
Viewing 21 - 40 of 181 results

Entry #17- Missing the Merriment · 4:14pm Dec 3rd, 2016

Hello Everypony! It’s December, and while that may mean relaxing plus enjoying the holidays with loved ones for some, I’m an adult who’s day job revolves around the holidays. December just happens to be the busiest time of year for me, and while it’s good for my wallet, it often makes me too tired to do artwork. :ajsleepy:

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Day 3, 15th Century · 4:07pm Dec 3rd, 2017

Today we're entering the Renaissance with a famous carol. You might recognize the tune as "O Come, O Come Emmanuel." Here I'm presenting the original in its Latin text.


Day 13: 1829. · 8:10pm Dec 13th, 2017

While it came be argued that this carol was written sometime in the 18th century, I'm just going by its publication date as well as try to find the best, original recording I could find. In this case, since it's a well known hymn, I figured the best one that might be the closest to how it sounded at its premier might be this one.


Sorry... · 4:18am Dec 11th, 2019

As you can all guess by it being December and the fact that there still isn't a new Ask Roseate Grimsbane chapter, I didn't make it in time. It is done, I just need to have my editors/proofreaders look at it and add all the cool image stuff.

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Day 24: 1992 · 7:14am Dec 24th, 2017

Yeah, yeah, I know what some of you are thinking: “Inkwell, out of all the carols that you’ve been putting out this month, you’re posting the one from Home Alone 2?” Now before you jump the gun on this, hear me out. Believe it or not, I was actually introduced the the squeal first before the original. Heck, by the time this movie came out, it’ll be about a year before I was even born. And besides, I grew up with the movie as a kid and I didn’t see the first one until years later.

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Day 17: 1914 · 4:31pm Dec 17th, 2017

Two incredible things happened in this particular year. The first is that as World War One was raging on, soldiers on both sides decided to have a truce for Christmas in order to not just bury their dead, but to celebrate the holiday. That alone I think is a strong testament in which the message of "Peace on Earth. Good will towards men," was that powerful to bring a war to a halt. As for the other, this was the year in which a carol was published. One in that it wasn't meant to be one. If

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My Little Christmas Gift · 8:31pm Dec 24th, 2017

To my Readers and fellow Music Lovers,

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Day 6: 17th Century · 4:43pm Dec 6th, 2017

Some context for the following song: in England, Christmas was celebrated in a completely different way that would be near unrecognizable to us. Around this time for example, it was the equivalent of taking Mardi Gras and Halloween, throw both of them in the snowy December, add plenty of alcohol, some drunken mobs and that was Christmas in a nutshell. If anything, since the Medieval ages, the poor held up a practice in which they would go to the front door of some wealthy person to basically

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Day 16: 1903 · 4:34pm Dec 16th, 2017

Chances are, many of you are probably aware of the operetta, "Babes in Toyland" by Victor Herbert. This age of fairy tales is unique as only a couple of years earlier, "The Wizard of Oz" was published. This story and it's music has been adapted for both stage and on film over the years, and even my introduction to it was from the Disney film from the 60's. And out of everything that I've seen, there was one piece that stood out to me to the point where I personally couldn't think of Christmas

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Day 20: 1958? · 5:16pm Dec 20th, 2017

Now there's some debate about this particular carol. Especially about when exactly this tune was written. Some would say that it was jotted up around the 1940's while others say that it is as late as 1955. But regardless, the thing that this carol stands out among the others was the author. Her name, was Katherine K. Davis, a forgotten composer who has only this carol in which people remember. If anything, this carol was stolen and was up on the radio. Fortunately, her credit was restored, and

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Day 22: 1965. · 4:15pm Dec 22nd, 2017

Today's carol comes from what many would consider a classic in our childhoods. What I'm talking about, is that on this year in the mid-sixties, the animated short, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" as aired. A special that has seen reruns every December like the Nutcracker, and those who have seen it have a special place in their hearts for it - including me. It was one of those things that I had looked forward to as a kid, and as an adult, I especially love the opening number that has been

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Day 8: 1719. · 4:42pm Dec 8th, 2017

Today's piece has been a favorite for carolers, church hymns and the media ever since it's publication. I'm talking about "Joy to the World," by G. F. Handel... or, did he write it? Truth be told, there is some mystery about who actually composed this. There are some scholars who believed that a certain bars is very similar to what Handel used in his Messiah. However, others would think that it might have been a group effort. But regardless of who exactly wrote it, many of us can agree that it

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Day 5: 1582 · 7:32pm Dec 5th, 2017

Day 5: 1582. Finishing up the Renaissance with a carol that not only withstood the test of time, but at the time it was as popular as jingle bells.


Update, December 20th 2023 · 9:02pm Dec 20th, 2023

New chapter for HiAW is up.

It took way longer than it should have, :twilightblush: but I actually had a chapter finished and ready to publish some time ago, but I decided to break it up into multiple chapters, rewriting and expanding upon the first scene and giving me opportunity to do the same with the others. :twilightsmile:

Not sure if I will get the next one out before January, but who knows? :raritywink:

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Merry Christmas! · 8:10pm Dec 24th, 2015

I wish everyone a happy holiday, and have a nice time with your family and friends.


Day 25: 2004 · 7:00am Dec 25th, 2017

Well... today's the day. It's finally Christmas. So, with all the carols to choose from, that I have started from the Middle Ages, what song do I end this by? Well, on one in which I think not only sums up what the holiday is all about, but brings everything that I feel as my personal credo of Christmas. This song comes from one of the dozens Christmas Carol musicals in which has a very unique scene. It comes from right after Scrooge is taken to the past and been shown something that while it's

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Day 2: 1372. · 4:01pm Dec 2nd, 2017

This carol is pretty surreal as far as my collection of Christmas music goes. As a medieval ballad, this is a song of a conversation between Mary and the baby Jesus where the mother tries to get him asleep without singing to him, however he insists despite being only a few days old. I'm putting this up because, as far as lullabies go, this tune from the middle ages is pretty catchy and beautiful as well. (And in case you're wondering what on earth the lady is talking about is because she's

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Day 1: 10th or 11th Century · 4:16pm Dec 1st, 2017

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

today is the first day of December, the month of my favorite time of year, Christmas. So in honor of the holiday and as a music lover myself, I’m going to take you all on a musical journey as I’ll share different carols, starting from the Middle Ages and progress to the modern period. As I go, I’ll give you pieces that are as close to the original that I could find. Today, I’ll be sharing with you all the oldest piece in my collection.

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Day 7: 1714 · 5:33pm Dec 7th, 2017

Today we're moving on into the Baroque era, and this time it's purely instrumental. This short concerto is by the composer who came up with the concept of the concerto, Corelli. On this particular piece, it bares the description of: "Fatto per la notte di Natale "(made for the night of Christmas).


Day 23: 1989 · 4:53pm Dec 23rd, 2017

Moving closer to modern day, today's choice is rather a personal choice then anything else. Years ago, my mother had joined a group in our town called the "Sounds Choir." In which every summer they put on a production of a musical in June and do a Christmas concert around early or mid December. Every year, they sang something different, but out of those concerts came memorable tunes that stick with me even years later. This carol was one of them because of the chorus. And while it is a much

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 181 results