Let's Talk about "Felt Heart" · 9:42pm Aug 23rd, 2016
I should warn you, I may be in a giffy mood today. You’ve been warned!
I should warn you, I may be in a giffy mood today. You’ve been warned!
Seriously. That Animated Short was awesome. And the presentation during the opening ceremonies? Beyond epic. The moment the “Global Launch” retrospective glitched, I knew what they were doing and basically had this expression.
This could also be called “four shipfics and a random story”. In my Rarity shipping kick, I read the rather strange Every Mare Needs Her Stallion as well as three RariLight pieces. Then, just to round things off, I read one of the highest rated stories on FIMFiction, Discord Applies for Citizenship Papers, which happens to also be extremely short.
How did they all stack up?
Read on.
Today’s stories:
Every Mare Needs Her Stallion by InquisitorM