• Published 22nd May 2013
  • 744 Views, 22 Comments

The Mettle of Friendship - Solace Sojourn

Violet Vigil is, by most standards, an ordinary earth pony. However, she was raised on a secluded farm. What happens when a rural earth pony is forced to ingratiate herself into more modern society?

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Arc 1: Violet Sunset, chp 3

While eating dinner, Violet talked about Quiet Quill. She said he was just as shy as she was, if not, even more shy. She talked about how, even though he was shy, he had taken it upon himself to sit with her. There was something about him that rung as likeable to Violet. It wasn’t something tangible; that was for sure, though he wasn’t physically unappealing. No, it was something more spiritual, more mental, and even emotional. He had been lonely, too. He had understood. He eliminated her loneliness and in doing so, eliminated his own. He was smart in that regard.

Overall, Violet liked Quill. He wasn’t interested in putting her in the limelight. He was only interested in having a good time with a friend. Those facts eased her mind immensely and made going to school much less intimidating. She went to bed that night with a smile on her face and something to look forward to the next day.

Once again, they sat together. They didn’t talk as much as the day before, but neither of them minded. The simple proximity they shared seemed to be more than enough. It wasn’t enough, however, for Juniper.

“Hey Triple-V!” she shouted, using the nickname she had created to use in class so that Omni wouldn’t be aware of the insult, vain, “Why don’t you come sit with us? We’re much more lively than that mute!”

“Watch your mouth, Juniper!” Omni instructed regardless through thinly veiled lips.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Miss Omni! It won’t happen again, I swear,” she said, keeping her eyes on Violet, rolling them.

Violet felt something bubbling and boiling within her then and was surprised. Never before had she been angry with anyone but now it was there. It was a challenge to keep herself from shoving a few poison-tipped words down her ears and she would have sworn she was about to do just that but it was Quill that stepped into her eyesight and walked towards Juniper. Violet couldn’t see it, but he was seething.

“What’s your problem, Juniper?” he said without missing a beat.

“Excuse me?” she asked irritably, raising an eyebrow. This was certainly a new side to Quill.

“We’re just trying to do our own thing. Why don’t you just leave us alone?”

Before Juniper could have a chance to respond, Quill continued, waving a hoof around to accentuate his points. He spoke with a new fluency and determination he never knew he possessed.

“And while you’re at it, you could stand to quiet yourself more often. I swear, you can be heard from every corner of the room, and even during naptime, I can hear you whispering to the Sisters know who! We aren’t here to listen to you, Juniper. We’re here for our own reasons and I highly doubt any of them are for you!”

The whole classroom was silent for a good couple minutes before Quill spoke once more. “If I hear another word from you and it’s not warranted or productive, or if it’s aimed at making Violet feel bad or worse than she already must feel because of you, I will not hesitate to report you to Omni or any teacher. You got that?”

Juniper stared with a slack jaw and wide eyes. She regained her senses after a moment, though, and turned to Omni, vehemently gesturing to Quill. “Did you hear that? That was totally uncalled for!”

Omni didn’t change her expression from the usual smile and perky giggle. “Nothing seemed uncalled for to me! I appreciate you standing up for Violet, Quill.” He grinned and nodded towards his teacher. As Quill returned to Violet, the widest smile he had ever seen her wear was plastered all over her face. He hadn’t gone halfway when she burst from her desk and tackled him to the ground, hugging him with all she could muster.

“Thank you, Quill… so much…”

“Sure thing, Violet. Sure thing…”

She could hardly keep her eyes off him and Omni had to call for her attention multiple times, not that it mattered to her. She was genuinely happy to see the both of them so open and content with each other. If she had to deal with them being distracted every now and then, in exchange for their happiness… she would happily make that deal. After class that day, Petal caught up with Violet while she was bidding Quill goodbye.

“See you tomorrow, Quill…”

“Count on it, Vivi,” and this time, he pecked a little kiss on her cheek. After smiling at her, he turned and departed for his parents.

Violet lifted a hoof at that spot and felt her cheeks become sweltering as she watched him go. The butterflies that seemed to have swarmed her stomach stole her attention for a while before she finally somebody calling out, “Violet!”

Spinning around with some surprise, Violet answered, “Yeah?”

“You got a moment to talk?” She nodded.

“Look,” Petal stood and started and shook her head. “Don’t take my spending time with Juniper like I don’t like you. I do. I just… don’t want to irritate Juniper. Quill had some nerve to do what he did… but I couldn’t do that. Please, I don’t want you to hate me.”

Violet stared for a moment and laughed. “Petal, I don’t hate you.”

Petal sighed heavily and had a ghost of a smile on her face. “I’m glad… look, if Quill isn’t around and Juniper gets too… Juniper… I’m here for you.”

“Thank you, Petal. Really.”

They both hugged and a wave washed over Violet. It felt as if the worries she had been consumed by were nothing anymore; that she could go about her school days with all the assurance in the world from Quill and Petal. Before she knew it, days melted into weeks and into months.

Indeed, time passed by quickly, her time with Quill and Petal—mostly Quill—making time fly by rapidly. She doubted she could have lasted as long as she did without them. Quill was like a subtle assurance whenever she doubted herself. He was an extra push when she was nervous. He was an open book that she could inscribe herself inside anytime, anywhere, and any way she desired. If Violet wanted to transcribe her day’s woes within the pages of his mind, Quill would be happy to provide the ink and parchment. And Petal, she knew, would do just the same, given the chance.

Violet had even invited Quill over for a winter break party. It was a small event, including only her family and Quill’s. Nobody else knew about it. Violet and Quill spent most of their time just talking to each other, especially about a certain holiday involving hearts and hooves.

“Well, Violet… would you be my special somepony?”

Violet was starstruck. She stared at Quill and after a moment spent struggling, said, “D-definitely.”

They hugged afterward and Starlight Tread snuck in a picture of them together. At first, her daughter was outraged and blushed like mad but in truth, she loved it. She kept it in her school bag from then on.

One day in January, however, a storm assaulted the school, wind bending trees, rain clacking against every surface, and lightning providing a stop to the foals’ hearts every couple minutes. Omni wasn’t sure about the safety of the school and she listened with apprehension to her students.

“I’m not sure we should be here,” Petal said.

“Me neither,” Violet agreed.

“You think we should go, Miss Omni?” Quill asked.

“Quit your griping, Quill. We’ll be fine,” Juniper snapped. Nearly every pair of eyes in the room narrowed at Juniper and she looked down.

“Fillies and colts, stay calm,” she insisted. “I’m just as concerned as you a—” and before she could finish her sentence, a bolt of lightning pierced the clouds and blinded anyone who was looking out the classroom’s only window. The following thunder crack made everyone clamp their hooves over their ears.

When they could once again allow their ears to be unhindered, Omni sighed and shook her head. “Nope. Everybody out, now! We need to evacuate!”

There were multiple sighs of relief and one, Violet noticed, came from Juniper. She noted that and with Quill, she started to depart through the main hallway and out the front doors. She realized that nobody else was evacuating and mentioned as much to Omni.

“I’ll let everyone know,” Omni assured. “This place isn’t safe. Just keep on going and make sure you stay safe. Go home if you have to, just be safe!”

The foals did as they were told, and with all haste. Violet and Quill stayed close together and were surprised when Petal joined them.

“Aren’t you usually with Juniper?” Quill asked, though not unkindly.

“She stayed inside. Besides, I can’t stand her anymore. If I stayed with her one more moment, I’d buck her to the moon. And I don’t want to get grounded.”

The three of them laughed as they exited the school and stood in the wind, rain, and occasional lightning. It didn’t take long for them to agree to depart and head home. Violet and Quill embraced each other for more than a few moments.

“Stay safe,” Quill said.

“You, too.”

“I love you,” he whispered into the storm. It was lost amidst a crack of thunder that tore their attention from each other and back to the school. A bolt of lightning had shot from the heavens and pierced the school, collapsing a large portion of the south side and igniting it.


The rest of their classmates fled the site. Even Quill and Petal had started to depart but when Violet made no move to retreat, Quill stopped and Petal noticed this so she stopped as well. Quill returned to Violet and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“We have to go!”



“No!” she yelled, turning to Quill. “I won’t ever leave when somebody needs my help! I’m going in!” He stared at her with a mixture of disbelief and wonder but didn’t tell her to run again.


“Quill, please. I can’t leave them.”

“I agree,” Petal spoke up. She garnered the attention of Violet and Quill. There was determination set on her face and she nodded. “I’m with you, Violet.”

After nodding her thanks, she gave a pleading look to Quill. He sighed heavily but nodded himself. “Alright. I’m coming with as well.”

Smiling widely, Violet leaned forward and kissed Quill on the cheek. “Thank you,” she said softly and though it was lost to the storm, Quill could read her lips easily enough. He blushed and grinned a little himself, gesturing to the school.

“Let’s get on with it.” Violet looked at it with a mixture of fear and awe, but only for a second. She gazed around and saw a multitude of ponies paralyzed by their own fear, those that hadn’t already left. A new rage welled up inside her, breaking forth and forcing her to yell, “Don’t just stand there! Help them, for crying out loud!”

Nobody responded and Violet snarled, stomping the ground and took off once again. She ran into the burning building—sure that Quill and Petal were right behind—and ignored the many cries of alarm that sounded behind her. The cries told her to stop, to run away, and to save herself.

No. Never. I won’t ever leave somebody who needs my help.