
Viewing 1 - 20 of 261 results

Remembering how I started watching the show · 1:58pm Oct 11th, 2020

I 1st started watching mlpfim Was look before you sleep Yeah it was an odd way to start the show for me Because my notification on YouTube and Google seeing my little pony stuff and memes back in 2011 And with a little curiosity What is all about because and all I can think is oh boy Another reboot of My Little Pony That's probly gonna crash and burn And probly going to be too girlish for me And 2 maybe 3 episodes the show proved me wrong It was different in a good way the characters was

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My Little Pony: Friendship and Magic · 2:34am Nov 5th, 2021

Greetings and salutation, my name is Wrex and this is my review. Get ready for a familiar sight, cause I'm reviewing 'My Little Pony: Friendship and Magic'. This is rewrite of the series with a huge difference: Celestia's adopted Changeling son joins Twilight and company on their adventures. This story was very interesting to read do to the earlier introduction of the Changeling Species. It's also nice to revisit the first episodes of the series. While there are no overall lessons to learn, the

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Season 9 · 7:05am Dec 22nd, 2019

The first half of MLP: FIM is on Hulu what the heck? normally it's on Netflix and Hulu can get that but can't get the final season of Yu-gi-oh arc-v!?


An explanation for why I haven't written anything in ages · 3:40am Jan 24th, 2020

In all honesty, I have no real excuse other than i've been busy artistically. As in, i've been drawing alot recently. But I assure all of you that it pertains to my story series, The Harmoniaverse. These past few days, i've been working on the expansion on one of the major antagonistic forces in the series. Or basically, a race that is an homage to the steeds of G1 Tirac, and the Xenomorph race, with a bit of demonic influence. In fact, this race's name is actually in honor of Lord Tirac, who

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The Tiracian Horde (WIP) · 7:46am Jan 24th, 2020

As promised, here is the list of species in The Legion of Doom's army, The Tiracians



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Farewell MLP: Friendship Is Magic · 3:42am Oct 13th, 2019

I joined this fandom when I was at one of my lowest points in life, and thanks to all of you, ended up at one of my highest. I have stories that people enjoy and made friends that I will always remember. I wish I could of been here from the start, but can best assure you I was there for the end.

Not a single true fan will forget you MLP FIM, and i'm proud to say that this includes me as well.

Thank you all for being the best fandom I have ever been a part of.

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Happy 10th anniversary mlpfim · 4:48am Oct 11th, 2020

I'll never forget you 😭


Pony POV Series, September 18, 2011 · 2:18am Sep 25th, 2015

Pony POV Series, September 18, 2011

Discorded Applejack, the Liar

I've now been at this for over 4 years now.


And I'm still not done. :-(

It'll take me 13-26 weeks to finish things :-(


Anyone feel like creating some fan art, short story, or youtube videos in honor of the series now being four years old?

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Almost Time for Season 8 (Ugh... GAG!!) · 4:32pm Mar 19th, 2018

But to write out my own fanfictions, I NEED to watch it and study it (biting the bullet) This way I know how the characters behave, what they do, and what I have to use or change...

Many of the episodes are already LEAKED... but not quite complete (so I can't properly rate them yet)

I almost thought of trying a new type of scoring system when I rant on the episodes (Picking at it for what I don't like)

Normally, I'd rate the ep 0 through 10

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PATC Updates · 1:25am Feb 5th, 2020

As most of you readers may have realized, I have posted this video trailer around February 2018.
PATC Trailer #1
Since then, I was new to the YouTube community and was needing to balance work, writing, and family all at once.
Now, about a few years later, I created a brand new trailer for the audio drama which will be released in 2020.
PATC Trailer #2

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (2010 - 2019) · 3:20pm Oct 13th, 2019

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (October 10, 2010 - October 12, 2019)

Rest in peace.

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Series finale anniversary · 2:47am Oct 13th, 2020

Another happy anniversary to MLP! This time to the series finale of the show, The Last Problem. Seems to me that while the story of the Mane Six has come to an end, the future is just the beginning for Equestria's next generation. Once again, though I haven't watched the entirety of the show, I'm glad that I got to experience it when I gave it shot and I'm still thankful for all of its lessons about friendship and life. As a bonus, here's a preview to a chapter of my post-MLP story. I hope you

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Villain leitmotif · 4:26am Sep 1st, 2020

Who else thinks this music might fit Equestria's newest big bad? Don't be afraid to post your thoughts and opinions down below.


9th Anniversary · 1:59pm Oct 10th, 2019

So, it's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic's 9th anniversary.

I'm not sure if those 9 years went by fast or slow...


That's all Folks... · 1:03pm Oct 12th, 2019


Sonic & MLP: A New Home Trailer · 9:21am Oct 4th, 2022

Guess What?! We´re back in buisness! Twilight declared.

Yipee! Pinkie jumped as a bunch of party cannons fired.

Sequel time already! Well that´s a relief. Sonic joked.

We need to teach the Magic of Friendship far and wide! Twilight explained to the group.

But where´s does one go to learn about Friendship? Rarity asked confused like everyone else.

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SEASON 7?!! *You Gotta Be Kidding Me* · 8:49pm Mar 16th, 2017


As if I didn't have the upcoming MLP Movie to worry about, (I don't have to make a Starfleet thing for that one... because I already have one) now this is coming BEFORE it... ah well. It means I'll make another Starfleet Season, at least I already have some pre-planed ideas, but I'll have to watch the season first and study it so I need to reuse anything I'll know what to change. (I got my barf bags ready)

I wonder if they'll be miraculously similar to plots I've used?

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FIMFiction Review #8 Tirek is Doomed by Viking ZX · 8:50pm Nov 27th, 2017

Hey there, everybody! It's about time I started doing my reviews again and what better way to get back into the scene then by starting off with explosions! And lots and lots of gore! Highly gratuitous but satisfying gore! Let us have a look inside the story by a very well known author. Here is Tirek is Doomed by Viking ZX.

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I'm saying, Jack. Is back~! (No my name is not Jack) · 3:13am Apr 9th, 2019

If there's one thing I'll always find interesting about looking at really old shit on long lived profiles and that is seeing how much you've changed since then. I can't believe I fucking made a post talking about how "good" the Wii U was. Boy was I freaking blind. Anyway, cringe past aside it's nice coming back and doing these blog things again. I'll probably do a separate one about MLP ending when it actually happens. But until then I'll stick to this "guess who's back~ Back again~" type post.

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My Preferences: The Point of PRIDE AND PUNISHMENT · 12:10am Jun 21st, 2017


(I like to picture that scene as either me transforming the characters from things I loathe to things I can remotely tolerate... or myself using the machine to enforce brainwaves to keep to the way I think)

In regards of my Friendship is Failure 6: Pride and Punishment...

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 261 results