joy. She thought it time to tell their friends, their classmates, and more importantly, her own family. So, basically, the entire friggin' world.

Lightning couldn't blame her.

“I think it's a good idea, Storm,” he advised. Opal shot to her hoofs, one leg stretched and pointed at Lightning while beaming at Stormee.

“Your brother! Your own brother is on my side!”

“He's always on your side, you troll,” the pegasus groaned and tossed pillows over herself, burrowing down into the couch. She just wanted the conversation to go away, far away.

Opal laughed at the pathetic sight, walked over and sat herself down on the pillows on Stormee's stomach. She leaned back into them and sighed.

“Couch is comfy,” she winked at Lightning and Stormee groaned from below.

“That's what she gets for calling you a troll, huh?”

“Mhm!” Opal smirked.

"Trolls are cute and cuddly!" came huffing out from below the pillows. Opal shifted around, digging in harder until there was a groan of displeasure from below.

“No, they have freak-of-nature hair, boils, and are creepy. Not to mention, they smell atrocious!”

“…You said it,” Stormee mumbled. Opal gasped and ripped the pillows off her marefriend’s face, leaning in close and scowling.

“Don’t make me hurt you in front of your brother,” she warned.

“Don’t let me stop you,” Lightning replied, interest in his book renewed.

“Look at that, even your brother…”

“Opal,” Stormee pleaded, her eyes falling seriously vulnerable and darting away. The unicorn watched fear transport itself across Stormee’s face and she leaned down into the pillow-free hole.



“It’ll be okay,” she whispered, and placed a light kiss on Stormee’s lips. “I promise you it will be okay.”

This was not okay.

Frankly, it hadn't been okay for a long while. About six months, actually. Ever since her precious baby girl turned sixteen. Rarity was actually thankful that the Apple family traditions had given her that long.

Sixteen was still way too young, in her opinion.

Ever since Opal had turned sixteen, Rarity had been holding her breath, in dread of the day. If she was to be honest, the fact that it took six months for Opal to find a suitable enough partner to bring home for dinner shocked her.

“Will ya stop pacing like that?” Applejack groaned from the couch. “You’ll wear a hole in the rug.”

“The rug has already accumulated several holes, darling. One more cannot possible hurt it,” Rarity snapped back, and then glowered at the rug in question. “We should get a new one.”

“That rug was made by my great-granny,” Applejack explained patiently for the seventeenth time since her marriage to Rarity. “Y’all know that, just like I know that you’re simply complaining about the rug because Opal is bringing a special somepony home with her tonight. For dinner,” she added quickly when a venomous glare was shot her way.

“Since when did she even start developing interest in dating?” Rarity grumbled, finally sitting beside Applejack on the couch.

“Probably when she started locking her door?” Applejack guessed with a shrug.

“Something you allowed,” Rarity accused with an edge to her voice. “I was never allowed to lock my door as a young mare.”

“Don’t tell me you never did,” Applejack said with an eye roll. She reached for Rarity’s hoof at the sight of the grumpy expression on the unicorn’s face. “C’mon, Rare, cut ‘er some slack,” she coaxed.

“I am,” Rarity insisted with a downturn to her lips. “I'm allowing him to come over, aren't I?”

“My idea,” Applejack muttered.

“And a bad one,” Rarity quipped. “If we give her the impression that we're okay with her dating—"

“Which we are—”

“Says you. If we give her the impression that dating is okay, then she'll think sex is okay, and before you know it she’ll be bringing all sorts of characters to her room in the middle of the night.”

“You seriously believe that?” Applejack asked with an exasperated eye roll. “That filly takes after you like a clone, prim and proper-like.”

“Well it didn’t stop us,” Rarity argued.

“We were older! Like, way older.”

Rarity sniffed haughtily, turning her nose into the air. Applejack pressed her hoofs into her eyes until she saw little bits of color from the pressure, and sighed.

“Look, Rare, we’re not… encouragin’ her to have sex.”

The remark made Rarity give a defeated sigh and slump down into the couch cushions. "I know…” she started shakily. “I… I know that. We're not providing her with a window into sex that she wouldn't get on her own. What we're doing is equipping her with the knowledge that if and when she's ready, she can come to us because as her parents, we aren't going to be closed off and ignorant to the fact that she's maturing into a sexually aware mare." The very words made Applejack’s stomach ache, but she nodded along to her wife’s rant. Rarity often needed moments like this, to convince herself of something. And even though Applejack strongly wanted to geld every stallion that dared come within one hundred feet of her beloved Little Gem, she had to reassure Rarity first. If only for the reason that Rarity could then reassure her in return. And maybe convince her not to bring out the shotgun.

Deep in thought now, Rarity stared at the ceiling, muttering to herself. "Yes, yes, it is imperative that we stay by her side during these crucial adolescent moments of raging hormones and curiosity in order to show her that we're 'hip' parents and when she's ready, we can take the necessary precautions to ensure she practices safe intercourse."

Applejack felt like her head was going to explode. Just as she lifted her hoof to rebuff Rarity’s soliloquy, the doorbell rang.

Opal soared down the stairs with surprising speed and shouted, “I'll get it!” over her shoulder. Rarity blinked, lips twisted in amusement as she began to stand up. “Should we go with her?”

“No, no,” Applejack assured as she grabbed Rarity to pull her back down into her side. “I don't wanna see him 'fore I have to.”

Rarity scoffed at Applejack’s reluctance, but melted in the other mare’s side anyway.

“What do you think he looks like?” Applejack asked.

“Strong, blonde, maybe with a country accent,” Rarity teased with an easy smile. “What about you?”

“Gorgeous unicorn, kind of stuck-up.”

“Applejack!” Rarity gasped, affronted.

Applejack perked up at the sound of hoof falls coming toward them. “Shh,” she hissed at Rarity as she carried critical eyes to the doorway. Rarity turned around in Applejack’s arms to find Opal in the doorway.

…Flanked by Stormee Amelia Dash.

“Oh,” Rarity said softly. “I see.”

The pause between the four mares was pregnant. Then, with flat eyes never leaving Stormee's face, Applejack opened her mouth.

“Hey Jasper, baby?” she called through the house.

“Yes, ma’am?” came the distant reply from upstairs.

“After dinner, you and me are going to board all of Opal's windows shut.”