
Viewing 1 - 20 of 261 results

That 100th episode · 5:56pm Jun 13th, 2015

I don't even care if you think it was all pandering and memes. I laughed like a madman. 10/10. Flawless episode.

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Report DannyJ · 684 views · #Hail Hydra

Holy dramatic readings, Batman! · 11:32pm Jun 30th, 2015

Something about oneshot dark comedies starring Discord seems to capture the imagination, I find. Rest in Chaos has almost outpaced the success of Just Dodge! by now, and Just Dodge! was also pretty damn surprising in how many people liked it. But one thing I can say about Rest in Chaos that I can't say about Just Dodge! is that it's now inspired two dramatic readings.

Yes, for real. Check it out here:

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Report DannyJ · 532 views · #Hail Hydra

World of Traitors reading · 4:33am Nov 26th, 2016

We have a new dramatic reading! I haven't had one of these in a while.

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Report DannyJ · 481 views · #Hail Hydra

Borderworld TV Tropes page · 8:41pm Nov 28th, 2016

The Borderworld now has a TV Tropes page. I always hoped it would happen one day. It's been just a little over two years since I officially started the Borderworld group. Near enough all my fics these days are set in this shared continuity, and I've also used the group to post worldbuilding essays and supplementary material for those interested, but those have

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Report DannyJ · 430 views · #Hail Hydra

Abandoned Discord and Celestia origin story · 6:59am Jul 20th, 2015

Those of you who aren't writers, and even some of you are, would be amazed at how many ideas I generate (and how many I throw in the trash) on a daily basis. At any given time, I usually have about sixty projects open in my writing folder. An idea may stay in my folder for years before I eventually decide to scrap it, usually after salvaging anything of value from it to incorporate into my other writing, or at least into my worldbuilding notes and essays. Why, it was only recently that I

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Report DannyJ · 635 views · #Hail Hydra

Next stories · 12:56pm Apr 3rd, 2016

I've left it three days now to give everyone a chance to vote, so I think it's time to close the voting for the moment and draw conclusions. I didn't get as much response as I hoped for, but that's why multiple votes were allowed, and there was certainly enough data to show a few favourites. Something Cosmic was the most popular choice, standing at five votes out of the thirty or so total I got. The runners-up are World War Discord, The Warlord, and I Who Stood Before

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Report DannyJ · 502 views · #Hail Hydra

What should I write next? · 11:44am Mar 31st, 2016

So, hey. It's been a while. Recently, I published two new fics, The Devil's Dues and A Word With You, My Friend? Both of them got an okay reception, but neither of them really exploded like my duo of Discord dark comedies did a while back. Not surprising, but it does highlight the fact that people aren't always necessarily interested in what I write. Well, since I've now cleared out most of the stories that I was close to publishing, I had a thought. What if I let my followers

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Report DannyJ · 693 views · #Hail Hydra

Sequel inbound · 5:54pm Aug 25th, 2016

Some good news of readers of my very first ponyfic.

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Report DannyJ · 657 views · #Hail Hydra

Just Dodge! in Chinese · 4:56pm Oct 5th, 2015

It's another of those blogs where I link to stuff that fans have made based on my stories, and this time, it's a translation! Specifically, somebody went to the trouble of translating Just Dodge! into Chinese. Credit for this one goes to Green Onion Nutritious. Obviously, I do not speak Chinese, so I have limited ability to comment on it, but it's a humbling gift to receive

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Report DannyJ · 641 views · #Hail Hydra

Is that a motherfucking JOJO REFERENCE? · 6:05pm Jan 21st, 2018

I just posted chapter 2 of Van Helsing. I wrote another blog when the story was first posted, encouraging people to read it, but it seems it didn't get many takers. Maybe this might sway you. I said already that each chapter pays homage to a different vampire story... well, chapter 2 is the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure chapter. Specifically, Phantom Blood. It contains Horse Dio, musical references, vampires, and

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Report DannyJ · 517 views · #Hail Hydra

Yet another dramatic reading · 10:35pm Jul 2nd, 2015

Not a day after receiving a dramatic reading for Rest in Chaos, I got another one from an entirely different person for World of Traitors. I have a feeling that this is going to start being a common occurrence.

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Report DannyJ · 433 views · #Hail Hydra

New cover art for Discord: End of Empires · 5:57am Aug 10th, 2015

In my continuing quest to eventually have decent cover art for all of my stories, both old and new, I commissioned some for Discord: End of Empires from Arylett-Charnoa, who previously did the art for my latest endeavour, To Keep the Fire Burning. As you can see, I went with kind of a metaphorical take on the concept:

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Report DannyJ · 604 views · #Hail Hydra

Considering the importance of comedy · 10:56pm Jun 9th, 2015

General question for readers of Human:

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Report DannyJ · 649 views · #Hail Hydra

Happy Slovenian Independence and Unity Day · 2:00pm Dec 26th, 2023

What? What else do you think we should be celebrating?

You got something to say?

Fight me.

Report DannyJ · 153 views · #Hail Hydra

Help Please! · 9:07pm Oct 26th, 2015

Okay, so as you know, it's a week before Halloween. I have no costume, and no idea what to be. Got any ideas?

Report viclouiis · 357 views · #halloween #hail hydra

YAAASS · 1:01pm Oct 26th, 2015

I found dis.


Just Dodge! in Spanish · 11:15pm Jul 5th, 2020

I've received quite a few audio readings and art pieces over the years, but it's a rare and humbling thing for someone to go to the trouble of translating a story of mine into a whole other language for a new audience, and it's happened for a second time with Just Dodge! This time, SPANIARD KIWI brings us a Spanish translation of

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The World on Fire · 3:50pm Jan 1st, 2017

I waste so much time on writing essays and background material and worldbuilding shit for the Borderworld instead of actually writing chapters. So much, in fact, that some of my Skype friends have begun referring to me as Danny Jidya, because I uncover and explain the DEEPEST LORE. I blame Posh for that name. Fuck you, Posh. Fuck you and your Solid Snake adventures. When are you going to give the public Cupsnakes like we all want?

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Report DannyJ · 557 views · #Hail Hydra #Danny Jidya

Agent Redwood · 11:20am Dec 23rd, 2015

Behold! Following an apparent rule change, I was able to finally publish the two stories I wrote for the OC Slamjam starring the character of Agent Redwood. You may remember that I blogged previously about their removal, but they're back now. The one real stipulation was that they had to be compiled as one story rather than separate ones, so you can now find

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Report DannyJ · 497 views · #Hail Hydra #OC Slamjam

Agent Redwood dramatic reading! · 8:40pm Feb 2nd, 2019

I've gotten a lot of dramatic readings before (most of them for Rest in Chaos), but receiving or finding a new one always makes my day when it happens, especially if its for one of my more overlooked stories like Agent Redwood.

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Report DannyJ · 390 views · #OC Slamjam #Hail Hydra
Viewing 1 - 20 of 261 results