
Viewing 1 - 20 of 44 results

August 2023 Update · 12:13am Aug 16th, 2023

The next chapter of Fallout: Equestria - Common Ground is out now. Since my last update, I've finished writing the last of the chapters between season 4 and 5 of Camaraderie is Sorcery. For the rest of August and September I'll be taking a break from writing and working on other projects, before getting back to it with The Other Side of the Mirror: Vol. II.


October 2023 Update · 1:21am Oct 16th, 2023

Now published is Chapter 18 of Fallout: Equestria - Common Ground. In the past month, I've started writing The Other Side of the Mirror: Volume II and am already over halfway done. I'm hoping to be able to finish it before the end of the month, so I can do some seasonal writing of Darkest Shadows. It's still up in the air whether now will be the time that I continue Darkest Shadows, but if I still have the writing itch once I finish TOSOTM II, it seems

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February 2024 Update · 12:50am February 16th

The next chapter of Camaraderie is Sorcery is now out. It's a part 1 of 2, but you won't have to wait as long as usual for the next chapter because my editor's agreed to get a second chapter done this month. So, expect the next chapter either on the 29th or the 1st of March and 2 chapters a month going forward. I still didn't do any writing in the past month, but I'll be returning to it soon and have plotted out all the chapters for Season 5 of Camaraderie is Sorcery so all that

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November 2023 Update · 3:06am Nov 14th, 2023

Chapter Nineteen of Fallout: Equestria - Common Ground is now released. In the past month, I finished writing The Other Side of the Mirror: Volume II, so that's added to the pile now for eventual publication. However, I didn't manage to get it done before the end of October, so the time has passed for slipping in any new chapters of Darkest Shadows. I may still end up adding those to my plans in the near future, but for the moment it's up in the air. Currently, I'm

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May 2024 Update · 11:33pm May 15th

Chapter 23 of Fallout: Equestria - Common Ground is now out, along with Chapter 22 at the end of last month. By the next update, the last of this set for Common Ground should be published, leaving just one more set of five to finish out the story. Over the past month, I've made slow but sure progress on Camaraderie is Sorcery, finishing off Chapters 5:1 and 5:2.

Until next month,


Monthly Update: May 2024 · 10:49am May 2nd

Hey all!

Progress on everything slowed last month due to unforeseen circumstances. Digging, pipe replacing, book-report drafting, all on top of the regular day stuff. I’m very sorry I’ve not given anything in a while, although something will be advanced soon. At the end of every day, I’ve just not been feeling like writing dialogue, which unfortunately is like 70% of my stories.

Thanks to you all for being patient.

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Report JahJah · 43 views · #Monthly Update

June 2024 Update · 3:31am June 16th

Chapter 4:18 of Camaraderie is Sorcery is now up. I was mistaken on where the break is for Fallout: Equestria - Common Ground, so those last 6 chapters for that story will be coming after a set of 4 Camaraderie is Sorcery chapters.


September 2023 Update · 11:40pm Sep 15th, 2023

Chapter 17 of Fallout: Equestria - Common Ground is now published. In the past month, I haven't done any new writing, but I am nearly done with the side project I'm working on between writing and should be done in the next week or so. After that, I'll be moving on to writing The Other Side of the Mirror: Volume II. I've also been rereading some of my previous fics and gotten some new inspiration for Darkest Shadows, so I may look at writing some new, long-delayed chapters

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March 2024 Update · 12:19am March 16th

Hello all. Chapter 4:16 of Camaraderie is Sorcery has just been published. Along with Chapter 4:12.2 at the end of February, that makes two in the last month, which should be the norm from now on, barring any unexpected developments. Look forward to the next chapter in Camaraderie is Sorcery at the end of the month, followed by the next chapter in Fallout: Equestria - Common Ground a month from now.


December 2023 Update · 12:55am Dec 16th, 2023

Just published is Chapter 20 of Fallout: Equestria - Common Ground. This'll be the last Common Ground chapter published for a while, but more are already written and coming after the next spate of Camaraderie is Sorcery chapters are out. I'll have to talk with my editor, but I'm hoping to start in the new year publishing a bit more frequently, potentially twice a month. This is to keep with my new plan for writing, which, if all goes according to plan, I'll have 20-25

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April 2024 Update · 1:19am April 16th

Chapter 21 of Fallout: Equestria - Common Ground has just been published. I haven't made a whole lot of progress in writing this past month as I've been distracted by other things, but there are still more than enough completed chapters in the queue to publish for quite a bit yet, even with two a month.


July 2023 Update · 10:28pm Jul 15th, 2023

The latest chapter of Camaraderie is Sorcery is now published, one that takes place concurrently with the previous chapter. Along with it, I also created a pronunciation guide for the centaurs' language, since it uses a lot of accented characters that aren't really pronounced how they probably should be pronounced. This was suggested to me a while back, but

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January 2024 Update · 4:09am January 16th

The latest chapter of Camaraderie is Sorcery has just been published. Still expect the next chapter to come out the 15th of next month, but after that, I've spoken to my editor and am hoping to start publishing at the beginning of the month as well, to get these chapters out a little quicker. Over the past month, I've been taking a break from writing, and that will continue for the next month, but following my next update, I should be gearing up to start writing Season 5 of

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Monthly update #3: We are so back! · 10:22am June 29th

Well well well, it’s been two months since I last checked in (insane how they flew by so quickly, yet Frostpunk 2 is still just as far away as it was last time I posted an update). It is my fault for missing a month, but I wanted to break my silence with something worthwhile, so I waited. Now another month has passed, and I’m finally able to get going.


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State of the Scribe: December 2018 · 10:01pm Dec 1st, 2018

Hey everyone! So every month I give a report of exactly what's coming and when on my Patreon, but most people don't follow me there. It seems like a waste to leave people in the dark, so from now on I'm going to make an effort to repost that stuff here on fimfiction for anyone to read. (and for reference, my schedules go up the first of each month on Patreon and don't require sponsorship to read, so if you're curious about what's coming in a

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State of the Scribe: January 2019 · 10:04am Jan 5th, 2019

Hey pones, forgot about this again, but better late than never! Here's the repost of my Patreon monthly update, for those curious about what's going on this month.

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State of the Scribe: November 2023 · 7:57pm Nov 1st, 2023

For those in the northern hemisphere like me, happy beginning of winter everypony! Hope those jackets are nice and warm, and you're ready for another festive season. It's coming for us whether we want it or not!

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State of the Scribe: September 2023 · 11:41pm Sep 1st, 2023

Hello pones! Hope you all had a great summer, at least if you're in the northern hemisphere. If not, guess you have that to look forward to.

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State of the Scribe: April 2023 · 7:01pm Apr 1st, 2023


State of the Scribe: April 2019 · 7:12pm Apr 3rd, 2019

Hey Bronies and Brosophs, time for another monthly update from Starscribe. If you're looking at that calendar and feeling a little intimidated, maybe you know how I felt last month writing it all. Tons of news and stuff to get to, so let's get to the figures.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 44 results