• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 12,236 Views, 216 Comments

Our Girl Scootaloo 3 of 3 - Cozy Mark IV

Twenty years after her arrival on earth, the Mane Six have come to 'rescue' Scootaloo as they did Dashie... Her husband and two children might have something to say about this however... This 'rescue' is about to get complicated.

  • ...

Ch 3.20 Unforeseen Consequences

Our Girl Scootaloo

Part 3 of 3

by Cozy Mark IV & Jan. McNeville

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan-made work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro. Please support the official release

Chapter Three point Twenty: Unforeseen Consequences

Ever since Scootaloo's arrival on earth had become known all those years ago, physicists around the world had been quietly working on the problem of dimensional jumps. Based on what little data they had from the night of her arrival it had take almost a decade to get a working prototype built, but after the initial breakthrough they had several problems to solve.

The first one was power. Dimensional jumps required an unbelievable amount of it and worse, it was all needed in a very short period of time. The sprawling R&D facility working on the project had a dedicated natural gas pipeline to fuel its multiple on site power turbines, but even that had to be supplemented with a huge capacitor bank the size of a building. A cryogenics plant, similar to the one servicing the Large Hadron Collider kept all the superconducting cables and conduits at low enough temperatures to function, and all this was necessary to move objects big enough to see with the naked eye, but that was only the first problem.

The second problem was aim. After the initial breakthrough, the facility had taken several years to build, and when it went on line, the scientists were thrilled to find that they could indeed send objects and probes to other dimensions. The problem was that like our own dimension, all other dimensions they found were mostly empty space. The process of tracking down a simple planet had proven exhausting, especially in the first few years before they could reliably maintain a lock on one particular dimension. Once the locking technique had been developed they were able to send a probe, look at the distant galaxies, and make another jump to get closer.

Before the arrival of the Equestrians, it had taken several weeks of jumps just to reach a galaxy, another week to safely approach a solar system, and then more days to find out if the system held any planets. Working with NASA the team had learned a lot about other solar systems and had sent probes to orbit almost thirty planets, but they had yet to find one that bore life, let alone intelligence.

While the ponies had been using a room full of monitoring equipment in the hospital basement to perform their own jumps, the lab's scientists who had been watching were able to piece together enough to copy some of the Equestrians' techniques.

While the human methods worked, it was more a brute force solution to the problem and though Celestia was definitely pulling a lot of energy from somewhere to make her jumps, it was nowhere near what the human built equipment required; teams were already working frantically on improvements to their machine.

The second thing they got from their study was coordinates, not just in three dimensional space, but also the coordinates of the correct dimension. While they had not been able to make sense of the other dimensions they had explored, using the coordinates from Celestia, the team had re-calibrated their equipment, backed off a few light minutes, and sent their first probe though. They dared not use the exact coordinates for fear of coming though in Canterlot Castle, but with a velocity of half a million miles per hour straight down. Even at a safe distance, the results had been astonishing.

The solar system was not our own, and the star map of the sky was equally unfamiliar, but there were several planets, and one of them, a small and unusually dense world, fell right in the habitable zone of the star. Further inspection showed a large, earth like moon that kept the planet's axis stable, and the telltale signs of both oxygen and methane, proving this to be a living world.

The next probe was given a good push to set it into high orbit over the world, and inside of a day, the first ever map of Equestria was coming back though the data connection.

It was during their second week on earth, and just before Celestia's departure that one of the lead researchers caught up with her.

“Princess Celestia? May I have a moment of your time?” He called out as she made her way to the hospital basement.


“You've been very helpful to us in our research, but I wanted to ask a favor of you.” He held out an odd looking backpack sized device with a variety of antennas and a laptop screen. “Would you please take this back with you when you return this afternoon?”

Celestia looked the device over with a raised eyebrow. “What is this?”

“It's a monitoring device and a beacon. When you arrive, if you could find a spot in one of the high towers to stow this we would very much appreciate it.”

Her expression did not warm as she asked bluntly. “Why should I help you with this?”

The researcher sighed before answering. “Because we will find a way to jump over eventually, but this will really save a lot of time. You've seen our world. No one has any ill will towards you, and it's looking like some kind of long term relationship is all but inevitable. You've told us that you cannot easily make the jump; that it takes a great deal of effort. If you can teach us how you jump, we can adapt our gate to make the jumps for you. Power is not such a problem here, but our equipment is primitive, and we really need your help.”

Celestia still sounded suspicious as she asked. “And how would this device aid you?”

“Basicly? It tells us where the ground is and gives a very exact measurement of its velocity and direction of travel. We have already put a satellite in orbit, but there is-”

Celestia might not have Twilight's obsession with study but she knew enough to understand what a satellite was. “You have done what??

The researcher had the decency to blush as he continued. “I'm sorry, we don't mean to upset you, but this is common on our world. Any nation may launch satellites into orbit, and this is not, and can not be considered hostile because it is impossible to put something in orbit without it circling the globe and overflying all of our neighbors. The two biggest countries on our world settled this issue some seventy years ago.”

Celestia wasn't sure how to answer that.

“Really, if you wish to put a satellite of your own in orbit around our world you are welcome to do so. All I was trying to say is that launching a satellite is less difficult and less precise than trying to put an object on the ground. If we get the velocity wrong by say two hundred miles per hour, a few minutes of maneuvering will correct the problem. If we were to make that mistake when putting a person onto the ground...”

Celestia cocked her head to one side. “So you are saying you cannot send humans to our world?”

“Not exactly. If we really wanted to, we could put our people through in the upper atmosphere and have them parachute in using the air to correct any velocity errors, but it would be much easier for everyone to walk in rather than jump in. Some of my subordinates wanted to parachute these devices in and use that to finish the calibration process, but I overruled them. I have no wish to cause strife between our two worlds.”

“I am glad you feel this way.” She replied as she inspected the device and picked it up with her magic. She sighed as she continued walking back to the gate room and he followed beside her.
“This has just been a very stressful and unexpected trip.” She confided. “I am a capable diplomat, but I had no intention of opening diplomatic relations with an entire world when I began this.”

He nodded. “I can only imagine what this must be like for you. Is there anything I can do to help you?”

For the first time in hours, Celestia smiled. “Thank you, not at this time, but I will remember your kind offer.


Fluttershy had had a big day, and it was a welcome relief to get back to her hotel room. After everything that had happened, she was just happy to sit around the common area listening to Rainbow go on about her flying while Rarity waxed poetic on the many and varied types of makeup and fashion she had discovered.

As the evening wound down she made her excuses and retired to her own room, Applejack followed and closed the door behind them.

“So you reckon this is the end of it?” Applejack asked.

“I... I think so.” Fluttershy replied nervously. “It will be so good to be home again, to be back with my forest friends. They must miss me so...”

“No doubt.”

They both jumped at the third voice that had unexpectedly joined their conversation. A figure stepped out of the darkened bathroom and regarded them seriously.

“Agent Tyler! We... We were just...”

“Relax, Fluttershy. I know what happened. It's not an accident that Celestia chose you to be the primary ambassador to our world, the one who holds diplomatic immunity.”

“You... knew?” Fluttershy stammered.

“Yes. Who do you think 'leaked' that video footage? I called in a favor to get the viral video made, and you know the rest. Veal production is now illegal in forty-seven states, and there is federal legislation pending that will soon cover the stragglers.”

“You did that?!” Applejack asked in astonishment.

The agent smiled thinly “Well, who did you think it was? I have done what I could to help you since you arrived.”

“Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!” Fluttershy gushed in relief.

Even Applejack seemed to relax a bit of tension she had been carrying since the day Fluttershy had confided in her.
“I reckon it is over then; thank you Ms. Tyler. I guess we owe you one.”

“Almost over.”

There was a pause as both ponies looked at her with growing concern.

“I have one condition for all of this.”

Fluttershy suddenly looked very frightened and Applejack stepped forward protectively as Tyler reached into her vest and drew out a locket on a thin gold chain.

“I ask that you keep this as a reminder. Now and always.”

Applejack still looked concerned, but stepped aside, allowing Fluttershy to hesitantly reach out and take the locket, turning it over in her hoof. She cringed as she worked the clasp and the face popped open, expecting something awful, but nothing happened. After a moment she opened her eyes and looked. The inside of the locket was a oval piece of black plastic on the thick side, and in the cover was a picture of young girl, maybe eight or nine years old, smiling out at her.

The two ponies regarded the locket with confusion. “I don't understand. Who's that a picture of? And what will happen if Fluttershy carries that with her? This some kinda' human magic?” Applejack asked suspiciously.

“Dashie could probably tell you about digital picture frames. This is a small one that plays back pictures and video when you press the stem on the top of the locket.” She paused and fixed Fluttershy with a steady gaze. “Do I have your word that you will keep this?”

Applejack still looked worried, but Fluttershy looked up and smiled as she returned Tyler's stare. “After all you've done to help us? Yes. I will gladly keep it. But who is the girl in the cover?”

“Why don't you press the stem and find out?”

Fluttershy looked the locket over, and pressed down the tiny button built into the stem at the top. The small screen came to life and the speakers began playing back the opening bars of the viral video as Fluttershy recognized herself in the horrible barn. Her eye's welled up and she pressed the stem again to shut it off, but instead the video advanced to a news report. The Anchor read off the list of new states that had banned veal production in the wake of the scandal.
Applejack crowded in to see as Tyler leaned back against the wall and watched them.
The video cycled through several more news casts chronicling the search for them, and their eventual rescue.

Fluttershy looked up and smiled. “Thank you, this was so thoughtful of you.”

Tyler's expression, usually friendly enough, had gone cold as she intoned. “It's not done yet.”

-Audio Link-

The video cut to security camera footage from John's hospital room. The memories was still fresh, and Fluttershy remembered the look of the man, the other patient across the room and the woman sleeping in the recliner. She and Applejack watched as a yellow reflection became dimly visible in the reflective surface of the desk by John's bed. His labored breathing became more erratic as they watched, and an ominous alarm sounded across the hall. The yellow reflection disappeared just before a group of nurses came running into the room, swarming around John's bed.

The figure in the recliner was awoken by the commotion, and leapt to her feet, her expression terrified as she clutched the book she had fallen asleep reading. Fluttershy couldn't help the feeling that she looked somehow familiar.

The team tried their best, but nothing they did worked and the steady 'beeeeeee' of the heart rate monitor droned on and on as tears formed in the young woman's eyes.
“No... Please no!”

One of the nurses performed chest compressions while the doctor administered drugs and prepped the crash cart.

The woman tried to approach, but a nurse held her hand as she shook her head. “We have to let them try.”
She seemed about to break down, but as the first shock was delivered she waited, still clutching her book, her hands trembling with fear as she whispered; “Hold on Daddy... Please hold on...”

After almost five minutes of futile effort the doctor on hand called a halt.
“Time of death is-”

“NOO! Daddy!” The woman cried as she forced her way past the nurses to grab her father’s hand. “Daddy! Don't go! Please don't go!”

One of the nurses tried to comfort her as she knelt by the bed sobbing.
“Don't die! Please Daddy, don't leave me!”

The screen faded to black as the sounds of her sobbing gradually faded as well. Both ponies stared at the darkened screen in shock, their eyes brimming with tears.

Into the silence Agent Tyler spoke in a steady voice. “That is the only copy of that video, and I want you to keep it. Lisa Smith lost her mother when she was ten, one year after that photo in the locket cover was taken. That night in the hospital at the age of sixteen she became an orphan. The farm, her childhood home, will be sold and she will not want for money, but she will never see her father again.”

Tears were running freely down Fluttershy's face as she asked. “Why? Why would you show me this?”

“Because you need know the full consequences of what you did. In our world, we can rise to great heights or fall to terrible depths. We can build and create and accomplish amazing things, but this comes at a price. Unlike your world, ours is complicated. It is difficult. It is messy. There are no shining heroes of unmarred virtue, and there are no evil villains without redeeming qualities. Despite everything John did on that farm, he still had a daughter who he loved and cared for.”

Agent Tyler straightened up and walked towards the door leaving the two ponies still staring at the locket in shock. As she reached for the handle Fluttershy's voice stopped her.

“You... You think what I did was wrong?” Fluttershy asked as she tried not to sob.

Tyler slowly turned and regarded her with a sad expression. “I don't know, Fluttershy. I have protected you, but I neither commend nor condemn you. I don't know if what you did was right.” She pushed her suit coat aside and ran her fingertips over the grip of her gun in its holster. “Sometimes we never do find out.”

She sighed and pulled her suit back into place as she opened the door. “Welcome to my world.”

It was mid morning of the next day by the time everyone had gathered in the hospital basement 'gate room' to say their goodbys. Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity all gathered around the Princess for the trip home.

“I'm sorry you have to go, but I understand you need to get back to your families.” Scootaloo said as she shook Celestia's hoof with her hand. “We'll take good care of your Scootaloo, and let you know as soon as she recovers.”

“You have my thanks Scootaloo Scott. You have grown into a pony any parent would be proud of. I am still working with your Agent Tyler and the new earth ambassador, but I think we will be seeing each other again in about a month.”

Scootaloo couldn't help but wonder who had been chosen as the ambassador to an entirely new planet, but that was beside the point just now.

“I look forward to it. Have a safe trip.”

They all waved politely, except for Pinkie who grinned and waved wildly as a light began to glow around them and they each flashed and disappeared one by one.

When they had gone Scootaloo turned to David with a soft smile. “Did you know I was wrong about her?”


“Pinkie. For all her eccentricities, she understood, and she actually showed up for my monthly medical exam. She didn't want me to make a fuss about it, but she understood the importance of all this and she volunteered all on her own.” She grinned. “You should have seen my face when I walked in and found Mary going over the consent forms with her. She really is a good friend.”

David smiled and shook his head. “I'm glad to hear you didn't strike out completely. Give them time. They'll come around.”

Scootaloo hugged him and he held her close as one of the researchers on the far side of the room called out.

“We have incoming. Stand clear.”

With a deep violet flash, the space where the others had just departed was suddenly occupied once more as Princess Luna appeared wearing a set of saddle bags.

“Good morning Princess, welcome to Earth.” Scootaloo said stepping forward and offering her hand.

Luna shook the offered hand with her hoof, trying to conceal her raised eyebrow from this strange six limbed pony before her.
“It is good to meet you Scootaloo. My sister's letters have informed me of some events that have transpired here, but it seems she left out certain... details.”

David chuckled as he stepped forward and put an arm around Scootaloo. “Well, there has been a lot going on but don't worry, we're happy to have you here we'll answer any questions you like.”

The princess of the night nodded appreciatively, her glance stealing over her shoulder to the pack she wore. Scootaloo caught the look and hurried the rest of the formalities along, excusing herself and Luna at the first opportunity.

“Come on Luna, I'll take you to our little ones.”

A relieved looking princess followed the orange pony down the hall, and into the elevator leading to the ninth floor.

“I've heard a little about why you're here, and I wanted to say how sorry I am for all that's happened.”

Luna looked embarrassed. “That is... kind of you.”

“If you don't mind my asking, could you tell me a bit about the pony you're bringing back?”

Luna sighed as she withdrew the crystal sphere from her bag and looked at the swirling magic within.
“She was the only one who truly understood my night. A young pegasus filly who helped us to truly appreciate winter as the gift it can be... Her name was Snowdrop.”

Scootaloo Scott just stared for a moment. “You're serious aren't you?”

Luna cocked her head to one side. “You have heard of her? Perhaps from the television show Dashie spoke of?”

Scootaloo just shook her head as she stepped out of the elevator and continued down the corridor. “Not exactly. We knew the dimentional bleed through helped the writers... I guess we should have figured it wouldn't be limited to that group alone.”

Luna still looked a bit confused. “We speak of the same pony do we not?”

“A whitish snow colored pegasus who was born blind in both eyes?”

“Yes.” Luna sighed. “Her sight... was not the only handicap she faced so bravely. Such ailments are exceptionally rare, but they are not unheard of. I... I was not there for her when...”

Scootaloo had paused outside the room and stood up to hug the sniffling princess.

“Luna, I'm so sorry. We didn't know what had become of her...”

Luna returned her hug. “She succumbed to her illness not long after I...” she trailed off unable to finish.

“Hey, it's all right now. You're back now, and very soon we'll have her back too.” As they entered the room with the three sleeping foals a thought occurred to her. “I hadn't considered this, but if she was still a child when she died she will need someone to take care of her.”

For the first time since they had met, Scootaloo saw Luna really smile. “Yes, she will. I will be her guardian. After all that has happened it is the least I can do.”

Scootaloo returned her smile. “That's very noble of you. And eerily reminiscent of Fry's dog.”

Luna had fished out the crystal sphere once more, but paused before opening it. “Who?”

Scootaloo just shook her head. “Nothing, just a sentimental old show my dad's like. Have you decided which one you want to be your child's new body?”

Luna surveyed the three sleeping foals, as though noticing the strangeness of the situation for the first time. “Is... there any reason to chose one over another?”

“Not really. They're all exact genetic copies of me.”

Luna nodded absentmindedly and selected the foal nearest her, unscrewed the two haves of the crystal sphere and allowed the liquid magic to pour over the sleeping form which shuddered and kicked weakly as it's body absorbed the magic.

Scootaloo sighed as she leaned against the hospital bed and put a hand on Luna's withers. “Well, now we just have to wait. Mom.” She added with a warm smile.

Author's Note:

The audio link for this is 'Winter' by Tori Amos The song is about growing up as her father's daughter, first as a child, then as an uncertain teenager he asks her 'when are you going to make up your mind? When are you going to love yourself as much as I love you? All the white horses are still in bed' - you haven't seen your full potential yet, and there is so much more to you!
In the third in final stanza her father has grown old, his hair is gray and his body burns with an illness he can no longer fight. He looks back on his life, the opportunities missed, chances lost, promises broken... As he lays on his death bed despairing, his daughter takes his hand and repeats back the same line that he had always used. 'When are you going to make up your mind? When are you going to love you as much as I do?'

And it is this last and final stanza that Lisa and her father will never know.