• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 12,342 Views, 433 Comments

Celestial Gift - Wolfsalvo

An ODST that was on the Forward Unto Dawn during its destruction is sucked through a wormhole with plenty of other debris. Follow his tale as he crash lands in Equestria.

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Planet Fall

Chapter 1: Planet Fall

The UNSC and ONI all thought that the Forward Unto Dawn only had two survivors, The Arbiter and Master Chief Spartan-117. The Forward Unto Dawn had been destroyed when it was severed in half, and many millions of pieces of debris were lost to the void. Most were small and insignificant, but a few were as large as cars, but just as insignificant as the rest; all except one. All the troops that had been on the Forward Unto Dawn had disembarked and joined the battle that had been waged on The Ark; all except one. By choice or not, this lone piece of debris had been dislodged from both sections of the once mighty and proud ship, but it didn’t go with either of the two halves that had been separated after the collapse of the Slip space rupture.

The lone survivor hadn’t made it out of the rupture with the Arbiter back to Earth, where the last of the human forces were recuperating. While that would only mean the survivor would have achieved a similar fate as Master Chief Spartan-117, it wasn’t permitted that such a realistic fate would be followed. Instead, being sucked into the wormhole with the rest of the debris small enough to not entirely destroyed by the forces acted upon them.

The fate of the third survivor of the Forward Unto Dawn will prove to be much more calming than that of either the Arbiter, or the Master Chief; but only if the landing upon the planet he was headed for didn’t prove fatal…


-:Surface of Equestria:-

Many of the ponies that were walking around in various villages looked up to see a rare and spectacular sight; a meteor shower. Many similar meteor showers have taken place above Equestria, but tonight was the night of the Lunar Eclipse; where the planet’s shadow covered most of the moon for a span of one hour. It was now, as the many streaks of fire streaked across the sky that many ponies made various wishes; ranging from wealth, to prosperity, and all the way to the wishes of obtaining their first Cutie Marks.

Red streaks and the occasional multi-shattering of debris in the high orbit provided a spectacular display of colors for the inhabitants on the surface of the planet, but high in orbit, it was proving to be anything, but a wonderful show of wonder, as the third survivor of the Forward Unto Dawn was battling just to stay alive, along with keeping his primary mode of entry intact.

(Steel’s P.O.V.)

“Come on you piece of metal, don’t drop out of the sky yet!” I shouted within my helmet as I continued to fight the manual controls for dominance over my falling drop pod. While I had experienced more than the occasional rough drop, I had never entered a planet’s atmosphere at an angle as great as this, and the prolonged flight was creating a heat unbearable even with my cooled suit to bear. I glanced over at the display panels as I saw them flickering on and off, but I was able to see the red warning symbol. The hull integrity of my HEV drop pod was critical, and the internal temperature of my pod was now exceeding one hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit. I coughed as the heat began to thin the oxygen in my drop pod, but I wasn’t going to let the blackness on the edge of my vision claim me just yet.

Punching another button, I heard the last of my emergency flaps tear away, creating a rippling sound effect in my pod. That wasn’t the end of it however, as I saw a new development approaching, and fast; it may not have been an ODST’s worst fear, but it was close. I braced myself as I saw a flaming mongoose coming directly at my drop pod, and I did my best to make it to where I wouldn’t be jostled from the impact.

The hull exploded in a shower of sparks as my head was jolted to the right, and I barely kept my visor from slamming onto a latch near the glass panels of my drop pod. I snapped my eyes open as my gut shifted, and I looked down and saw that a hole was now in the glass of my hatch, but what I managed to see through the shattered glass was what appeared to be a castle. I groaned as a pain suddenly made itself known, and I closed my eyes as red dotted various spots of my vision. I took in a deep breath and fought the wave of dizziness off, but as I opened my eyes, I saw I was much closer to the ground, and that was when I took action.

Slamming the twin joysticks forward while squeezing the button under my right finger, I heard and felt the effects of my emergency thrusters spray out their load, but that wasn’t enough, and that was when I noticed the chute for my pod had failed to eject. I cursed as I closed my eyes, and I braced myself for impact with the building I saw less than a mile away; and I was going faster than terminal velocity…

(Princess Celestia’s P.O.V.)

Being awoken by the sound of the castle shaking wasn’t what I had expected, nor would have wished for given the circumstances. I jumped in fear as I heard a dull explosion like noise from somewhere on castle grounds, before my bed reverberated beneath me. Jumping out of my bed and running to my closet, I used my magic to quickly throw a robe on over my body, before prancing to the door, and opening it. Standing outside my room on either side were two guards who were looking around, and I noticed their alert postures as I asked, “What is happening?”

One of the guards turned and looked towards me, but before he could say anything, we all ducked as something smashed through the overhead ceiling. When the rubble stopped falling, I looked up and saw the guards pull their wings back, and I saw a ragged hole higher up above where my room is, and a lower hole leading towards the opposite wall. I looked over and out the window across from my room in time to watch a black shape crash into the courtyard.

“We must make sure no pony was hurt!” I said, and I began to take off down the hallway, with my guards following closely on each side…

(Luna’s P.O.V.)

I had been watching the meteor shower not moments ago, but now as I peeked around the statue I had taken cover behind, I saw the falling star resting there in a small crater on the ground. I was hesitant as I approached the flaming fallen star, but I wasn’t sure if it really was a star. The other falling star had crashed into the pond across from where I stood, but steam was still rising from the surface, even if the water had originally been icy cold.

There was a dull red color coming from the inside of the rock, but I also saw steam coming out of cracks all around the surface. I had seen similar occurrences, but none had ever landed this close to the castle, and they never hit the castle either. Slowly and carefully, I made my way towards it so that I could get a better look at it, before I fell back in fear. Bright white flashes erupted from the top of the star, but they landed near my hooves as I got up and ran back to a safe distance.

I backed away as I heard a dull thumping sound from the inside of the rock, and that was when I realized the surface facing me looked like glass; albeit darkened from what looked like charcoal.


My head shot to the side, and I saw my older sister galloping towards me, but at that moment, a sound like hissing came from the rock, and my attention was snapped back to the rock as I pulled myself back behind the original statue I had hid behind.…

(Steel’s P.O.V.)

The impact had been anything but soft, and I had successfully fought off blacking out, but it was getting harder and harder to breath as smoke and steam filtered into the cockpit of my drop pod. My helmet had been bashed into the top window of my hatch, and while that only did so much to daze me, it had cracked my visor. I need out of this pod, now!

Bringing a hand up slowly, I slammed my fist into the shattered viewport so that I could widen the hole large enough to let some smoke out while I work. I wasn’t the strongest on my team, I was far from it, so after a few tries, I wasn’t surprised that I couldn’t break the already shattered glass. It is possible it ionized partially during the planetary insertion… that would make it hardened. Where’s the switch to open this hatch?

Moving my hand around the side of the pod, I felt a small switch, and I flicked it down, but that only got the red emergency lights to flicker, before dying entirely. I cursed, knowing that I no longer had power to the pod, and it was becoming increasingly harder to breath, which was now giving me a severe case of tunnel vision. Alright… *gasp* Emergency levers on top and sides of pod’s. Why… why is… *cough* everything getting hard to see?

Reaching a hand down, I pulled the lever closest to the top of the hatch down, and I felt it easily give way as a hiss greeted my ears. Placing both hands on a separate lever on either side, I pulled with all my strength. I yelped as I felt my right arm give way, and a jolt of pain erupted from my arm, but a crack resonated from the left side of my hatch, but I needed out of this pod, no matter the pain. Reaching over with my left hand, I yanked the latch, and my drop pods hatch hissed one more; before it launched away and into the darkness of the night.

I hadn’t realized how thick the smoke had gotten in my pod as it billowed away from my armor, and I quickly hit ripped my harness restrainer off, effectively releasing my body. I didn’t realize just how shaky and weak I had gotten inside my pod before and after the crash I had somehow lived through. As my helmet hit the ground, I saw the grass to the side of my visor, and I took a deep breath of fresh air, before I felt a deep pain in my shoulder. I tried to turn my head, but I only managed to twist my head so much, so I gave up with a sigh.

Pushing myself up with my good arm, I felt extremely shaky, but I managed to get myself into a sitting position. Using this time to take my helmet off, I had to push through the pain in my right arm and shoulder to achieve this task, but once I succeeded, I was greeted by the cooling chill of night air. I let out a quiet sigh, but my head snapped towards a shuffling sound, and what I saw wasn’t what I was expecting. Standing a good twenty feet away was a dark royal blue horse with a flowing black mane, which meant wealthy human settlers lived in the castle I just crashed into. Pushing my way to my feet, I clutched at my shoulder as I turned around, but as I did, my vision died out, and I felt lightweight… and then I felt my back impact the ground beneath me.

Author's Note:

Hello readers of Fimfiction, this may not be the typical site I write for, but I will do my best to provide you all with the same quality stories I do for fanfiction. This is my first MLP fic, and I also don't know all the background stories for the individual characters, so please bear with me if I get anything wrong. Now, if you wish to tell me what I can do to improve, please do so, as it helps me roll with the flow all the better.