Unrelated... New music video · 7:29am Dec 28th, 2017
Hey all! I just thought I'd drop off another track here. Nothing else, really.
Now On VHS
Hey all! I just thought I'd drop off another track here. Nothing else, really.
Now On VHS
As I've mentioned in older and most likely newer posts, I love Anime. If any of you could give me suggestions on what would be good for me, I'd appreciate it. I'm still new to it.
Here's what I've already watched:
Attack on Titan,
Clannad, (series)
Death Note,
Spirited Away,
Princess Mononoke,
My Neighbor Totoro,
Howl's Moving Castle,
and The Secret Life of Arietty. (Is that how you spell it? Whatever.)
Wolf Children
I just realized that I missed a few comments on one of my blogs. Usually I get a notification for that, but I didn't receive one. What's the deal with that? Is it a normal thing or is it just something that happens? I don't want to miss anyone's questions, and even now I still don't know much about the site.
Could someone please help me out here?
Hey, don't forget I have a deviantart that i upload non-mlp stuff to. be sure to give it a look. Feedback for my content there would be muc appreciated.
Hello everybody! As I promised in the last blog, I'm doing a Q&A, so be free to ask me any question you like, and I'll do my best to answer them once I get back.
Peace, Love, Tolerate,
Also sorry for my absence, my computer officially died, so I had to find another way to get on this site. I hope the app will be done soon. Also, I'm working on a new chapter, so yeah.
Also, WTF How did Hasbro afford Zoe Saldana and Sia?!!
I hope you all had a safe Halloween, and whether you celebrate it or not, I still hope you had fun.
Once again, I don't plan on posting an mlp related Halloween update or story for the occasion, (I've been a bit occupied for a while, as I'm sure you can tell from the profile picture.) today at least. ;P
We did it! We hit 100! *Jumps around the place* We reached 100 followers guys! And that's something worth celebrating!
Thank you all for even considering to hit that button. I can't believe I have 100 followers. Mother of Luna that's a lot of people. I can't believe that all of you lovely people decided to hit that button on my page, or read my story, or these silly little blog posts such as this one.
The whole time I watched this, I'm like, "Mark, you're scaring me" It's like watching a six year old throw a tantrum or something. A terrifying tantrum with deafening screams.
I can't be the only one here.
Edit: Oh yeah, and language.
The video will share the details.
I hope she gets well soon, and that things turn out well for her.
Sorry, but no updates today?
A school field trip that will be all-day, and get me home around 9 PM EST. So, if I do write anything, I can't publish it.
Thanks for understanding!
Try not to laugh when watching this video. Go ahead and let me know about the results.
I will never look at dogs the same way again.
I have a Wattpad account. Yeah. That's a thing.
Don't worry, I'm not asking for followers I only have one to read and comment on stories. Maybe even write a few.
The only reason I'm posting this is because I figured you guys might be a bit sick of pony stuff, and I wanted to tell you about one writer I favor in particular.
The title.
No, I'm not dead, as my previous update shows. I truly do apologize for the long hiatus, I can't use my regular computer because it apparently hates my guts. I apologize if I'm unable to update in the future as well, but even then, thank you all for being so patient, I truly do appreciate all of your responses. Feel free to comment anywhere you like! I may not get to it very quickly, but I'll try to find other ways to read them.
I'm thinking of rewriting my Fire Emblem story from the ground up. It will be rather substantial, so expect all the chapters to be different.
Pairings (Fates only)
Corrin x Azura
Silas x Hana
Xander and Sakura
Subaki and Oboro
Kaze and Mozu
Arthur and Peri
Niles and Felicia
Twilight comes to Ylisse in a different way, and meets Carter (Now known as Joshua) differently (no spoilers)
I just recently replayed Dead Space 1. Good times!
Unfortunately seem my copy of Dead Space 2 not to work anymore since the original 'installation verification servers' don't longer exist.
Any idea how to fix that?
I will be probably watching the Dead Space Remake before buying it. Already i hear rumors about some problems with it (technical nature mostly).
I am still sick so i might get another 'Marksaline the Necromorph Queen' chapter out.
This won't be a sappy blog like the other one labeled Sorry, I'm just here to say why I probably won't be posting today, and possibly tomorrow. But I'm in the middle of watching Anime.
Lame excuse to some people, I know, but if you're an Anime fan, then you might know that a part time otaku like me can never pause.
Seriously, if I am in the middle of watching a good Anime, I won't care what it is a person could be bothering me for.
As I'm sure you all know, I haven't been updating very often. I apologize for that, but truth be told, unfortunately I've had major writer's block for "WtW?" at the moment, and procrastination doesn't help much either. Not to mention I've been preparing for school as well. So major apologies to everyone! I'll update soon.
Okay, so I know I haven't updated in a while, and I believe some of you know the reason why. But currently, I'm going to get straight back to updates, (which I truly apologize for the lack of.) and I want all of you to give me suggestions, any at all for ("When's the Wedding?") I have a few ideas, but I'd like to give you all a chance to come up with an idea.
Feel free to write whatever you like! I'm going to try and write them to the best of my ability.