• Published 12th May 2013
  • 7,247 Views, 366 Comments

A Guardsman in Equestria - Guardsman_Sparky

An Imperial Guardsman ends up trapped in Equestria

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The Return of Chaos part 2

"Ohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrap!" Alexander tore down the cobbled streets of Canterlot, barely able to keep his wits about him. He chanced a glance over his shoulder at the immense four-armed behemoth rampaging behind him. The carnifex was bearing down on him at full tilt, the chitinous terror's maw open as it stepped on a hapless unicorn. Alexander almost stopped in astonishment when he saw the flattened pony stick a hoof in his mouth and reinflate himself, walking off as if nothing had happened.

The carnifex was getting closer, viscous fluid dangling from its jaws in venomous strands as it snapped at his heels. Alexander cast around, desperate for a reprieve. He spied a narrow alley between two buildings and dived into it, barely avoiding the carnifex as it lunged for him. Alexander rolled over as the carnifex lashed one of its forearms into the alley, a scything talon longer than Alexander was tall stabbing into the cobblestones between his legs. Alexander scrabbled back out of reach, white as a sheet. The carnifex snarled at the shaking human then moved away, disappearing from view around the corner.

Alexander sighed in relief, getting to his feet. He tried to catch his breath, knees shaking from an adrenal overdose. "That was too close."

Alexander spoke too soon. The carnifex smashed into the buildings on either side of the alley with the crab claw-like appendages below its front pair of legs, forcing its way towards the guardsman. "Shit!" Alexander fled from the alley, the buildings collapsing as the towering tyranid barreled through into the open.

Alexander turned the corner, scrambling into the main plaza. He could see the royal palace at the other end. As the carnifex skid into the plaza, Alexander put on an extra burst of speed he hadn't known he had. He burst through the gates, slamming them shut in the carnifex's face. The heavy doors did little to slow the carnifex as it smashed the gates open, knocking Alexander to the ground. The carnifex towered over the human, glowering at the insignificant speck that had vexed it so. The carnifex roared in the human's face, Alexander eyes watering at the rancid, festering stench of rotting flesh that eminated from its maw. Alexander shut his eyes, bracing for the end as the carnifex stabbed a talon down at his head.

After a pregnant pause, Alexander slowly opened an eye. Both eyes almost popped out of his skull as Alexander saw the carnifex's talon hovering an inch from his face. Scrambling away, Alexander saw that the carnifex had turned to stone.

As Alexander stared at the petrified tyranid, Discord appeared on top of the stone behemoth's head. "Well, well, well," the draconequus drawled sardonically. "It appears you've made it to home base before Chompers here could tag you. You're better at these games than I thought." He flashed away before Alexander could do anything. "See you soon."

Alexander collapsed on the ground, absolutely exhausted. He shut his eyes, wishing that the nightmare would end. A shadow covered Alexander's face. He opened his eyes and found a unicorn guard wearing golden armor looking down at him from above. "The Princess would like to have a word with you."

Alexander followed the royal guard into the Canterlot library, mouth agape as he took in the sheer volume of the literary works of knowledge present. He made the sign of the Aquila when he saw Princess Celestia. "Your Highness."

Celestia smiled warmly at the guardsman as he removed his helmet, though worry was evident on her face. "Alexander, I'm glad to see you are well."

Alexander grimaced. "As well as can be expected when you've just been chased through the streets by a monster that wants to eat you."

Princess Celestia frowned. "Yes, I heard. What was that?"

Alexander shook his head. "A monster from the past that I had hoped to never see again."

Celestia looked at Alexander, deciding that that was probably the most she was going to get out of him on that subject. "Well, I am happy that nopony was hurt."

"Oh, Celly, I wouldn't have let it hurt him," Discord retorted, unfolding himself from a book on a shelf. "Much." He chuckled evilly. He picked up a glass of chocolate milk and held an empty pitcher above.

Alexander stepped between Discord and Celestia. "What do you want, Demon?"

Discord guffawed, the chocolate milk pouring out of the glass up into the empty pitcher. "I just wanted you to see the show." He snapped his talons, a projector screen unfurling from the wall. Another snap of the talons, and an unseen projector began projecting images on the screen. "Oh, and before I go and have my fun, the item you seek is where your quest had begun." With a giggle, Discord folded himself up like origami until he disappeared.

Alexander scratched his head. "What was he talking about?" Alexander and Celestia turned to stare at the projector screen. What they saw was disturbing. The six mares that Alexander had befriended were bickering amongst themselves. Alexander was aghast. "What happened? Why are they so, grey? And, where's Rainbow Dash?" Alexander asked, suddenly realizing that the screen only showed five of the mane six.

Princess Celestia bowed her head, her mane drooping. "They have been disharmonized by Discord, lost touch with their true selves." As they watched the screen, Twilight's color faded before their very eyes. "We must remind them of who they are, remind them of their friendship."

Alexander glanced at the alicorn skeptically. "And just how do you propose we do that?"

Celestia strode to a plain wooden case sitting on a desk at the far wall. "Ever since Twilight moved to Ponyville, she has been sending me weekly Friendship Reports."

"'Friendship Reports?'" Alexander scoffed. "Really?"

"Yes," replied the solar alicorn evenly. "I can only hope they can remind Twilight of who her friends are. After that, it will be all up to her." She opened the case, then rested her head on the desk with a groan.

Alexander rubbed his face. "Let me guess. He took the friendship reports?" Celestia nodded. "That must be what he was talking about earlier. Let's see. What we seek is where my quest began." Alexander began to pace. "That could mean the maze where the carnifex appeared. No, no, too obvious." He scratched his nose. "It can't be in the tower. That would be too easy. Where-? I've got it!" Alexander exclaimed.

Celestia looked up and giggled despite herself.

"What?" Alexander looked up, a lit yellow light bulb floating above his head. "I hate that guy." He grabbed the light bulb and threw it away before turning to the giggling alicorn. "Princess, can you send me to the Everfree Forest?"

Celestia stopped giggling, an inquisitive look on her face.

"My 'quest' (as Discord put it) in Equestria began where I arrived. I think that's where we'll find the...Friendship reports." God-Emperor, that was almost as bad as 'cutie mark.' Gag. "I need to be there yesterday."

Celestia seemed unsure. "How will I know when to bring you back?"

Alexander stopped. He hadn't thought that far. "Can't I just take them to Twilight?"

The princess shook her head. "No, she may not even be in Ponyville when you get there. It would take too long to find her before the damage caused by Discord became permanent. I can send the reports to Spike instantly with my magic, and Twilight is sure to take Spike with her if she goes anywhere."

Alexander sighed. "Alright, fine. Just...give me a few hours, then zap me back."

Celestia nodded, and the library disappeared in a flash of golden sunlight.

Author's Note:

This is only the first half of part 2. the second half will added once my sounding board gets back to me. I'll be posting it separately for a few days before lumping it back in. Enjoy