
Viewing 141 - 160 of 326 results

Leaping Through Time · 1:06am Feb 29th, 2020

Does this day, even exist?
Is a day that appears once every 4 years, still a day? What makes it less of a day? It has a morning, midday, evening; the run rises and sets; the world goes about its daily business. But the people, the people know this isn't a "real" day.
That brings them comfort.
Comfort in the chaos.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


What I can see · 9:35pm Jan 27th, 2023

I still wish to see more, to know more, to understand, more. This more keeps me going, has my senses peaked, has my interest captured. And I barely understand what I already have, what is important to me is n disappears in a haze of striving towards new goals, towards new horizons, towards new... more.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Curiou on Consumption · 9:41pm Mar 3rd, 2023

With tirades driving my mind on twisted creeks and darkness swathing in the periphery, I cannot help but wonder if I give enough thought to what matters. How much of my time is necessary, and where could it else be spent?
Though the odd argument here and there, does fuel the spirit.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


An Egg by any other name is still frail. · 9:32pm Sep 10th, 2021

Today we have a new story, a follow up on a tale posted just about a year ago, the ever month late Lazy August makes their return in september. However, what is going with her lately? Has she got butterflies in her stomach for somepony?
Or somepony in her stomach for... butter, purposes.

Suppose You will have to find out~.

Once there was a bird ruminating,
they sat on an egg and just waiting,
For motion they heard,
then thought the bird,
Whoever's inside is just baiting...

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Message · 1:01am Oct 14th, 2023

Greetings, and welcome to Filthy Friday the Thirteenth~.

This will be the last filthy Friday for neary a year's time, so of course we-...


Tailor thy vest to suit thine needs,
Tailor thy vest so you cannot breathe.

Take a stance to face the world,
Take cover in shadows from all it hurled.

Tread with vigour towards thine goal,
Tread in silence, so no one beholds.

Thus you ensure that you see all,
Thus you ensure no one sees your fall.


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Duality in time · 12:16am Dec 7th, 2019

The times move with us, though we already knew that. It is in fact our perception of it which makes it tangible to us. Tangible, though not tactile. In that line of thought, time only exists when we care to let it. when we bother to give it a glance, or obsess over it with zealous vigor.
Then, taking a break to relax, holds a temporal duality:
It is the single largest waste of time.
And a moment where no time passes.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Reach new horizonts · 1:05am Dec 21st, 2019

Memory lingers, memory is fleeting, through memory we perceive the world. Clouds condensed of thought, serving as the canoes for sailing the seas of perception. In this context, it is sound that we fear death; the loss of our ability to remember. And, perhaps more so, we fear being forgotten.
But then, how come we experience tranquility,
in those moments bereft of memory?
When life slows,
to a stand...

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Hopeless Hope · 8:54pm Sep 25th, 2020

Hope is a curious prospect. Hope is the last to leave us, and in that sense it never does. Without hope, there is no desire, there is no future to be ready for. And yet, in times of hopelessness, where all options have been exhausted, when no action makes a difference, when hope has truly left... That is when hope is at its strongest. To hope when there is none, shows dedication beyond measure.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Remember your steps? · 11:44pm Jul 3rd, 2020

We move in unison. Each taking our own steps at our own pace, yet all striking the ground at the same time. We perceive otherwise, we see others, notice how their pace differs, how ours matches our heartbeat, how theirs goes off track. We judge without seeing from their perspective, and miss out on a lot we would understand if we were walking their pace.
However, most of the time, people do not notice.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


July Event on its way · 10:16pm Jun 29th, 2018

Greetings everypony,
This week there is nothing to upload here, but I have been teasing about something coming...
And that something is July. We are having a Changeling Event Month.

Information about the event will be linked on my Eka's Portal profile, if you can find it.

A series of 4 stories will be uploaded over July, which means one story per week every Friday.

Until then, you will just have to keep your tails in check.

Wishing you all a Fantastic Filthy Friday~.


Exploiting Balance · 10:10pm Jun 4th, 2021

Efficiency is a balance. Once a predator out rivals a prey, they find a new one. If prey are being hounded, they either perish or adapt. Were no out competed prey to adapt, the predator finds themselves, obsolete. In an area where they can no longer hunt, and thus themselves perish. Were there but prey and predator, it would ease matters. However, environment, competition, time, and further factors plays as much a role in this delicate balance. In the end the scales will tip stable, one way or

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BIg Collab, but not here · 11:04pm Jan 19th, 2018

Salutations dear ponies out in the naughty aether.

While this week doesn't have any pony related story, there is a momentous collaboration being posted on Eka's portal. And again, I am unable to give you a link to it, but if you search for 'A Spice of Life' on Eka's, you will probably find it.

Otherwise, there are some pony projects coming up, but not quite yet. There are however naughty stuff to look forward to, so stay tuned to your internet satellites~.

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Floofy times abound · 9:09pm May 18th, 2018

Greetings all you grass lovers (come on, not that kind),
how are you all doing?


Stop looking at me like that.


I posted a story last week, ( I did, didn't I?) give me some rest.

Though, I suppose there is more content coming, but that is a little while off still.

In the meantime, enjoy all your pastures and precious pals, and have a fantastically Filthy Friday~.


Standing Taller · 10:27pm Oct 8th, 2021

There comes a time of action, some might claim, where we take up arms against our troubles and march forwards. At those times we can accomplish great feats, and topple what stands before us. Yet, those moments are presented in the past. As a necessity then, less than it is today. We see not the pillar that tower over us, for we stand too close.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Pondering · 12:33am Aug 18th, 2018

Have you ever taken your time to listen to the muffled world outside of your comfort zone? Ever thought about that what is outside, can be brought inside if you only made an effort to reach out?
Things which seemed ill fitting for you at first are now something magical and close, since it is in your comfort zone.

Everyone has theirs, imagine if everything was in your comfort zone?
If so, how would you be able to act?


Past the Leap, soaring · 9:52pm Jun 11th, 2021

If I take an action, in that moment, the action defines me. Should I refuse to act, then I am marked by its absence. For each moment, I am marked as the being who performs that action. Who makes that choice. And if the future is yet to come, and the past is written and defined. Then I will forever be, the person I am right now.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Those Fickle Few · 7:19am Apr 6th, 2019

Fickle mistress, hear me thus,
whilst thou leave me to my ruckus?
Fickle mistress, who listens I hope,
whilst thou lend your wisdom to cope?
Fickle mistress, I am troubled with pain,
Whilst thou grant relief, that my suffering pertain?
Fickle mistress,
Whilst thou?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Appropriate Darkness, deepst blackest day · 12:16am Nov 24th, 2018

Blackest Friday of the cycle is met with a gleaming pearl of white marble.
The contrasts of nature and its inhabitants grow defined, greys shine in their new hues, melding with the pearl of the sky or the everlasting umbra engulfing the earth.
There are no true extremes in hue, yet this night comes close.

Wishing you all to survive the deepest day of the cycle, and that your Friday is full of fun.


Misteps, Commissions · 10:56pm Apr 12th, 2019

At times, our feet reach out for solid road, to be met but not but our erroneous presumptions. A step ary leads the body to fly, yet only for a short while. Reality crashes into us, and we can not but ask forgiveness. For can we blame the irrefutable earth, when we were the one with our heads in the clouds?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A trail of steam through the streets · 11:44pm Dec 17th, 2021

When presented with Everything, I tend to choose nothing. If you give me option A or option E, I tend to go for Æ. Something about all being open, all being a valid option, disinterest me. Perhaps there lies something, in that it is not the options we choose, but how we are posed to make them, that engage us.
Or perhaps, it relates to the act of choosing, falling out of line with what I truly desire.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 141 - 160 of 326 results