• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 12,349 Views, 433 Comments

Celestial Gift - Wolfsalvo

An ODST that was on the Forward Unto Dawn during its destruction is sucked through a wormhole with plenty of other debris. Follow his tale as he crash lands in Equestria.

  • ...

Savior, Protector, and Safety

(Steel’s P.O.V.)

I couldn’t state anything positive about my current situation as I weakly limped along the border of a clearing. I had no rations, no source of reinforcements; I was low on ammunition, without a knife to fight off anything dangerous should it come to melee, and the worst part about everything, I was utterly lost. I had met up with the local pack of friendly wooden wolves, who had been anything but friendly when they came across me; though a few of them apparently remembered our last get together the other day. Then there was my favorite wolf... he, or she, would meander up to me, and sniff my armor, before latching on with a pair of teeth. When I had slapped it across its muzzle like I had the previous day, it would have been alright by my standards, but I had put my full anger into the slap, and when my body twisted with the hit; a lance of pain from my ankle reminded me of my poor decision.

Then there was the hydra.

While I didn’t see it, I surely heard its heavy footfalls, the shaking of the very ground beneath my feet, and the occasional movement through the trees. While I wasn’t sure if those movements had been the hydra or not, I didn’t want to find out, so I had spent a better part of an hour retracing my footsteps, and taking a turn that led towards looked like some hills. The disadvantage about retracing my path was I was limping the entire time, doing my best to keep as much weight as I could off of my ankle.

Now, as I made my way towards the hills, I ran into another problem, and it was something I felt had to be dealt with immediately, or I could wait for whatever this monster was to wake up. It wouldn’t have been a problem for me to dispatch this giant feline looking creature, but I had counted my ammo earlier before I had set upon my trek, and I discovered I had only three full magazines of uncooked ammo for the MA5B that I had recovered, and I hadn’t found anything else that had once come from the ship I had.

Sliding along the rock cliff as I did my best to move around it, I knew that if this thing woke up, I would have a very tough time outrunning it, if at all. So the longer it took me to get along the cliff face to the other side, the more of a chance I had at it waking up and seeing me, meaning what could be a painful death. Yet, if I moved to fast, I could make a mistake that would just make my death all the more closer. It was one of those situations where I am damned if I do, but damned if I don’t; those were the toughest situations to escape unscathed most of the time.

The thing about ODST armor, was it was relatively weak when it came to situations fighting anything larger than what it had first been developed for, that was one of the reasons a well-placed Elite kick could collapse a lung. Then there was the matter that my armor was rated for at the most, standard rounds from an assault weapon or low caliber rounds from pistols, and while it had been recorded that a shot from a sniper could be taken at an angle, it still left the wearer out of breath. Mostly from adrenaline that is.

Looking towards the small path of freedom that signified safety, as I remember seeing a few hills maybe a dozen or so klicks west of Ponyville. Turning my head towards the sound of large snores, I saw the beast was still asleep, and I slowly made my way alongside it, and while I made sure to keep as slow as I could, I also made sure that I wasn’t moving too fast. It was seeming that my luck was finally taking a change, and for the b-


Cringing a bit as the loud noise echoed between the two cliffs, I saw the beasts ears suddenly flatten to its head, but from my angle, I couldn’t see if its eyes were open or not. The way it had been curled was slowly unraveling as it seemed to start waking up, and that meant my welcome was done for, so I began to hobble along at a faster pace. Maybe when it looks my way, I can stop, and it will think I am just a different colored rock or something. I doubt if Celestia and Luna didn’t know what a human was, then surely this beast wouldn’t have an idea at all. Ponies are smart enough to know that I am at least living, and are even frightened by me when I am standing still at times... that one maid tried to dust my armor like I was a statue. DUST!

Stopping slightly as the beasts mighty roar type of yawn reached my hearing, I looked back at it, before I continued on my merry way, silent the entire time too. After a short while, I went back to moving, but as my foot kicked some rocks, I stopped dead still as I pressed against the rock ledge, suddenly wishing I had been on the other side where the shade wouldn’t have seemed like such an obvious give away.

When the large lion like thing stretched some wings I hadn’t noticed before, it shot to its much too large paws, and roared in my direction. Though the roar didn’t last too long as it suddenly had a look of confusion run through its eyes. You could always tell emotion in any living creatures’ eyes, even dogs, the rare cat or so, and even in an AI’s holographic eyes.

The large beast slowly lumbered towards me, but as it did so, it was looking around the area, though its eyes would seem to look back towards me. Then again, the shadows were on the other side of this small path, and I was on the sunny side, in black armor, along the rocky cliff.

I can try to kill it, but then if I run into another threat, then I will have less ammunition to deal with that threat. If I had my medical kit, I wouldn’t be as badly hurt as I am now, and if push came to shove, I think I have enough to maybe knock this behemoth out... but that would probably use up all my painkillers and sedatives anyways. If I remain here, then I run the possibility of being eaten.

Or killed for sport...

Without turning my helmet or head, I looked over, and saw the forest was a good dozen or so meters away, and if I pushed through the pain, I might be able to make it to the tree line. Then again, I had a jetpack, so if I let myself angle down more, then I could shorten the time down to half a minute. Whatever option I chose, I would need to make it quick, as the beast was nearly upon me...

Let’s see. I can make a run for it, and when it draws close, empty my current magazine into that thing, and depending on how much that affects it, use the jetpack as a last resort. If it draws too close, or makes to attack, use the boosters, and that should give me enough leeway to escape anything that should happen.

Choosing that as the better of the two plans of either remaining still or running, I did just that, and at the right time too. Just as I turned and ran, the giant feline like beast smashed its paw where I had just been, and while I doubt it would have even harmed me, my body was already too beat up to risk that pain. As I ran at a slow pace for what I usually could do, I heard the beast roar behind me, and I used that chance to take my MA5B from my back, and I glanced over my shoulder. The beast was running towards me with giant leaps from its oversized paws, and I saw its gleaming white teeth; only forcing me to run through my current pain all the more to try and escape a very unfortunate death.

My ankle was already throbbing from the amount of pressure the first step had forced it to take in its damaged state, and while I could feel it shifting a bit on the damaged bone; I forced myself to bite through the pain. Squeezing the trigger to the weapon in my hands, I heard the sound of bullets slamming into something fleshy, and I turned around, and saw the beast was stunned momentarily, before it roared louder than anything I had ever heard before.

Its face had been the cause of all its pain, and I knew I shot one of its eyes, as it was pawing at its face in that area as it yowled loudly. Ah hell, I need to get out of here, and fast. If that thing puts its pain aside like I am, then it will surely tear me to shreds; armor or not!

Leaning forward as I activated the thrusters on my back, my jetpack launched me away from the enraged behemoth, and with not a second to spare. I heard a loud smashing sound, and I looked over my shoulder, and saw the lion like beast had actually thrown its pain to the side, and had attempted to smash me with one of its paws. When its paw actually rose from the ground, I swallowed hard as I saw a massive imprint on the ground.

Holding the MA5B in one hand, I grabbed my pistol from my hip, and fired it back at the beast as well, and I saw blood sprays come from its raised paw. It roared even louder than before, and just then, I saw a tree race past me. Looking forward, I barely had enough time to flip my body to the side, and I zipped past a massive trunk. I didn’t apply the cut off for the jetpack, as I wanted to use up what I had right now before it started the replenish cycle.

Zooming past a few more trees before the warning sound filtered into my helmet, I quickly straightened up, and I felt the pack sputter, before it shut down temporarily. Limping towards a nearby tree to try and catch my breath while my heart started to slow down, that chance was thrown out the window when I heard the sound of tree’s literally being thrown about. It was now or never. Find a way to kill the beast, or try to outsmart or outrun it. Hiding in a tree was always a viable option, but that meant I ran the risk of the beast tearing the tree I was in from the ground. Then again, if I tried to hide in a bush, I was certain that I would be better off in the tree; I didn’t exactly find the idea of being stepped on as appealing.

Then there was another option...

I had heard a small, far off distant voice that sounded familiar, but the approaching crashing sound of the beast had drowned it out.


Shooting my head towards another direction, I wasn’t sure where it had come from, but I recognized that voice. It was the voice of a savior, of salvation, and most importantly, of safety. But where it was coming from was what concerned me, because while it seemed to come from one direction, it also seemed to echo all around me.

It doesn’t matter, the jetpack is ready for another use, and I can’t run with my ankles current condition. Even if I had the choice, it sounds like it is just a few meters on the other side of that tree across from me. Guess it is time to go out guns blazing, back aflame...

Slapping a fresh clip into my main weapon, I readied the jetpack on my back, and I waited for the tree to come crashing down. I wasn’t disappointed however when it didn’t come crashing down, but instead, the lion like beast did, and I saw that the blood had stopped seeping from its eye, but now that it was in sight, I could tell just why it was so enraged. Holes littered the entirety of its face, along with along its massive arms.

The death glare it sent me was only matched by its loud roar, and I took that as my cue to launch myself into the air with my jetpack...

(Celestia’s P.O.V.)

Looking around as my guards and I flew overhead, I had since had squads of guards sweeping the forest with a pair of Pegasi on over watch to be more productive. Now however, the unicorns that compromised of my personal squad were keeping pace with those of us in the air. My last shout had yielded little results, and it was disappointing to say the least, but then again, I had heard those loud cracking noises from afar.

Looking towards another section of the forest as I heard more of the loud cracking noise, I actually saw a black shape fly from the treetops; and not too far away too.

Changing course immediately as I gave myself a burst of speed, I called out just to be sure I wasn’t seeing something that wasn’t there. “Steel!”

When the black glint of his helmets visor faced me, I knew I had found him, but something was wrong. I had never seen him fly before, and the only thing I saw that was allowing him to fly was a fire bursting from his upper back; though he had no wings. The second thing I notices, was the noise was now much louder, and seemed to be emitting from whatever was in his hold, and I vaguely recognized it as looking like the smaller weapon he had on his hip... but why was it pointing at the ground?


Watching in horror as a massive Manticore sprang from the forest, it seemed to be bleeding heavily, and it swiped at Steel; who had still been looking at me...

(Steel’s P.O.V.)

That was actually... kind of... ugh... fun...

Sitting up as I had finally made ground fall, I knew that forsaken beast wasn’t too far behind, as I heard shouting, but also the sound of tree’s being thrown about once again.

Looking at the ground in front of me, I saw there was a long streak that indicated where I had slid across the surface of the ground. That wasn’t so bad... I couldn’t feel any new injuries, but I barely felt the ones I knew I had already acquired. Looking to my side, I saw my MA5B was lying on its side, and in what appeared no better for wear and tear; but what was by it was what made me uneasy. Another lion beast was lying there, with its head looking intently at me. The worst problem was, it wasn’t the only beast that occupied this rather large clearing, and they weren’t the ones that were pissed off with me. If these things acted anything like a pack animal, then once they caught sight of the other beast I had injured multiple times, then I would be in a deeper pile of brute shit that the time I was forced to sedate a brute chieftain with my painkillers and morphine supply; all within close quarters of course...


Looking in front of me, I at first looked at the ground, and saw four white hooves adorned with golden decorative slippers, and as I trailed my gaze up, I saw more white. And then when I reached the base of the pony’s neck, I saw a purple jewel in a yellowish necklace of sorts. Yet, I continued my gaze upwards, and saw a relieved face of the mare that I had so hoped to see again, just not under these current conditions.

“Steel... it is a relief that you are in one piece...”

Smirking beneath my helmet, I slowly made my way to my feet, but I stumbled as I applied a tad to much pressure to my injured ankle. As I landed on my knees, I wasn’t particularly surprised that Celestia let out a startled cry of worry, but what I was worried about, was the danger we were in. with a quick glance, I looked over and saw the other two beasts had by now gotten up, and were slowly approaching, both with ill intent in their quickly hardening gazes.

Pushing myself back up, I grabbed Celestia gently, and began to push her away as I said urgently, “You need to get out of here Celestia...” Snatching my pistol from my hip, I was prepared for a final fight, but if I was going to get out of this alive, I was going to blind some beasts before I made my escape.

“Steel, I have finally found you; I am not letting you get lost once more.”

Looking towards the beasts that were off to the side of us, I saw Celestia follow my gaze, and I noticed her muscles tense up once she saw what I was looking at. Across from us wasn’t a pissed lion beast, but maybe something worse; two hungry lion beasts. I could possibly escape again, but I didn’t want, or need Celestia to get hurt...

Putting myself between her and the lion things, I winced beneath my helmet as I felt my ankle throb painfully, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. “Celestia, you are a great friend, but I am a soldier, and soldiers are meant to die. Soldiers are expendable, but a Princess that is a leader is not as replaceable as I am. You need to get out of here... I can slow them down, if not stop them.”

Bringing my pistol up at the beasts now were less than ten meters from our current location, I was surprised when a golden aura of light surrounded me, and I was pulled back slightly, before I was being lifted into the air, and I looked over and saw Celestia was flapping her wings and lifting herself into the air as well. Looking towards her as she looked towards me, we began our flight over the top of the forest, and she said something that actually made my heart leap into my throat. “You aren’t just a soldier Steel, you are my friend... and I hope that someday, you will-”

She was cut off as a massive orange blur shot us out of the sky, and we crashed back into the clearing we had just come from. There was a sickening crunching crack like sound that filled my hearing, but before I could consider what I just broke, I heard Celestia cry out in pain instead.

Shooting my head in her direction, I saw that the beast lay on the other side of her, and bent at a horrible angle was her wing. It was almost like the beast had bent her wing over like one would a piece of paper, and as Celestia’s gasp of pain once more reached my ears, I saw the tears in the corner of her eyes as she weakly looked over at the damaged wing.

Once her eyes landed on the now bleeding wing, I saw many of her feathers seemed to droop, and her eyes widened a bit as she bit her lip. Doing my best, I got to my hands and knees, hoping that I could alleviate her pain a bit if I was at her side. That was forgotten however, when the lion like beast stood up and clutched her in one of its oversized paws. When she cried out in pain, it felt like something in me snapped, but when I reached down to grab my pistol from its spot on my hip, it wasn’t even there.

Turning my gaze downwards, I saw yet another skid mark along the ground, and there, ten feet away, was one of the other beasts... and halfway between us, was my pistol. Looking into the eyes of the beast, I knew I had one chance to get that pistol, but very little time to save Celestia once I did.

Activating my jet pack and using it to send my body over the short distance, I snatched it in my grip, and I turned around, and targeted the other lion as it was about to take a bite out of Princess Celestia. Making sure I wouldn’t accidently shoot her, I lined up the sights, and pulled the trigger.


Watching the bullet tear a small but noticeable hole in the beasts’ ear, I watched as it flinched, but it was probably from the report of my bullet. It unceremoniously dropped the princess at its feet, and when it turned and faced me, I saw a fire dancing behind its eyes as it roared in my direction. Looking up when a shadow passed over me, I saw another massive paw descending towards me, and I used the remainder of my jetpacks fuel.

Sliding out from behind the beast as my fuel emptied its current load, I looked up, and cursed my horrible luck, standing above me was another beast, and this time, I had only one option left. Raising my pistol and quickly firing at its eyes, I was greatly thrown off of target as I was shooting up at it, on my back, and still dealing with the most recent adrenaline rush. The most I did was shoot the tip of its nose before the clip to my pistol ran dry and the action slid back in a locked position; almost in a taunting like fashion.

Looking up at the beast as it flinched, I quickly got up, and I looked towards the forest as more motion caught the edge of my vision, but this time, I noticed it as being nearly two squads worth of guards. Turning towards them, I stood up and shouted as loud as I could, “Protect the Princess!”


Flying through the air after the massive paw made contact with my suit; I bounced a few times, before I came to a rolling stop, right beside my MA5B. Looking over, I saw the stainless steel glaring back at me, before a light, but pained chuckle broke through my lips as I looked at the thing that wouldn’t just help me, but delay an inevitable end. Seems ODST’s are always drawn closer to weapons...

Reaching over, I grabbed it, and looked over it, before I brought it to my shoulders, and took aim at the three beasts that were now a good distance away from me, but were obviously circling something. I didn’t need to be a genius to know who they were trying to get to, as the pained cry from Celestia was all it took for my finger to start depressing the trigger. Keeping it in short bursts, I surely made contact with every one of the beasts.

Turning around and charging me was Mr. pain and anger himself, and I let the rest of the magazine empty into my target as it drew closer. Letting the empty mag fall to the ground as I reached down and grabbed the last one for this weapon, and slammed it into the bottom of the weapon, before pulling the action back; now my weapon was loaded, lethal, and willing to spit out hot lead.

Looking back up, I saw the maw that was descending towards me was anything but a pretty site, and as I felt my grip on my rifle suddenly loosening, I knew that the end was near, but I couldn’t help but chuckle at how I was going to die. I always thought I was going to die from a drop pods failure to activate properly, not being chewed by mutant lion with wings and a strange tail appendage, which I just now got a sight of.

Closing my eyes, I prepared myself, but instead of an iron hot clamping sensation over any part of my body, I instead felt something slam into my abdomen.

“Gotcha!” A feminine voice sounded from somewhere below me, and I looked down as I opened my eyes, and saw a very peculiar sight.

“Rainbow Dash?” I asked, and when said mare looked up, I knew without a doubt it was the same Pegasus from before, but before she said anything else, I heard another feminine voice shout from across the hearing, and it was in a very soft, but commanding tone.

“Stop right there you Manticores this instant!”

Looking over, I saw the yellow mare that had been surrounded by those wolf like creatures when I had first been dragged off into the forest. She had some bandages around her foreleg, but what concerned me was the fact that all three Manticores had stopped the aggressive actions they had been just conducting against the Princess, her guards, and myself.

When Rainbow Dash stopped flying, we landed near the edge of the clearing, and I looked over to see the first ‘Manticore’ I had encountered faced the fragile pony, but when she got a look of its face, she flinched for good reason. Yet, before anyone could even say anything, she flew across the short distance that was between her and the Manticore, and I swore I heard her cry out in sympathy, “Oh, you poor thing!”

I watched as the Manticore instead was the one to flinch away from her, before she whispered something to it in a motherly tone. But what I hadn’t expected was for it to growl back softly, all before it whimpered; yet near the end, it snarled viscously while turning its gaze towards me. While the beast stared directly at me with a look of pure hatred, I watched as the other two looked towards me with the very same look in their eyes, just nowhere near as intense as the one with a mangled eye.

The yellow mare looked at me with a shocked expression, and rainbow dash hovered next to my ear and whispered in a horrified, yet awed tone, “Did you do that to the Manticore?”

Looking over, I whispered back just as quietly, “The thing with its face?”

“Yeah...” she said back, and at which turn, the mare began to walk towards me with a timid expression in her eye, and the Manticore began to follow her, though its gaze never left my own; where else the mare kept glancing away from me before returning her eyes to my visor.

Leaning over as I turned my eyes back towards the rainbow mane mare, I said, “Of course I did; I thought it was going to kill me...”

The only response I got this time was a very subtle, but still noticeable shudder than ran through her small body. Looking back forward, I had a feeling that whoever this small yellow mare was, she had it under control. So I looked back at Rainbow Dash, and said, “Hey, go check on the Princess for me... I don’t know a lot about wings, but I'm sure hers is hurting real bad right about now...”

(Celestia’s P.O.V.)

Keeping my eyes closed tightly as I did my best to keep the pain out of mind, I knew that no matter what happened, if I saw my wing in its current condition, I was going to feel the pain all the more. I had nearly lost my stomach contents when my eyes had first landed on it, but now, if I looked at it, I'm sure that I would lose control of my stomach.

Feeling a small jolt run through the base of my wing, it traced its way to the broken point of my wing, where a small flare of pain shot back to my body. Biting my lips as I took a glance open, I looked at one of my nearby guards, and even though he was trying to remain looking strong, I saw the pain in his eyes; even if he wasn’t the one suffering from the broken wing. Before I asked my question, a familiar pony landed in front of me, and staring at me in horror was none other than Rainbow Dash. Keeping calm as best as I could, she let her muzzle hang open, before she spoke in a highly loud voice, “Oh my gosh Princess Celestia, are you going to be alright!?”

Stifling a brief chuckle as another lance of pain surged through my wing, I looked towards her as I offered a weak smile, before I gave her my reply, “I have felt better.” Looking past her, I wanted to see if Steel was okay, but he was blocked from my view by three Manticores surrounding the last area I had seen him before my guards arrived. Looking back towards Rainbow Dash, I had to be sure of his fate, so I asked, “How is Steel... is he, alive?”

“PSHH! He’s more than alive... but uh... I think Fluttershy is having him apologize to the Manticores for what he did to them...” She rubbed that back of her head lightly, before she asked, “Princess, are you sure he is safe? He messed up that one Manticore pretty bad in his face... and he isn’t even as big as a timber wolf...”

“I'm sure he is Rainbow Dash... did he not save your friend the other day from some Timber Wolves?” I asked sure that the young mares distrust, or worry was being placed in the right area. Even I hadn’t expected to see that amount of damage to a Manticore, and all from the gentle person I knew as Steel. And why would he think he is... expendable? Does he truly believe his death would be a small matter?

“Y-Your majesty!?” Looking over at one of my stunned guards as I very slowly stood up, he looked at me with concern as I was soon standing at my full height.

Taking my time to refold my uninjured wing, I did my best to keep from moving my other wing, but I couldn’t help but allow a few twinges in as it too needed a bit of shifting. Looking over at my guards, who were either keeping their stoic and watchful expressions around the surrounding area, or the ones that looked on with concern, I said, “I would like to go see Steel... and somepony, please go back to Ponyville and retrieve my carriage... I doubt I will be able to fly like this.” A pair of strong Pegasus took flight, and as they flew at a high speed towards the direction of Ponyville, I looked towards another batch of Pegusi, and said, “Please go inform the other patrols to return to Ponyville...”

(Steel’s P.O.V.)

Grabbing the claw of the Manticore gingerly, I shook it very slowly, all the while doing my best to not reach down and grab the assault rifle lying on the ground beneath the ponies’ hooves. This was the third, and thankfully last Manticore I was expected to shake hands with along with apologizing to. It had almost been another shooting range when the first Manticore growled at me, but I for the sake of me shoot at the Manticore I viewed as a threat when the mare had jumped and hovered in front of me. Yet, even when I had managed to shake the feeling that I was going to die, she still had me apologize to it, almost like it was smart enough to understand me.

Surprise surprise... it had understood me.

While the mare had... ‘convinced’ him to not attack me, there apparently was no guarantees when I next visited this forest by myself.

As soon as the Manticore was no longer near me did I let out a quiet sigh, and the mare looked at me, before she nervously pawed at the ground, before she said, “Uh... t-thanks for saving me from the T-Timber wolves...”

“It was no problem... they learned not to mess with me anyways...” I said.

“D-Did you...” there was a loud gulping noise, before she continued, “k-kill them?”

Smirking a bit, I rubbed my sore side a bit, before I said, “Is that even possible? No, I didn’t kill them... they just couldn’t eat me, so I slapped them until they left me alone.” Slapped them like a mo... Celestia?

Feeling my eyes widen a bit, I made my way towards the approaching princess, though with a very noticeable limp as my ankle was probably going to look like hell, and I noticed her wing was still at an odd angle. If anything, it looked worse than before... with how much blood had soaked her white feathers, and the fur around that side of her body; she looked horrible!

Stepping forward, I stopped and looked her over, and while I did, I saw the weary look in her eyes, but the smile on her muzzle was a reassurance that she wasn’t in too much pain.

“Celestia... you are a damned fool for trying to save my life like that.” I said, and I noted the narrowing of her eyes, along with the hurt look as well. Even Rainbow Dash, who had been hovering nearby, let her muzzle fall open in shock. “But I'm glad you did... I didn’t want you getting hurt though.”

Bowing down slightly, I depolarized my helmet, and let my smirk become visible, before I said, “It seems that I will need to heal your wing your majesty...”

The expression on Celestia’s face instantly softened, and the small smile once again returned to her muzzle, and I looked at her wing, and grimaced as I looked at the broken bone that protruded from the skin. “How will you heal my wing Steel? I'm sure you don’t have magic, with the way you first reacted when I used my own... though I did see you fly without wings.”

Feeling my smirk return, though this time it lacked any real humor, I was feeling the effects of all those ‘flying’ sessions, just not as strongly as I should. A hot shower or bath should reveal all those hidden pains in no time...

Leaning a bit on my good foot, I let out a heavy sigh, before I said, “I have already been flying too many times within these past few days, and every single flight ended in pain. I think I want some wings so that they don’t end in crashes... though that didn’t seem to work so well in your case.”

After I said that, Celestia let out a huff of indignation, before she smiled and said, “I wasn’t prepared to be hit by a Manticore...”

Looking over as a large chariot landed nearby, I smiled, before I said, “Your chariot awaits your majesty... I hope it is Manticore proof...”

While she looked over her shoulders towards the chariot, I saw a small flicker of movement off to the side, and when I looked over, there was six mares looking towards us, with curious and interested expressions over all her faces. Celestia didn’t seem to notice, or either didn’t care, as I soon found myself being pulled into a hug by hers truly. Feeling a bit of warmth pool into my face, I awkwardly returned it with one arm over her shoulder. I didn’t want to hurt her by putting too much pressure on her neck, but I needed to hold onto her as she applied a bit of weight against my body, because if I didn’t; my hurt ankle was going to need to start taking some pressure. When her head lowered beside my helmet, I heard her let out a heavy breath, before she said, “Please take off your helmet, Steel.”

“Princess, as much as I would love to follow that order, I can’t comply until we return to the library in Ponyville.” When she pulled away and gave me a look that questioned why, I simply said, “I have been attack by too many things in this forest to risk taking it off...”

When it looked like she was ready to retaliate with something about how I should just take it off, she stopped, before she turned her head a bit. It was only as she let out a tired sigh before she said, “Let us continue this conversation on the chariot... I am feeling particularly tired after recent events.”

Letting out a brief chuckle, I said, “That is just the adrenaline leaving your system... heh...” as she dropped the hug, I suddenly put more pressure on my feet as I stopped relying on her for the support I had been using, and in that brief second, I let out a sharp gasp as I fell to my knees, before dropping to one of my hands. Unfortunately for my hand, it was the same hand that I had twisted a small amount when trying to pull it from the Timber Wolves muzzles. My body is just a big ball of joy... isn’t it...?


Chuckling a bit as I heard the concern in Celestia’s voice, I twisted my head a bit while I left my eyes closed, before I said, “Don’t worry princess... just my injuries is all...”

Slowly getting to my feet, I made sure to keep pressure from my injured ankle the best I could, along with making the movements I used with it slow and calculated; as to avoid additional injuries. “Do you mind if I ride your chariot with you?”

When Celestia smiled towards me, she walked beside me, before she used her magic to pull my arm over her shoulder, and I fully understood why. I gave her a thankful nod as she said, “I wouldn’t have let you return to Ponyville in any other way.”

With that, we were both walking towards the chariot, and with a silent chuckle, I let myself muse over everything that had just happened...

Author's Note:

Alright, I did have to re-edit this for Fim, as when I was uploading, it froze, and it wouldn't save what I had worked on... hope the errors are nonexistent.

Well, the length is good, so I hope this makes up for last chapter, which was apparently a teaser chapter xD