• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 1,815 Views, 183 Comments

Good, bad, and why me? - Normalguy

It was just a normal day of going to school, and I just dont know what went wrong.

  • ...



I Can't describe where he is)

When I went to sleep I didn't expect to go back to the field.

I get up surprised to be in the field. I look around and see that instead of daytime in my head it's nighttime. So this is what it means by internal clock...

I keep looking for Iris to talk about random stuff and other plans. Something catches my eye off in the distance, a cabin made of logs. Maybe Iris is over there. I get up from the ground and make my way over. While trekking I take in the scenery that was beautiful in the day but as beautiful in the night.

I make it to the cabin and inspect it up close. The logs are in a linking pattern, being one on top of the other. Seeing the cabin believes its a one room cabin. I knock on the door expecting something to happen. While waiting I realize that its a dream and it's in my head. Thinking that there are no consequences whatsoever, I walk in like I own the place, with my swagtastic walk, I am such a dick.

Getting tired of walking like that I stop and look around on the inside. The inside looks like the outside but with a bed and furniture. looking at the bed I think 'what happens if I sleep in a dream?'. I walk over to the bed and get in under the covers. Next thing I know is that I see stars in the sky and then pain.

" Oww~~." Wait a minuet, if this is a dream why do I have pain? Realizing this I get up and look around for the cabin. I spot the cabin and it seems to be a block away to my right, Thinking about what just happened I wonder what made me fly.
I make it back to the cabin's door and open it once again. I poke my head in to see Iris again but breathing really fast, wonder why she needs a lot of air? Isn't she a air elemental? Seeing where she is makes me realize what happened. She was in the bed when I slipped in. Oops. Well time to confess.

" Hey Iris." I say while making a entry through the front.

" Oh hey Jon." She says in a irritated voice. " Why were you in MY bed?"

Thinking how to get away from this I give my reply.
" Weelll I wanted to see if I could sleep here." She seems to face palm at this.

" And?"

" That's it really, other then how this place got here?"

"*sigh* I made it. Anything else."

" HOW did you make it." I ask while thinking if I could make my own cabin.

" It's your mind you can do anything..." She seemed to slow down at the end realizing what she just done. She just gave me the keys to the tank of murica. Not really but I can make one.

I turn around and walk outside. Thinking of something to make nothing comes to mind. It's that damn moment when you can have anything you want but nothing comes to mind. While thinking my mind drifts away and goes to food. Thinking of food one thing comes to mind. Bacon...

I quickly try to summon a piece of bacon but only one strip pops in front of me: half eaten. I make a sad face at this and lay down on the field thinking of ways to get back to being awake. Soon after i'm joined by Iris by my side.

" Hey." I say

" Hey..." She replies

Things go silent between us for a couple of minuets. Until I beak the silence.

" Sorry about going into your bed."

" It's fine. Sorry about coming into your head."

" Meh, tell me about you I don't know much other than your a spirit and a air elemental."

" Can't remember much, it all seems like a blur."

" Oh, um, sorry I asked. Uh how about this, why were you sleeping."

" Cause I wanted to sleep, Got a problem with that?" She says with sass.

" Kinda, but not really. It just seems like when I need help or advice your asleep."

" Oh, well uh when I get bored I sleep."

" Isn't seeing a life a of a 15 year old in a different world not boring."

" It kinda does."

She suddenly stands up and has a look of fear. I notice this and ask.

" Hey. What's wrong?"

" Someone else is trying to get in." She says in a fast pace.

I think of the situation and come up with a plan.
" What's keeping tem out?" I ask?

" Your head and mind."

" What do you mean by that?"

" Assuming a pony is trying to get in, let me say this, um... Since a pony is used to pony minds this pony cant get into yours because your different yet somewhat the same. Do you get it?"

" Yeah how do I let them in?" She looks at me with a surprised face but answers quickly.

" Well this pony seems to cant find a entrance, so make a door and let them in I guess."

" Ok, i'm gonna let them in. Should you let them know about you or you gonna hide or something." She puts on a quick thinking face but it disappears as quickly as it comes . she give me the answer.

" I'll hide. Just don't try or do mention me whatsoever. Got it?"

" Okay. Talk to you later I guess." I got up and walked deeper into the field. Wen I got to a good point I imagined a door in front of me. The door in front is like my home front door. The door has a solid dark brown color with wooden gains in it the only thing missing is the stupid glass panel at head height. I opened a the door to not really expect any one but instead I got a pony.

The pony in front of me is princess Luna. Now seeing who it is I try to close the door but her regalia covered hoof stops it uhhhg. Now I have to talk to the other princess. She speaks up and asks me.
" Will though let us in?"

I just opened the door and walk away. She came in and closed the door behind her. I have a feeling she wants to 'ask' me questions.

" What made you come here Luna?" I ask.

" We felt the dreamscape change, so we investigated it."

"Oh that's it? Guess you didn't expect me didn't ya?" I say.

" We definitely did expect this."

" Oh need anything?"

" No."

" Well then why are you still here? Wanna leave?" I say while imagining another door next to me.

" Why is thou in such a rush to get rid of a princess? Thou shall be grateful we have given our presence to thee." She says with her head tilted up in pride.

" Well my mind is like my room, I don't like anybody in here. And when ANYBODY comes in I naturally try to get them out of my room A.S.A.P."

" Doesn't thou like a friends company?" You know I kinda don't consider her a friend yet, maybe we can be friends.

" Yes, but not in my room. Do you need anything else?"

" Not really.." She seems sad at this. Thinking of something to change the subject I thought this. ' What does she not have that I gave her sister? Answer: A nickname.'

" Hey Luna." She looks at me with a flat face. " How would like a nickname?" This seems to make her speechless as her sister. " Can't be Moonshine cause uh... It's too long. Yup." " The only thing I can think of is Lulu, your name cant have many nicknames you know that." She wanted to reply but I kept going. " Lou could work but, eh.. Got it! I'll call you either Luna or Lulu or something night related." Luna seemed to just accept it and ask one question.

" May we go?"

" Oh yeah just let me get the door." I make a door and open it for the princess of the night. Soon after she left I layed on the ground, and after that Iris appears out of nowhere. She talks to me.

" So how was talking to her?"

" It was nice. So you saw it all?"

" Yeah nice deception of giving her a nickname."

" Heh, being random is fun and confusing. Helps in life for me." She just giggled at this. " So how do I wake up?"

" It'll be just like last time, So don't worry about it."

I soon figured out what she meant by that, I felt a force pull me and black out.

Author's Note:

Into the real world We go who's gonna meet him next?
who pokes things with sticks?
Another line!