• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 16,582 Views, 1,249 Comments

Courage - scion

Evil has come to the Everfree and Ponyville. The Elements must stand against it... but they will not be alone. The mysterious blue-eyed wolf will aid-or hamper- their efforts to bring harmony back to Equestria.

  • ...


Applejack and Big Mac rose at their usual times, taking care of the morning chores as was necessary. But this morning, Applebloom, and Granny Smith rose earlier than normal to begin breakfast.

The reason was quite simple; they had company.

All of Applejack's friends had spent the night, in various rooms and couches around the old farmhouse. So had Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, a little sleepover in Appleblooms room. None of those who had found themselves wrapped up in events that he had unraveled had wanted to miss Epona and Link's departure.

They were not alone. Before Applejack and Big Mac returned from their morning chores the moon set and the sun rose, heralding the arrival of perhaps the most unexpected ponies: the Royal Sisters.

They landed just after the sunrise, bereft of their usual adornments, and alone. If one listened closely, one could hear the quiet giggling about how they had slipped their guards. There was a note, when the guards managed to find it, and Cadence and Shining Armor knew as well. The Royal Sisters fully intended to enjoy a well-earned day off together, and they intended to start by giving a good send off to the two who had done so much for them. The first thing they did was knock on the door, and after a few quick bows, the young filly and old mare quickly set them to work.

And so it was that Big Macintosh and Applejack returned to the farmhouse to find Celestia and Luna putting up the tables the family used for the family gathers. After getting over the shock, and getting yelled at by Granny Smith, they proceeded to help. Over the next fifteen minutes the rest of the slumbering ponies in the house were awakened, sometimes gently, and in a few cases, rudely. But all of them were outside just in time for breakfast, and just in time for the emergence of Epona and Link from the barn.

"Oh! Breakfast!"

Epona made a beeline for the table, where a mixing bowl full of oats, grains, and hay awaited her. Link followed sedately, after before patiently lying down.


Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo waved from a filly-sized table. There, waiting for him, was another plate, this time with more dog-friendly treats- Fluttershy had brought over some fish and other carnivore-friendly snacks before the party last night. Link cocked his head, then headed over for a breakfast of his own.

"Where do you intend to go?" Celestia asked as she ate her own breakfast. It was not as refined or sophisticated as her usual breakfasts, but she nevertheless was enjoying it. From the sounds around her, it seemed as though her sister was as well.

Epona looked up from her breakfast. "I will go back home. To the village where Link lives."

"What will you do?"

"What I have always done. Help Link. Herd goats. Carry firewood. Draw carts."

"Are you happy?"


"'Tis all that matters," Luna declared, raising a cup of apple juice in toast.

Meanwhile, at the end of the table closest to Link, there was considerably more chatter going on.

"Link, how do you get back to your village? Is there some sort of magic portal in the Everfree? Where is it?"

Link, having been pestered nonstop since the beginning of breakfast, bared his teeth and growled at Twilight.

"Twilight, stop pestering Link!" Applebloom said as she petted his head.

"Uhm, Twilight? Link would, uh, really appreciate it if you could stop asking these questions," Fluttershy meekly translated. Satisfied that he had got his message across, Link returned to his breakfast.

"But... but..." Twilight sputtered.

"Sugarcube, this ain't an interrogation, it's breakfast," Applejack threw in.

"But I'll never get another chance to ask them now that they're leaving!" Twilight protested. "What if this happens again? What if this other kingdom that's somewhere in the Everfree gets invaded again and all this happens again and there is nopony to stop it because we don't know anything about it and everything happens again and-"

"Deep breaths, dear," Rarity cut in. Twilight proceeded to hyperventilate as Rarity continued. “Given Link here, I highly doubt that he would allow such things to happen. And if I know you, Twilight Sparkle, you aren’t worried so much about the politics of this as your are interested in the magic behind it.”

“What can I tell Princess Celestia?!” Twilight demanded, turning wild-eyed to Rarity. “I promised her I’d figure all this out, but now they’re leaving and they’re my only source of knowledge for what happened! What am I going to do? What am I going to do!?”

“First things first, stop shakin’ Rares, sugarcube,” Applejack drawled.

“Oh.” Twilight hesitantly let go of the white unicorn, who wobbled dizzily for a second before regaining her composure. “Sorry. But what am I going to do?”

“Are you sayin’ yer never gonna be able to figure this out on yer own?” Applejack asked.

Twilight hung her head in shame. “Yes.”

“Then it is a good thing I am not asking for such a thing, my most faithful student,” came a voice from behind Twilight.

Celestia and Luna stood there, along with the massive form of Epona (Celestia’s horn reached just over Epona's withers).

“But Princess, I… I…”

“I made peace long ago with the fact that I cannot know everything. I applaud your efforts and what you have done so far, but we will have to accept that we may not ever know the full extent of what went on here and why. This should not stop us from looking for more answers, but so long as it does not happen again, I am content to leave sleeping dragons be.”

“I… I suppose so, Princess,” Twilight said, troubled.

“Come now, Twilight. It will not do for you reflect on such things now. We are here to give a friend a good sendoff, not conduct research. Speaking of which, I do believe it is time for final goodbyes.”

Link, his breakfast finished, had padded over to Epona, who was in quiet conversation with Luna. At the approach of her friend and master, Epona perked up and moved towards him. At the table, all the ponies stood and trotted over, surrounding the strange pair.

"Do you have everything, darling? Blankets? Saddlebags?"

"Yes! Thank you, Rarity."

"All that an' more. You got them bits, sugarcube?"


"Good," Applejack said. She turned to Link next. "Now you take good care of Epona, you hear?"

Link barked an answer, though no one but Fluttershy really understood it. Still, it got the message across.

"I hardly think we need to worry about that, Applejack. But still, Epona is very much a lady, and she deserves to be treated as such. I've packed some shampoos for your Ilia to use the next time Epona wants a proper bath, they will make her feel like a whole new mare. I expect you to use them," Rarity told Link. Link cocked his head.

Rainbow Dash approached next.

"Epona, keep being awesome," Rainbow said. A cocky grin came to her muzzle as she turned to Link. "You too. I bet you one of your earrings that I win next time!"

The earring in question twitched as a canine smile flitted across his own muzzle.

"Uhm, goodbye, Epona," Fluttershy stammered out. "I hope you have a safe trip home. Oh, you too Link. Please, stay safe."

Link barked and gave the timid pegasus a nuzzle. She blushed and squeaked at the contact, and quickly backed away.

"Hey you two!" Pinkie interjected. "I brought you both a "Get Home Safe and Sound" cupcake!"

She held out both forehooves, a cupcake in each one. Moments later they were gone, cupcake crumbs coming from both wolf and horse.

"And I packed as many raspberry croissants and cupcakes into your saddlebags as I could! Make sure to eat them before they go stale!"

Link barked as Epona frantically nodded her head.

"Epona, Link, I wish you both a safe trip through the forest, and that your find home safely. Be careful out there, and thank you," Twilight told them.

Three missiles with hooves then interjected themselves onto the scene. Moments later, Link wheezed under the fearsome hugs that three particular foals were giving him.

"Thank you Link"
"Have a safe trip!"

“Goodbye Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo. I hope you find your cutie marks,” Epona told them.

Spike was promptly pushed out into the circle by Twilight as the Crusaders returned to the group. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, glaring at Link.

“I still want my sword back,” he said petulantly.

"Spike!" Twilight reprimanded. They had talked about this! It was not his sword, it did not belong to him, it was not a part of his horde!

"Yea, yea. Thanks for all the help, hope you have a safe trip, blah, blah," he grumbled to the ground.

Twilight almost missed the wink that Link sent to the young dragon. Almost. She made a mental note to look for a sword when they went back to the Library.

Last but not least, the Royal Sisters approached the pair.

"Link, Epona," Celestia began. "I know I have already told Link this, but it bears repeating: I can never thank you enough, for what you have done for Equestria, and what you have done for me personally. Without your efforts, Ponyville would no doubt still be struggling beneath the Shadow, or fallen prey to the influence of Nightmare Moon."

“As such,” Luna continued, “we have seen fit to reward you for your bravery and your aid.”

Luna held up a necklace in her magic. It was a simple stretchy and sturdy band that held a golden alicorn pendant, shaped as though rearing into the air. On one side was a brilliant diamond that shined in the early morning sunlight; on the other was a black diamond, dark as night. With her magic, Luna put it on Link, who tilted his head down to get a better look.

“Should either of you find yourselves in great need, touch the crystals and think of my sister and I,” Luna continued solemnly.

“And we shall be summoned to your side, wherever you are, to aid you however we can,” Celestia finished.

“Take it with our blessing, and our thanks. May you have a long and fulfilling life, and have a safe trip to your home.”

Link, to everypony’s surprise, tilted his head down and bowed to the diararchs, as did Epona. Then, with a look to Epona, he gave a little whuf before turning and heading towards the Everfree

“Thank you, everypony,” Epona told them as she turned to follow. “Goodbye! I hope I see you again someday!”

“Goodbye!” everypony replied, waving towards the retreating pair, Pinkie and the foals the most exuberant of the bunch. The group continued to wave until the pair was out of sight, in the rolling hills of the apple orchard on their way to the forest.

“Do you think we shall ever see them again?” Luna asked her sister quietly as the ponies returned to finishing their breakfasts, or beginning cleanup.

“Perhaps,” Celestia replied. “After all, not even we know what goes on deep in the Everfree.”


It was a bright and sunny day deep in the forest. There was no trouble for either wolf or horse, no timberwolves to stalk them, no manticores or chimeras to haunt their steps. They headed on at a smooth pace, a fast walk for the horse, a slow jog for the wolf. It was not long before they came upon the spring.

The spirit of the spring rose as the wolf and the horse came near. The Guardian bowed as both came to a stop, showing respect for the Hero and his ever-faithful mount. The two approached, dipping their paws and hooves into the water.

“I wish to thank you, Hero, for your efforts. This land was not meant to be spoiled by the evil that was contained by Hyrule, and I deeply appreciate your efforts to restore peace to this land.”

The Guardian paused, taking a moment to examine the pendant that was swinging from the wolf’s neck.

“I suppose that with my presence here, it is only fair that the land of Hyrule gains a token from Equestria. Guard it well, Hero.”

The two mismatched wings rose, and golden light began building upon them.

"Safe travels, Hero."

The spring lit up in a blinding golden glow.

When the light died down, Link, Epona, and the Guardian were all gone.

The water burbled and peace reigned on the shores of the spring in the Everfree, as it had for centuries, and as it would now continue for centuries.