• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 27,843 Views, 882 Comments

64 vs. Equestria - Jman9877

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?

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Chapter 31

Chapter 31

64 POV

I stared at Shining Armor’s form, and saw on his back was a large Halberd, no doubt for the battle we would have. Vi’s expended energy wouldn’t be able to make me any weapon without my connection to her being cut off. All I could use her for was to predict Shining Armor’s strikes and help me counter them, so I could stay on the offensive in this fight.

“Shining, you need to fight her off! Don’t let her take control of you!” I yelled, as Shining primed a magical spell, and took a few steps forward. I too stepped forward, and saw his eyes start to squint.

“I’m trying my damned hardest! I can’t just shake her off of me! You have to try and take me out!” Shining said, blasting his charged bolt at me. I saw it fly at me quickly, and I bent backwards, catching myself with my left hand as I saw out of my peripheral vision that he had unsheathed his Halberd with his magic, and was now rushing me. I quickly stood up and rushed forward, making sure to catch the Halberd’s handle with my hands.

With the weapon in my hands I was able to plant a kick to Shining Armor’s neck, knocking him backwards, but the Halberd was ripped out of my hands, and went back to Shining. I decided to rush forward, and launched myself at him, yelling as adrenaline began to pump in my veins. The two scissor blades in my grip began to slash and stab at Shining Armor, but as his cutie mark would show, his special talent was making defensive barriers, so every time I got close in a strike, a Rose magic aura shield appeared, only to shatter in under my strike.

“You have to try and get past those shields! They’re really fragile, so try and aiming for the same area in quick strikes!” Shining yelled, as another shield exploded, sending me back a bit from the shockwave. He came upon me once again, forcing me to block his strikes by parrying his Halberd swings with my two flimsy blades. I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep this up long, as another strike came to my side, and I swung a strike at his blade, canceling his strike and sending one of my own towards the side of his head, only to have a shield pop up. I remembered what Shining had told me, and I began to send quick strikes at his temple, while using my forearms and kicks to make sure that he didn’t bring his Halberd around my back.

“PESTILANT FOOL! WHY DO YOU ASSIST HIM?!” Super Nova yelled, standing in the only exit of the entire hall, making sure I didn’t run away.

By listening to her I had a split second of my focus becoming faltered, causing Shining to head butt me, knocking me backwards. I saw the Halberd coming from my right, attempting to decapitate me, before I quickly rolled to the left, dodging the quick slice, before once again lunging towards Shining Armor.

“Shining! Your sister is safe! I just wanted to tell you that!” I said, sending a low sweeping kick underneath Shining, sweeping him onto the floor, before I stabbed both blades towards his face, as he brought up his Halberd to block me, holding it in his magic along with his hooves to push it forward.

“R-Really? Why would you possibly care about her?! I know what Princess Celestia and Silent Knight had done to you, and what they were planning to do to Twilight, but why would you want to do anything about her?” Shining said, before bringing the end of the Halberd handle to my temple, striking me hard, knocking me off of his body as our positions reversed, with him attempting to strangle me using the Halberd handle.

“Because, would you want her to have to go through what I went through?” I grunted, pushing the handle off of my throat, “I didn’t know she wasn’t in danger all these years! I honestly thought she was dead! But now that I know she’s alive, I’m gonna make sure that every shroud of the Underground Labs past is destroyed, and I’m gonna fight until I’m dead, or I win!”

I took one hand to grab a grenade out of my back pocket, and lit it against the floor, and held it in Shining Armor’s face. Not wanting to take a risk, Shining immediately backed off of me, as I quickly rolled backwards and threw it at the ground between us, creating an explosion of smoke. I took the momentary break to light yet another Grenade, before jumping through the smoke, catching Shining Armor off guard as I threw it at his feet, sending him flying backwards. My one regret about making these Grenades were not being able to add shrapnel to my creation, making them thrice as deadly.

“Use those! Use those to knock me out!” Shining said, regaining his footing as he once again charged at me, as I noticed pieces of his Charred carapace starting crack and fall, revealing a molten underside. I avoided a stab he sent at me, as I parried the Halberd into the ground, as I attempted to stomp on the handle, but instead was swept off of my feet as Shining Armor pulled the Halberd back. Instead of trying to choke me this time, he came at me with a downward stab, as I went up to grab the blade, hands being protected by the Scissors on my hands.

We began a struggle to see who was more powerful, his magic, or my strength. I saw the Halberd was lined up directly with my neck, as I began to struggle to keep up the pushing.

“Roll to the left after throwing the blade to the right! You have to get out of this!” Shining screamed in my face, not wanting me to lose.

“Got it!” I yelled, following his instructions, but instead of rolling to the left, I planted my foot onto his stomach, and threw him over me, as I quickly got up and saw his form starting to rise. I went to tackle him and grabbed his Halberd, aiming for Super Nova in a throw which she was forced to dodge as she scowled at me. I felt Shining Armor’s magic trying to repel me, pushing me off of him, but I kept my grip, and made for another Grenade.

“Good! Hold it behind my head! Point blank should be enough to know me out!” Shining Armor roared, as he tried his hardest not to fight back against me. I nodded and lit the Grenade, and forced Shining Armor’s head on top of it.

“YOU LITTLE TRAITOR!” I heard Super Nova yell, before I felt the most horrible pain sear throughout my back.

“64?! NO!” I heard Vi scream in terror, as I was still in shock from the piercing pain slicing through me. I looked down towards my torso, and saw the blade of the Halberd partially stabbed through my back, coming out of the right side of my chest. My vision started to blur, and I felt incredibly dizzy, not feeling the blade being pulled out of my back, as blood started to rush out of my body. The Grenade underneath Shining Armor exploded, successfully knocking him unconscious, as I saw his now regular coat and mane became normal once again.

“V-Vi…… start healing…. Please….” I thought, feeling consciousness starting to fade away from me. I felt the very little energy Vi had seep into me, as Super Nova kicked my body over, forcing me to lay in a pool of my own blood.


My breathing was becoming ragged, and I felt like time was slowing, but not in a good way.

“64! Just try and stay with me! I’m speeding up blood clotting right now, so all you have to do is stay awake for a few minutes!” Vi cried, as I felt her magic course through me a bit faster. I began to wonder how she was using her magic at the moment, when moments ago she was choking on Super Nova’s evil magic, unable to even make a simple dagger. Was Shining Armor’s presence also affecting her?

“ACK!” I yelped as Super Nova added a bit more pressure to my back, causing my stab wound to flare up in pain, and me to awaken painfully, not allowing me to fall unconscious.

“SIMPLY TRY TO FIGHT BACK YOU DISGUSTING WORM! YOU CANNOT MATCH THE RAW POWER I POSSESS!” Super Nova said, backing off of me and flaring her blackened charred wings in a powerful display, as she cackled with a mad glee.

“64… try getting up! I need to see what I need to heal! I started the blood clotting so the bleeding should be slightly reduced!” Vi said, as she once again got to work healing my vital injuries. I put my palms onto the floor covered with my blood, not even phased as I felt its warmth coat the left side of my face and the entirety of the front of my body.

I pushed myself up, trying my best to ignore the searing pain in my body as I eventually pushed myself onto my knees, gasping and sputtering my breaths very painfully and slowly, knowing I had gained a punctured lung. I slumped over once again, coughing up blood.

“I know 64, I can see it. I’m getting to work!”

I once again put my hands to the floor, and felt my warm blood on the ground. My vision was still swimming around, and I felt my heart rate start to beat much quicker. Damn Cardiac Arrest wasn’t what was going to take me out……


I started to limp forward towards the Door to the Elements of Harmony, already having a plan starting to swim around in my head, already knowing that there would be major repercussions to it.

“Vi…… you ready for this?” I gasped, already telling her what I was gonna do.

“64… I told you that no matter what choices you ever made, I would simply guide you to it. I’m ready for this.” Vi said, taking a deep breath.

I continued towards the door, undoing the duct tape bindings on my hands, dropping the two Scissor blades onto the floor, and grabbed Peacemaker out of my back waistband.

“I COMMAND YOU, REMAIN STILL!” Super Nova yelled, as I finally made it to the door, still gasping for air while trying to simply stay awake. I turned around towards Super Nova, and put my back to the door, using it to remain balanced. I wiped blood away from my lips before I took in a deep breath to reply to her.

“You know what…… Super Nova? Fuck…… you.” I said, raising a two fingered piece sign towards her. I saw her fiery eyes become brighter, and felt the heat begin to rise in the room. I looked to the still unconscious Shining Armor on the floor behind Super Nova, and hoped he would wake up soon so he could get out of here.

“YOU. DARE. TO DEFY ME?!” Super Nova roared, shaking the actual room, making some debris fall from the roof.

I was purposely trying to rile her up, one so I could buy myself a few minutes so Vi could repair some of the major damage done to my body, although I knew I would need some medical attention to help fix my punctured lung, and fast before I went into shock, which I felt the early onset effects of.

“Yeah… I do. Wanna… know why? Because… you, are simply… horrible. Why are you doing… all of this? Just to get me? To kill me? For… what? Twilight… is alive, and safe too. I… have no ill will towards her, or Celestia for that matter. So… why? Why would you… practically ruin thousands of lives, just to get to one person? Answer that… Super Nova…” I said, gasping and wheezing every few words, and holding my left hand to my chest wound.



I saw Super Nova’s horn start to glow, as my pure adrenaline started to perceive time going slower.

I could feel my heart beating, a bit more erratically than one would hope for.

I felt the sweat from my forehead drip down my face, before finally dripping off onto the floor.

I readied Peacemaker in front of me, and took the best deep breath I could.

I saw the glowing reach its apex and a bolt fired at me, at a very alarming speed.

“VI, GET READY!” I yelled mentally, as I took a blocking stance, as the bolt got closer and closer.

“READY!” Vi yelled back at me, as I saw the bolt was in swinging distance, and without a weapon, I simply swung the Peacemaker at the fire bolt, as timed completely stopped for a second.

I had a face of exertion and determination, knowing that this either had to work, or this place would become my early grave.

Vi had a face of fear, knowing this plan would hurt her immensely, but it would be a necessary sacrifice to make.

Super Nova’s face was one of intense anger, wanting to finish me off as quickly as possible, for I was the only obstacle in her way.

Time once again started to return to its normal speed, as I finally made contact with the fire bolt, as the entire magic force was absorbed into Peacemaker and I heard Vi’s bloodcurdling scream pierce my ears, as I also felt the intense burns of Super Nova’s magic course through my arms. The magic coursed through my entire body, as I felt my muscles tense and heart rate increase and become steadier.

“AAGGGHHH! 64! DO IT NOW” Vi bawled, as I could feel my hair stand straight up at the absolute terror within her voice, as I immediately took Peacemaker, and stabbed it into the magically locked Door, using Super Nova’s magic to unlock it.

“WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?” Super Nova yelled, as I saw a blue light erupt from the Sun symbol in the center of the door, as it exploded in all directions, lighting up six lights covering the double doors, as they swung open, enveloping the entire room in its bright blue light.

I looked up and saw that in the center of the very small room, a blue box covered in diamonds and crystals, presumably containing the Elements of Harmony.

“YOU CURR! CEASE THIS INSTANT!” Super Nova bellowed, as I grabbed the box under my arm, and pulled Vi out of the Lock. I couldn’t feel any presence within Peacemaker, and feared the worst, until a fire ball went flying over my head, and I was forced to hurry and get going. I put Vi into my satchel, as I held my chest injury, noticing it hurt much less than it should have, and my breathing had stabilized after the magic had surged through me, but there was still some bleeding going on, so I knew I wasn’t out of the woods yet.

“Shit… gotta get outta here…” I muttered, before grabbing two Grenades using my left hand and lit them against the floor, throwing them towards Super Nova’s hooves, creating a large plume around her, which gave me about 10 seconds of cover to get out of this place. I was able to go into a light sprint, with a large pain searing through my stab wound, gripping the Elements of Harmony under my right arm.

I made for the door, before I saw something catch my eye, making me choose a very split second choice. Do I grab Shining Armor too? Or do I hope for the best?


I made for Shining’s body, quickly scooping him up as well, throwing him over my left shoulder, making sure to hold him tight. I quickly jumped to the left as stinging sliced through my body, dodging a stream of Lava Super Nova had just sent in my direction, as I turned and made for the door.

“SAVING THE TRAITOR AS WELL? YOU CONTINUE TO AGGRAVATE ME TO NO END!” Super Nova yelled as she gave chase, knowing she would catch up to me if I didn’t do something very quickly. I had an extra 120 pounds on me from carrying Shining Armor over my shoulder, and about another 20 under my left arm from keeping the Elements of Harmony clutched safe, slowing me quite a bit.

“Damn…. Why did I make Vi do that!?” I thought, wishing she was awake so I could use her magic to help me go faster. All I could was speed myself up by going into a mild sprint, trying to ignore the absolutely agonizing pain which was ripping through my chest and back.

“YOU WILL FAIL ONCE HERE PROJECT 64! YOU CANNOT ESCAPE MY PALACE!” Super Nova screamed, as I saw that down the corridor I was running down, a thick wall of molten rock was starting to form, closing off the path I was going down.

“SHIT!” I yelled, as I increased my speed, nearly falling over in the pain I was going through, and attempted to beat the wall before it was going to be able to close on me. I turned my right shoulder towards the wall, as it closed in front of me. I smashed through the wall, as it once again closed behind me. I didn’t turn around as I heard a large explosion ring out as some debris passed me, signifying that Super Nova had smashed through the wall as well.

Something was going on with Super Nova’s magic, as if she was running out or something. First it was Vi all of a sudden becoming much better from her magic interference, then it was her having many chances to kill me as I was getting the Elements of Harmony, now her spell traps were becoming weaker and weaker. If I didn’t know any better, she was suffering from Magical Exertion, which is something a magic user could experience if they use too much magic within a short amount of time.

I made a quick right down another hall, knowing it was an exit route that would lead me out of here.

“Dammit Shining, if there was any time I needed you to wake up it would definitely be now!” I thought, as I began to feel a bit woozy. I needed to get back to Canterlot Cliffside, so I could get back to Twilight and her friends so I could get them their Elements.

“I SWEAR IF YOU DON’T STOP RIGHT NOW I WILL SEND YOUR BODY LIMB BY LIMB TO THE GATES OF TARTARUS MYSELF!” Super Nova yelled, as I was forced to side step to avoid getting hit in the back by another fire bolt.

“Huh… wha? Where the hell… Woah!” I heard Shining yell as he began to tense up in my grip.

“Nice to see you in the land of the living Cap! But right now we got bigger fish to fry!” I yelled, tossing him off of my shoulder as he began to run alongside of me, “What is the fastest route to the Throne Room?! We might need to use the back exit!”

“What back exit?!” Shining screamed back at me.

“We make one then!”

As we continued to run through the charred halls, we felt something off about the entire place, as we slowed down to look behind us. We were astonished to see that after turning left through a kitchen, Super Nova was no longer following us. I set down the chest I was holding and bent down to catch my breath as best as I could, as Shining walked over to me.

“What happened there? Did I stab you like that?” Shining said, noticing some blood on my hand after pulling it away from my wound.

“Nah… it was Super Nova… I threw your Halberd towards her to get it away from you when I tried to knock you out, but instead she picked it up and stabbed it through my back. I think I may have a punctured lung.” I said, rest against a wall in the kitchen.

“Shit… here, let me try and help.”

Shining Armor’s horn glowed Rose before blasting me in the chest, knocking the wind out of me.

“AH! Wha… What was that!” I gasped, sliding down the wall as I grasped at my chest.

“Relax… that was a light regeneration spell. It should help you with whatever injuries you got from the stab wound. It should be good as new in about a week. C’mon, we have to keep moving… Wait. ARE THOSE THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY?!” Shining yelled as he suddenly jumping back, just noticing the Chest I had with me.

“Yeah… but I don’t feel good knowing what I had to do to get them… But now’s not the time to dwell on that, we need to get to the Throne Room. Where is the quickest rout….”

My sentence was cut short as we both felt a rumbling in the ground… and a heat fill the air. We looked at each other before we looked towards the double doors of the Kitchen entrance where we came in through, and saw through the small circular windows in the doors that a river, a HUMUNGOUS RIVER, of Molten Lava was headed straight for us, with crashing waves and all.

“HOLY SHIT!” We both yelled as we both immediately turned 180 degrees and hauled as fast as we could away from the torrent of lava, but not before I scooped the Elements of Harmony and held it to my chest, sprinting as fast as I could away from the Lava.

“WE NEED TO GET TO THE THRONE ROOM! WHERE THE HELL IS IT?!” I shouted a Shining, who simply nodded his head back at me, the universal symbol for the phrase, “Follow me!”.

Shining turned left as I followed him down another corridor, him knowing the entire layout of this Palace inside and out.

“IT’S NOT THE FAR NOW! JUST TWO MORE TURNS!” Shining bellowed in front of me, as we continued to outrun the waves of lava behind me. It was only about 10 yards behind me, and I knew that it would catch very soon if I didn’t do something quick.

“Shining! Do something about the lava! It’s nipping at my heels back here!” I barked, as I felt exhaustion start tear its fangs into me.

“Got it!”

I continued to run and not look back as a barrier formed behind me, holding back the rushing torrent of lava, giving me a few seconds to get away.

“OK, HERE IT IS!” Shining Armor shouted, as we turned left one more time, as we both saw large double doors form in front of us.

We barreled through the doors as I dropped the Elements on the ground, and turned around to close the them, pushing as hard as we could to get them closed before the rushing lave was able to get to us.

“C’MON! C’MON!” I grunted as the Lava got closer, and our efforts doubled. With one final push we got the Double doors closed, as we felt the rushing lava smash against the door, threatening to break it down.

We both backed away from the doors, praying that neither of them would fall. As we saw them hold fast, we stared at each other, before I started to chuckle, knowing that I had just escaped the most dangerous thing I had ever gone through. I looked back towards Shining Armor, wondering why he wasn’t reacting, when I saw the shocked stare he was giving towards the Throne. I turned around at the ready, knowing Super Nova was sitting there, waiting for us.

My eyes widen as I realized that it wasn’t Super Nova we were staring at, but the entire Throne Room was absolutely brimming with Molten Royal Guards, each of them with flaming red manes and charred blackened fur. They all started to slowly shuffle towards us as I quickly picked up the Elements of Harmony, clutching them to my chest.

“Shit! There’s too many for us to fight!” Shining Armor said in anger, as I felt the plan was incredibly obvious.

“Shining, when I say now, I need you to use your biggest explosive spell on the wall behind the Throne to the left, you got it? Then as soon as the spell lands, you need to teleport both of us into the room behind the Throne, got it?” I said, gripping the handle of the Throne Room door, ready for my part of the plan as well.

“Yeah! I got it.” Shining said, as we went shoulder to shoulder as the Ghouls bared down on us.

“Ok… ready? NOW!” I yelled, as Shining shot the spell towards the Throne wall, prepared to blow it to smithereens as he got ready to teleport us. As soon as the spell landed against the wall, I pulled the door open as we teleported to the back room, and the Lava torrent once again started to rush.

“GO! GO! GO!” I yelled, as I was once again running through the hidden pantry behind the Throne, noticing it’s un molten texture, unlike the rest of the Castle. There was the door I once made me first daring escape from Canterlot in front us, as I leapt through the air, keeping a tight grip on the Elements of Harmony, shutting my eyes as I was prepared for the impact.

Twilight Sparkle POV

“Woah! Did you just see that? There’s lava spewing out of the back of the Palace! I can’t see 64 anywhere!” Rainbow Dash yelled at me, as my mouth dropped. The Palace was right above us, and if there was Lave pouring out of it, it would form a sort of Lava filled waterfall!

“My goodness… we might need to go right now!” I yelled as I shot to my hooves, and was already half way out the door.

“Wait, Fluttershy’s signaling at me! What is it Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash yelled upwards towards Fluttershy.

“The lava isn’t spilling down the mountain! Shining Armor is running out of the back with Mr. 64 in front of him! He got the Elements!” Fluttershy half yelled loud enough for us to hear. I nearly jumped out of my fur at the mention of my brother being safe, when all of a sudden I heard yelling from two male voices getting nearer, as I ran outside of the cave to see that both 64 and Shining Armor were flying down the mountain, as Shining Armor held the Chest for the Elements of Harmony in his telekinetic grasp.

“I got them!” Rainbow Dash yelled, as she shot down towards them, leaving a Rainbow trail behind.

The rest of us waited nervously on the small trail leading upwards towards Canterlot, peering over the edge as we waited for Rainbow to fly back up.

We all jumped with glee as we saw Rainbow Dash’s hair pop up from the ledge. But we all had shocked looks as we saw all Rainbow Dash had in her grasp was Shining Armor, holding the Elements of Harmony in his hooves.

Author's Note:

LONGEST CHAPTER YET! Enjoy this shit. Comment!