
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Important News · 1:20pm January 13th

So, I really don’t know how much I’m going to say in this blog post but my life is on the up-and-up atm and I wanted to share it. Not much has happened but what has happened makes me excited just thinking about it.

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Genuinely Curious · 9:35pm Dec 6th, 2023

So, I've been wondering something recently. Genuinely curious about this. I had a minor run where I was fairly popular on this site, and while that's behind me now, I'm wondering what outsiders thought.

So, for anyone who is vaguely aware of me and my stories, what is the opinion you hold of my writing? Did I deserve the popularity, somehow get it, do you just recognize my name and nothing else?

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My Influences · 3:59am Nov 10th, 2023

“Good artists borrow. Great artists steal.”

This quote is often cited as being said by Pablo Picasso. The quote itself is often used to describe that art is derivative, and that sometimes the best pieces of art are doing what’s been done, but doing it even better. After all, Super Mario Bros. is not considered the best 2D platformer, as people often consider World or 3 to be better anyways.

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“Welcome, faithful listeners, to WKJR… · 3:07am Apr 22nd, 2022

“The Radio of the Apocalypse! I am your DJ, Cover Version!

”Word around the street is that the raiders present in South River have been challenged by a rival group. The public is getting more and more restless waiting for something exciting to happen in this run-down town. It’s not like we’ve done much rebuilding despite having plenty of chances to. Seems that the grip the raiders have is too strong, and we simply haven’t gotten the chance.

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Idea, Looking for Input · 10:07am Apr 20th, 2022

I had this idea stewing, but I haven’t really sat down and worked on it. I’ve gone on record stating that the little DJ preambles in FO:E are some of my favorite parts of the story. So, I thought to myself, what if the DJ parts were the story? Better yet, what if it was an audio drama?

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Behind the Story: Zephyrina/Zipp · 2:43am Mar 17th, 2022

Wow? Sinbin? This is probably the single best reaction I’ve gotten on any story I’ve ever written. I remember when I was excited to get 50 views on a piece, and now I’ve hit Sinbin, so thanks to everyone who contributed to that goal! I can check that one off my FiMFic bucket list.

I find this funny mainly because this story was written out of a place of disappointment.

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Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results