
Viewing 101 - 105 of 105 results

GMOD VR: Exploring gm_Voidplaces and vp_Voidmall · 12:03am February 19th


A Plea For a Modest $15 Loan for Three Days · 10:58am Oct 1st, 2019

You'll notice I never ask for donations, always loans. That's probably my pride talking. As you know if you follow my blogs, my boss recently cut my hours from 36/week to 12/week, because I'm a whole-ass mess. Hopefully, if I perform well this week as I have the past few weeks, she'll bump me at least partway back up, but in the meantime, I'm broke as a joke. Forget CiderFest, I need to finish paying what is now last month's rent. Actually, I have, at least the rent itself. The $50 late fee is

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MECHANIC: What I got for Christmas at the Shop! (part 1) · 3:15am January 12th

So I already told you what I got for Jinglemas, but let me tell you what I got for Christmas (and New Years) at the shop!

Fair warning, those of you who are used to my normal mechanic blog posts where it's a mystery until the very end, this one was not a mystery for very long. Fixing it on the other hand . . . well.

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MECHANIC: What I got for Christmas at the Shop (part 2) · 2:50am January 22nd

This is a part two! It's gonna be shorter than the first one, 'cause neither the discovery nor the repair took as long. Before you get started, though:


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Letters to Cozy Glow: A few explanations and clarifications about the nature of the story · 8:39pm May 17th, 2019

I think I need to share a few more infos about "Letters to Cozy Glow". In the two weeks that passed since the last chapter, I noticed that the views on the story essentially froze. And the overall views grow much slower than I expected it for this story, so I'm thinking a lot of my readers might go into it with wrong expectations.
Seeing this, I figured it would be a good idea to clarify a bit what kind of story it is.

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Viewing 101 - 105 of 105 results