
Viewing 1 - 20 of 145 results

I hide a lot.. · 12:24am Sep 10th, 2019

I don't get on here a lot. But. I want to write things again. I'm not sure if they'll be on here or not. Not a lot of mlp stuff in mind. If any. But if I do dip my feet in the brony infested waters. I'm sure you'll all be the first to know..

Report R_E_D_A_C_T_E_D · 198 views · #I'm back

The Return... · 3:17pm Dec 6th, 2018

Hey everyone... I'm back, I want to say something because I feel like getting this out there.

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Medical Procedures: The Final Chapters Inbound + I LIVE! · 1:43am May 17th, 2016

First off, I know some of you might want to know...

What happened to Art Inspired?

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Report Art Inspired · 586 views · #I'm back

Blog post acted weird. So I'm redoing it. · 6:27am Sep 2nd, 2015

So I'm back, new laptop plenty of time to write and plenty of ideas. It might be a little choppy, mind you I haven't written in awhile, If anyone wants to be a proof reader then maybe we can work something out. Also here's a little sneak peak for you guys.

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Report ZeatGuy · 385 views · #I'm back

I'm back! · 4:14pm Nov 15th, 2017

While it took longer then I thought, I am back with determination. Writing will start real soon, I am super excited to start.

Report EternalPony · 279 views · #I'm Back

The Holiday · 7:50pm Jul 24th, 2020

Sorry for the long delay and all that. I decided to take a short weeklong holiday from FimFiction to just sorta relax and refresh my mind. Now, I know what some of you ought to be thinking. "But wait, Ian, didn't you take a break, like, a month ago?" To answer that, yes, I did. However, the difference was that was a mandatory break I couldn't avoid, and even as I was drugged up, I was still attempting to type. This time, however, I chose to do this. I felt that I needed to better my

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Report The_Darker_Fonts · 176 views · #I'M BACK

Time to swallow my pride . . . . · 11:16pm May 5th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

I think I finally have my confidence back. I feel like I can start posting things again and not worry about harsh comments. Sure, they'll come. But I'm a better writer now. They can criticize me at their own risk.

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Report LightningSword · 731 views · #I'm back

Curse you iJab · 4:32pm Feb 9th, 2016

I had forgotten about this place until iJab decided to comment on my DA, now I'm back and I have so many stories to catch up on/start reading/re-read. Gah!!!

I know in my last post I said I was going to be around still, but school and work has interfered in real life so I forgot to keep up here, then I started doing some creative projects and *bleh* Y'all can put together the rest.

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Report M_D_Quill · 389 views · #I'm back

I'M BACK · 5:50pm Aug 27th, 2017


I will like to start of with saying one thing: I'm Sorry. To the people who have read my story and expected more I'm very sorry I have let you all done. IT's been a hard year. I have had major issues with mental health.....

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Report bronyp0ny · 391 views · #I'm Back

Feeling better! · 9:02pm Feb 3rd, 2017

Boo! Took ya by surprise huh? I've been doing better as of late, maybe because January is over. January was a strange month for me, kinda felt like the Twilight Zone.

I'm sorry, I just had to. That pun was too easy of a target.

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Report DeejayShuffle · 340 views · #I'm back

Here's Cloppy!!! · 7:14am Aug 26th, 2019

I'm back!!! One week of boot camp (I failed in physical fitness) and four weeks of flipping burgers later, I'm returning to fill the world with more clop. This is going to be fun. On the agenda (besides wrapping up Spoiled's much deserved torment) is another one about good ole Button. This time he's gonna be up to his eyes in anthro futa tits and dicks!

Report Cloper69 · 254 views · #I'm back

I'm back for good this time · 6:39am Mar 2nd, 2019

Sup everyone been awhile hasn't it like an long ass time seriously i had so much trouble getting my shit together when it came to this site and just in general i mean geez but anyways let's get this shit started shall we boys and girls?

So starters I am deeply sorry for being gone for so long like i was, there isn't a real excuse to why i was but it had to deal with my internet trouble and getting a computer which as of today i finally got and it was alot of money to get this PC trust me.

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Report RealJoke Pota · 249 views · #I'm back

I'm back... and I bought presents. · 1:36am May 2nd, 2019

The chapters will be out in... (Looks at watch) now.


Report Bronybro 117 · 445 views · #I'm back

I'm in much better of a place so I don't feel as terrible · 3:18pm Feb 15th, 2016

Still dealing with the things I have been dealing with what with depression and anxiety and all that. And I have not updated my fanfiction net account cause I've been busy for a few weeks with homework. I'm still not going to watch anymore MLP episodes that I don't like but I'm not going to stop writing ponyfic. I was just in a really low point and had to take a break from all non school writing to calm down.

So current plan is to maybe work on something during my spring break

Report Peridork · 348 views · #I'm back

I'm back · 3:53am Oct 26th, 2019

Not much to say, the good right now is that I'm with family and have internet. Feels like that's about it right now. I'll resume posting at a less break neck pace soon. I do have a bit of a Nightmare Night story in the mix so I'll try to get that up soon.

Report Stolenalicorn · 190 views · #I'm back

August Updates · 4:47pm Aug 13th, 2019

Hello. Yes I'm back after like a month. I've taken a short break and now I'm back and in the swing of things. I'm just going to give a short rundown of what I'm gonna be doing and what projects I have been working on. Here's the list:

A Freshman's Guide to Ponies: Still on hiatus. Might delete some chapters and do a rewrite. It feels too rushed, meta, and it could definitely be better.

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Report Falconwolf1116 · 215 views · #I'm back!

I'm back... yay. :| · 2:53am Jan 2nd, 2020

Hello everyone, happy new year 2020. My god the decade had passed but I like to say welcome to 2020 and my birthday is coming in March, I tell you all some other time. Anyway so... I am back and I restart my first chapter of Anon-a-Miss: Pennywise the Dancing Clown because I love this horror character and has the best ability. In 2019, I said that I'm still gonna be here on the site but not typing stories because negative things have happened.

I'll continue my work and Welcome to 2020.


Light the beacons! - Sir Ribe is back online and out of the Stone Age, at long last! · 5:33pm Apr 30th, 2020

At long last...

It's finally happened - I've moved out of the Stone Age and progressed to a world where I have full access to the internet. Falls down and sighs heavily, releasing any and all pent-up frustrations from being technologically inept.

I can finally get back to work on stuff. More music production, more learning, more YouTube content (possibly) and a way forward. At least now I don't have to be bothered about being bored to absolute death!

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Report Ribe_FireRain · 192 views · #I'm back!

I'm Back · 2:12am Oct 14th, 2016

Well with Chemistry defeated and little extra side note of dominating English II. The world is saved and I'm back to being your friendly neighborhood Twin-Tail. I've missed you all and will begin work again on Simple Tricks as soon as possible.

Love you all,
Erina Shindou

Report Erina Tail Yellow · 338 views · #I'm Back

I'm Back! · 4:17pm Dec 9th, 2020

Hey Guys, first let me apologize for being quite for the last month, I was dealing with some personal things, my father was in the Burn ICU after an accident, then I had to deal with classes, and Christmas had to be started in my household after what happened, but good news, Christmas is a little behind but happening, my classes are done and I did great on my finals, and lastly my father is back home, in a little pain from the grafts, but he's doing good. With that said, I'm going to make a few

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Report TAD2 · 515 views · #I'm back
Viewing 1 - 20 of 145 results