• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 1,819 Views, 17 Comments

Geoverse: Three Random Things - GeodesicDragon

Five authors get together, pick three random items, and write a story about them. Randomness ensues.

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Ikemtz16: One Wild Night


Just outside of Canterlot castle on a warm summer night, Princess Twilight was strolling with her human husband, Prince Geo. The flowers in the royal garden relaxed the two after a hard day of Equestrian politics.

"Wow," Twilight sighed. "It's such a beautiful night. Isn't it Geo?"

Geo took a deep breath.

"That it is, honey." He replied, admiring the moment.

"So how are you liking being a prince?" Twilight chimed.

Geo responded with a shrug. "I can't complain that I'm royalty." He looked at Twilight. "But all and all, I just like to be closer to you."

Twilight giggled.

The royal duo continued to relax in the gardens as Luna's moon shone brightly above them. Although, for some reason, Geo could not help but feel like they were being followed. Every now and then, he would receive a chilling sensation up his spine. He darted his eyes around, but all he saw were the flower bushes.

He leaned towards his alicorn spouse.

"Hey, Twilight?" he asked.

She turned towards him.

"Have you ever got the feeling that you were being watched?"

Twilight raised an eyebrow in question.

"Why?" She queried with concern. "Are you feeling all right?"

Geo took another look at his surroundings before shaking his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he replied with a sigh. "I guess I'm just a little shifty tonight."

Twilight nuzzled his hand.

"Don't worry," she soothed. "just enjoy the night while you can. You've been having a rough day, so your probably just tired."

"True." He then yawned. "I suppose we should turn in. We have a lot of matters to attend to tomorrow."

Twilight happily agreed with a nod.

But once they begin to depart the gardens, they froze in place upon hearing an evil laugh quietly sounding off behind them.

They turn around.

"Even in another universe humans can be so naïve," a man's voice said within a shadow of a tree. He emerged from the darkness to present himself. Geo was very much astonished by what his eyes were met with — A pale looking human dressed in a black trench coat. His hair was grey and depressing with small streaks of black. The royal couple were even more horrified by the red eyes that resembled blood as they stared depravedly at them.

"W-who are you?" Twilight said in utter shock.

The man replied with another sinister chuckle.

"It would seem you horses have never seen a fellow like me," he said. "But I'm sure this gentleman would know."

His cold eyes were met with Geo's. Although Geo was very much terrified by this strange man's presence, he still kept his distance. He coughed slightly.

"I do know that you're a human." He scrutinized the man for a second. "A very... pale human at that."

"Wonderfully deduced, your Highness," the man said sarcastically. "But you were still very close."

Twilight's face was adorned with a look of hesitant curiosity.

"Does your kind not recognize a vampire when they see one?" Those words clicked in Geo's brain, and he groaned. It should have seemed obvious to him in the first place, what with the eyes.

Geo put his hand in front of Twilight, signalling her to get behind him. Both of their hearts shot into their throats.

"What do you want?" Geo said sternly, his gaze locked with that of the monster.

"What every Romanian demon wants," The vampire gave an evil grin. "Blood."

It was a completely unexpected turn of events when the vampire hissed, exposing the gigantic razors in his mouth.

"Oh no you don't!" Twilight shouted and cast a spell from her horn.

It streaked towards the vampire, only to be deflected by its claws.

"Well, isn't this a lovely new feature?" he said with a sly smile. "But you should know that magic is useless against the undead."

Suddenly, he zoomed past Twilight, smacking her hard against the face to knock her to the ground. He then rushed toward Geo and grabbed his head.

"Now it's my turn." the vampire snarled as he threw Geo with immense strength across the castle gardens.

Geo's fall soon ended when he crashed through one of the windows. The glass shattered into a human shaped silhouette, followed by a painful grunt as he landed on the floor. He stood up, thinking that it was a miracle he was not hurt.

"Guards!" Geo yelled. Two royal guards soon appeared nearby.

"What happened?!" one of them exclaimed.

The human pointed a weary finger at the creature landing ahead of him. The guards gasped and immediately took a defensive position in front of their prince.

"Halt!" one of them barked. "You take another step and—"

"Oh hush now." the vampire interrupted, attacking the protectors with his superior strength and speed. They stood no chance against the beast. Geo witnessed his guards being thrown at the wall, leaving them disoriented and useless to fight.

"Now then." He turned to Geo. "It is time for my meal."

He walked towards his target. Geo was cornered within the room. Even if he were to escape, this blood-thirsty freak would just gain the upper hand either way. At the exact moment, Twilight barged through the doors to witness the vampire lurking on his prey.

"GEO!" she shouted with tears bursting from her eyes.

The human figured that this might be the end, despite his other grim encounters with Death's cold grip. He figured that now was the time to face his ending. Tears also rolled down his cheeks as he took a final glance at his beloved wife.

But as though Fate was not ready for him, the creature was abruptly shot by what Geo thought to be a bolt of lightning. The vampire fell to the ground, allowing Geo to run to his beloved.

"Are you okay, Twi?" Geo asked with great concern.

"I'm fine," Twilight replied breathless by what she just witnessed. "But what about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm sore as hell from that throw." he said, almost groaning from his fall. "But I'll live."

Their moment of relief was far from over, as the vampire got back to his feet. The source of the blast was from some sort of electric pistol in the grip of another human, who was accompanied by another three. Geo was surprised to come in contact with more humans, but what made them draw his attention the most, was that they were cowboys.

The one who shot the vampire was a slender-looking man. He was wearing glasses, a black cowboy hat, and back suspenders over a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

"You've come a long way from home." the man said with a western accent. "But it's time to call it quits!"

"John Everett." the vampire hissed. "How quaint it is to see you again. And how wonderful to feast on four more mortals."

John looked over to a cowboy beside him.

"Bobby." John said plainly. A man with jet black spiky hair nodded with a smug and pulled out a sound shotgun. He fired a booming sound at the vampire, who dodged it by jumping high into the air and latching onto the rafters of the room. Bobby kept shooting at the creature as it continuously avoided his attacks.

"Vince, bring him down!" John shouted to a chubby-looking Mexican man wearing a sombrero.

He nodded at his commander's order and lurched forward with a strange metallic crossbow. He drew a thick tube from his quiver and loaded the whole thing into the weapon. With a pull of the trigger, the crossbowman fired arrows at a machine gun-like rate of fire.

But just like Bobby, the vampire evaded the arrows, until one finally pierced him in the shoulder, resulting in an ear-splitting shriek.

In an infuriated frenzy, the vampire flew towards Vince with his jaws open wider than normal. At the last minute before the marksman was his dinner, the vampire's face was met with the hard surface of an iron fist. A buff looking man with pink skin and a Mexican poncho, punched the monster with big metal gloves, sending him flying away from his trajectory.

Every failed attempt to drain the blood from their corpses made him roar with fury. Enough was enough and he used every ounce of his powers to fly towards the leader of this group. John was not expecting such a fast approach and paid the price for not reacting fast enough.

The vampire delivered a barrage of sharp claws to John's face. He then finally threw him across the room, into a wall display of spears. He groaned in agony.

"Since you seem to matter so much to your fellow comrades..." the vampire snarled. "You will die first!"

"John! NOO!!" Bobby shouted.

John lay on his stomach as the vampire closed the distance with his mouth watering for his blood. But a window of opportunity came to John. A loose spear from the wall display, laying unattended about three inches beyond his reach.

He grabbed it right at the moment the vampire threw himself towards him. Everyone in the room heard a sickly stabbing sound.

The vampire gasped. He was frozen in place with the spear deep in his chest.

"No," John said. "Ah suggest that you die first."

He turned the spear counter-clockwise, digging the the spear deeper into the vampire's heart. It let out another roar, then exploded in a black cloud of smoke.

The whole room became deathly silent.

"Way to go, John!" the pink man exclaimed.

John lifted himself from the ground. "Thanks, Rufus." He smiled.

All the cowboys that apprehended the beat, looked over to the winged unicorn and human. Their jaws dropped at the sight that they just met. John approached the two with a neutral expression.

"Sorry fer all that, folks." John responded. "We were tryin' ta git this freak back home, but Ah guess he used the amulet to teleport to yer world."

He looked over to the shattered window where a shining medal hung on the damaged frame. He walked over and grabbed it.

"And it looks like we have it now." he continued as he examined the golden medallion in his hand.

Back at the interspecies couple, Twilight spoke up.

"You mean that uses magic?" she stammered.

"Yes, ma'am." John replied as he went over to the Hispanic gentleman. "Vince! Take a look at this and try getting us home."

"Si, señor." Vince nodded.

He then spoke in Spanish to cast the spell which would allow them to teleport. While he was translating Geo walked over to John, still awe struck by their heroic act.

"I-I don't know what to say." Geo said. "You saved our lives. Thank you, all of you."

He held out his hand in a friendly gesture.

"Not a problem, pardner." John smiled as he shook Geo's hand. "Just doing mah job."

"Señor! We're ready." All faces turned to the amulet in Vince's hands. It glowed brightly, charged for another universal leap.

"Wild West Tech!" John barked. "Let's go home."

Before the guys circled around the amulet, Geo halted them.

"Wait!" he exclaimed. "What are your names?"

John looked at the human for a silent second before responding with his answer.

"Mah name's John Everett," he replied.

"This is Bobby 'Blackjack'," He pointed to the black-haired man.

"Rufus Wells," then the buff brute.

"And Vince Gonzales." Finally the Mexican sharpshooter. "We're the Wild West Tech gang. And you have yerself a good night."

The amulet grew brighter and brighter, until the whole room was engulfed in light. Twilight and Geo had to cover their eyes. Once the light show ended, there was no other human in the room.

They exchanged each other looks of confusion, with nothing to say, when suddenly Princess Celestia rushed into the room with Princess Luna in tow.

"What happened here?" Celestia asked when she saw glass everywhere, and two of her royal guards unconscious.

Twilight looked at Celestia and flashed a grin at her.

"Princess Celestia!" She exclaimed brightly. "You'll never believe what just happened."

As Princess Twilight explained what had just occurred over their absence, Geo looked at the spot where the gang once stood. It did boggle him as to why these cowboys were here in the first place, but he just decided to dismiss the thought. But what bothered him the most was the thought of ending up in another predicament like that one. Sure the vampire was just a lucky break, but what if something far more worse than that were to kill him?

"... And that's when you got here." Twilight finished her story.

"My goodness, Twilight," Celestia responded quite bewildered. "That must've been horrible."

"It was, until those other humans saved us." Twilight smiled. Her husband then approached them, making her smile even wider.

"Geo!" she chimed as she hugged him tightly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He replied. "But can I tell you something?"


Geo let out a sigh and paused.

"I just want to say I love you." he eventually said.

"I love you too, but we already know that." Twilight giggled.

"I know, it's just that..." Geo looked uneasy for a moment as he floundered for the right words. "When that vampire was about to... you know... make a meal out of me. I thought about what would've happened if that actually occurred."

Twilight began to frown.

"And if I die... " He started to tear up slightly. "... I might not see you again."

The other two princess watched as Twilight nuzzled Geo's face with every ounce of care. Geo knelt down to hug his wife.

"It won't come to that." she soothed over his shoulder.

Hearing her comforting voice made Geo perk up instantly.

"I'm just glad you're okay." he said.

They shared a kiss before looking at the princesses. Celestia was very touched to hear Geo's words, and to hear how much he cared about Twilight. She looked at Luna, who had the same smile as to what she was thinking.

"Well now that that's over..." Geo stood up. "How about we turn in for the night?"

Twilight smiled.

"Sound's like a good idea." Celestia replied with her own smile.

Everypony swapped goodbyes and dispersed.

"Oh, before we go to bed, Geo." Twilight implied. "Make sure to lock the door."

Geo chuckled. "After what we just encountered, I happily agree."

The two finally left the room and made of to bed. Happy that they still had each other, even if death were to tear them apart.

Author's Note:

IKEMTZ16'S THINGS: Quiver, Romania, and Weapon.

IKEMTZ16'S AUTHOR'S NOTE: I got an idea with those three words: Vampire in the Geoverse. And with Geo's permission to add my own OC's, what better OC's to handle a bloodthirsty demon than my very own Wild West Tech gang?