• Published 19th Oct 2013
  • 11,853 Views, 444 Comments

A Blind Eye - Doctah WAAwee

A blind man is torn away from his world by the curiosity of Twilight. But he's not just some helpless blind man. ..he's something more

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Chapter 2

Twilight had to give the beige mare that she so desperately searched for some credit. When confronted with a potentially mortally wounded alien, she didn't run away screaming, nor did she hide behind anything. She just adopted a shocked expression, and gasped.

"My word...what is it?"

"He." Twilight corrected.

Love Tap looked at Twilight with some confusion, "excuse me?"

"He's male."

"...I see. He looks like one of those characters in one of Button's video games."

Love went over to the human, and slowly took off the blanket that cloaked his body. The mare gasped as she looked at the bloody bandages that wrapped the poor man.

"I changed them everyday..." Twilight whispered. She felt so helpless.

"How long has he been here?" Love Tap questioned.

"Three days."

"Why did you ask for help now?"

"...Because, I can't just go to Ponyvillie hospital with an alien...and, this is my fault. If he were to get hurt in the resulting confusion of revealing him to the public...I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

'I'm already having a hard time with that now...'

The beige nurse arched her brow in confusion, "did you say that it's your fault Princess-"

"Please...call me Twilight." she corrected her...again.

"Oh, alright."

'I don't think I deserve to be called a princess after this..."

"So, why did you say that it's your fault?"

Twilight bowed her head in shame. "I..."

She told her about the mirror spell, the humans, and her insatiable curiosity for the aliens. Every second used to explain the story sent Twilight's ability to talk down a slippery slope. Said slope being drenched with her tears.

"I-I ripped an innocent being from his world, and a-almost killed him! The reason why I asked for your help now..."

She sniffled, and used her magic to gently open his eyes. Revealing the white, milky color that caused Twilight so much grief...

Well, more grief then she already had.

"I need to know...did I...cause this?" Twilight whispered. Love Tap looked at Twilight, then to the human, and then to Twilight again.

"You...think that you caused his blindness?" Love asked in surprise.

"Ummm....yes?" Twilight answered, feeling slightly stupid. Stupidity wasn't her 'forte'.

"Dear, this type of blindness is hereditary, at least in ponies. It is referred to as 'Snowdrop Syndrome'." she giggled a little, "If you caused his blindness, we wouldn't have known until the dear woke up..."

Twilight shivered as she played that nasty scenario in her head. What scared her is that she didn't know how he would react...at all.

In fact, she didn't know ANYTHING about this human. He could be like that one human she saw that could turn green and destroy entire planets with just one clap. Or that one in the red and blue spandex suit that could blow away galaxy's just by SNEEZING. Or those 'humans' that could turn blonde, and BLOW UP PLANETS WITH GIANT ENERGY BEAMS AND SCREAMING! THE POSSIBILITIES WERE ENDLESS!...

She was getting ahead of herself, something she excels at, but the fact still remained that she knew nothing about this human. But, she would have to give him the benefit of the doubt. She caused this mess, and his pain. The least she could do is hope to form some kind of friendship with the human...and hope that her world doesn't become galactic dust.

As Twilight busied herself by mentally debating, and thinking about the potential danger that this humans hypothetical reactions would present, Love Tap was busy actually doing something useful. She replaced all of the humans bandages, noticing all the muscle on his body in the process. She grew worried that his reaction to being in a completely new world would be...unpleasant.

Also, she had a hard time coming to terms with the situation at hand...whatever those things were. Twilight Sparkle, a princess, supposed leader and role model, brought an unknown, innocent, but possibility deadly alien to their world. Moreover, she entrusted HER with this. She didn't know if she should be flattered, or fearful. But, those thoughts would have to be cast to the wayside, it was time for the most important part of this humans healing...

"Twilight?" Love Tap asked. The mare in question shook her head, derailed from her train of thought.


"This is where it gets...tricky." the nurse said with a bit of hesitation. Love Tap dug into her saddle bags and fished out a tiny bottle filled with a clear liquid.

"What is that?" Twilight asked. Once again her curiosity resurfaced. This mare never learns.

"...Phoenix Tears." was Love Tap's response, "the contents of this little bottle can heal any known wound in Equestria. We'll need this to make sure that he doesn't...succumb to his internal wounds, I counted 29."

Twilight filched at the severity of the humans wounds. But, where has she heard phoenix tears being used as a healing agent before?

"What's the catch?" Twilight asked. She was a very smart cookie. Though, recent events would argue otherwise.

"When applied to the skin, Phoenix Tears create a sensation of pain tantamount to having that same wound cauterized. When ingested...I think you can fill in the blanks."

This was just not this humans week.

"I...understand." Twilights horn started glowing, she went to the humans side, and tapped his head with her glowing horn. The glow never subsided, and she braced herself.

"I'm ready..."

Love Tap looked at her in shock, "dear, you do realize that you will have to be hospitalized if you go through with this?"

"Yes...just do it."

"This will be pain unlike anything you have ever felt. Are...are you sure that you want to subject yourself to this?"

Twilight closed her eyes and sighed.

"All his pain...all of this...is because I couldn't see the consequences of my actions. I never thought of the possibility of the portal being too strong for me, I didn't think of the possibilities of creating a black hole and destroying Equestria, I didn't think of ripping an innocent being from his world and almost destroying him. I didn't think of anything beyond the excitement of meeting a new race, learning new things, gaining new friends...I only thought of myself, and during the past week, while I was caring for this human...I learned that you have to think of everypony before making possibly world changing decisions."

She trotted over to the human who was lying on her bed. He had a dark, shaggy mane that reached just below his shoulders. His skin was a shade of light brown, almost chocolate in color. She ran a hoof through his mane and smiled.

"And also...I learned that you have to take responsibility for your failures. This human is here, and in pain because of me...and if I can make his stay here just the least bit painful...as Celestia as my witness, I will make sure he does."

She looked over to Love Tap with a face filled with steely determination.

"Besides, I've dealt with an immortal goddess, an incarnation of pure chaos. an Ursa Minor, and a tyrannical Shadow Lord...what's a little bottle going to do?"

Love Tap was very moved by the princesses bravery. The speech she made revealing her own failures gave her an immense amount of respect for her. Twilight knew when she messed up, and when to take responsibility.

'Celestia sure knows how to choose them.'

"Okay...but before we go about this, we have to move him to a place that I can care for him."

Love Tap sighed.

"You do realize that, when we do this...there is no going back."

Twilight nodded. Her horn shone a brighter shade of lavender, and in a flash of light, they teleported to where Love Tap thought would be the best place to relocate him...her home. After they got him settled, they proceeded. But before they did, Twilight wrote a letter.

"Don't worry, this letter will explain the situation to the paramedics when you call them...I'm going to need something to bite on."

Love Tap brought out a clear, chewy, gummy like blob.

"Had this when I birthed Button, they didn't have any pain meds in stock that day...though, what you're about to feel is about 100 times worse than that."

Twilight flinched, and shivered. She had to give respect to somepony who gave birth without medicine...

Sweet Celestia, what has she gotten herself into?

The nurse popped the cork off the vial filled with phoenix tears. She gave a look to Twilight, who only nodded...with a gulp.

Love Tap opened the humans mouth, and fed him the bottle of tears...

'Well, Button always wanted a bigger brother.'

Button was bouncing towards his house as he waived to everypony in town. Today was such a FUN day!

First, his class got a tour of the castle. THEN they got to meet Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. Button got to go to the Crystal Joystick and play the newest games, which include:

Super Mareio Kart 7.

Megamare Zero 4.

Super Prince Peach Pie (try saying that five times fast). Mareio got rescued this time, what a twist!

And, many more amazing new releases. He also got to have milkshakes with Sweetie Belle...

Though that didn't go very well. At least he found a Bit.

Now...why was there a hospital carriage pulling away from his house?


Button continued to skip to his house. He opened the door and threw his saddle bags to the floor.

"MOM! I'M HOME!" He screamed in his nasal, excited voice.

"Oh, hello Button!" Love Tap said as she descended down the stairs. Button ran over to his mom and gave her a big hug.

"I can't wait to tell you about my day!"

Love returned the hug and giggled, "well, I can't wait to hear it...but, I'd like to have our new friend be around to hear. He's upstairs."

Button was curious...who was this new friend?...

And did he like video games?

Author's Note:

For you. Can you spot the references?