
Viewing 21 - 27 of 27 results

Discount Chocolate Day and Discount Ponyfiction Day · 6:26pm Feb 20th, 2020

This is the last day for's discount code LULU10 to save 10% on orders of Georg's ponyfiction paperback books or Ponyfeather Publishing's collection. Curl up with some nibbled chocolate Easter bunnies, some romantic horses, and enjoy the season.


Christmas Black Friday Sale at Lulu - BLACKFRIDAY25 · 8:54pm Nov 29th, 2019

If you’ve been putting off buying your Christmas pony books until they’re less expensive, now’s the time. Head on over to PonyFeather Publishing (and the Friends of PFP tab), grab your credit card, and don’t forget the discount code up in the title. You can buy Georg’s own books on Lulu also. We have romantic horses, pranking princesses, adorable

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Bronycon Bookstore update - Getting closer · 11:59pm May 28th, 2019

If you are making a book for the Bronycon Bookstore, please go hit up this thread so RBDash47 can gather the information needed to send out an official survey soon which you can consider to be “So how many of these do we need to print and bring to the convention?”

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Signal Boost - Bronycon Bookstore · 5:03am Aug 27th, 2018

(Stolen from Shakespearicles blog post wholesale, because it was so cool)

Let's do something crazy.

Let's have a fanfiction bookstore at BronyCon'19.

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Bronycon Bookstore - The 15 Percent Off After-Con Sale · 2:30am Aug 8th, 2019

Yes, we have reached that precious time in life where like the day after Christmas or the week after Easter, the things we want the most become even better — They go on SALE!! (since Lulu had a 15% off sale until August 8 if you use the code ONEFIVE) Keep an eye on Lulu because they tend to run sales from 10 to 15 percent off, which can cover postage.

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ITSHERE Lulu Discounts for Pony Books with Bookplates now (and Substitute Librarian peek) · 6:45pm May 2nd, 2020 has a 20 percent discount on book orders until May 8, (the code is ITSHERE) which counts for many books for sale by PonyFeather Publishing as well as my collection including the Sisters compendium. Now, I’m about to do something stupid. I’ve had several requests to sign books sold through Lulu, but oh God the cost of shipping.

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So You Want To Publish A Book But It’s Too Late For Bronycon - Maybe · 8:51pm Jun 6th, 2019

This is all CoffeeMinion’s fault, just to be clear. Ahem. Many of you have pestered me for a paper copy of Monster in the Twilight. I’m going to oblige. I’ve created a Gdocs folder where I’ll be building the project, and an index file for anybody who wants to watch can see the steps (and stumbles and just plain explosive falls)

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Viewing 21 - 27 of 27 results