TwiDash 4,239 members · 1,192 stories
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What is your personal reason for liking Twidash?

They're quite complementary to each other. Each is highly skilled, but in different fields, so each can appreciate the other's awesomeness without being threatened by it. And their personalities are opposite along many axes, but in a way that lets each bring out the best in the other (though when they fight, it'd be a doozy!). Like, Twi can calm RD down, get her to think before acting, for instance, while Dash can bring Twi out of her shell.

Not sure why really, maybe it's because of the whole opposites attract thing.


I'm inclined to agree with you on this. They're the opposite in many ways, but their differences fulfill a need that the other lacks and they help each other grow.

There's also the fact that Twilight is quite open about her dorky, nerdy tendencies while Rainbow Dash is more secretive about them. And through Twilight, she becomes more comfortable with embracing her inner geek.

Yeah, Reading Rainbow is far and away the best pre-TwiDash canon out there.

Their color scheme goes well together (Twilight's coat and Rainbow's coat), so, at least in my opinion, it is aesthetically pleasing. This is my main reason for liking it.


"Read It and Weep" made me a full on Twidash shipper.

I don't really know probably rainbow dash is the athlete and twilight sparkle is the bookworm

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Sweetie Belle isn't old enough yet.


That ship is a thing?

I'd like to know how this ship was thought up, but at the same time maybe I shouldn't know.

Uhhh this is an interesting one as A twidash is basically my biggest ship that I follow, but for me twidash is an opportunity for exploration of (stereotypically) one dimensional or perfect characters and I get to read about both of them in depth as their choices and who they are in an interesting way. Shipping allows for me to explore characters deeper and I wish to explore twilight and rainbow dash the most.

You are all overthinking this. I can sum up the greatest reasons for loving this ship in two words: ”FREAKING ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!” :twilightsmile: :rainbowkiss:

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Why wouldn't Dash wanna date a mare that was so cool she would literally crash a funeral just so she could get her teacher laid?

Ever since I've watched the video made by argodaemon, I started liking it for no reason.And then there's this mop episode wherein Rainbow and Twilight have to go to the....I forgot the word to solve a friendship problem.Anyways, I think it's because how they both like Daring Do same as being adventurous.Everytime they greet their friends ,when it comes to both of them they have the loudest voice in there.But most importantly, they're the ones who really want to sacrifice everything just for the sake of themselves,especially for the others.

Gee, I dunno.

The cutest pair in this world!!! Ahhhh
Athlete x egghead is the perfect pairing I've ever seen!
Omfgomfgomfgomfgomfgomfgomfg I'm freaking in love with them!
I wish them to be a canon!! Eep

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Well, you're just boring then.

To be honest, you might have gotten me to look into the ship for myself.

Any stories you'd recommend?

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There's really not much to look into. It has no real presence other than one person's deranged hopes in giving it a presence.

SweetieDash stories? There are 2. I recommend none of them. Both are foalcon, one has rape. If you count a CMC + RD, AJ, and Rarity orgy then I guess there's 3. I don't recommend that one either.

I do recommend you write one. In fact, I insist.


... Please.


Well, I did come up with a few ideas on the way home. I'll have to think about it.

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Don't play with my emotions. I've been hurt before. Mostly by bats' lies.

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My lies hurt so good

The Sweetie Guard
In a peaceful Equestria, the Wonderbolts don’t have much use as a military unit, but they need to keep up their wits just in case a new enemy crops up. In the meantime, they hire out their services to famous figures as bodyguards.

Sweetie Belle is nervous about her first bodyguard. She’s never needed one, but her publicist thinks it’s a good idea, because a bodyguard increases the apparent danger a pony’s in, without actually increasing danger. And beauty at risk is a beauty that attracts. Sweetie doesn’t want a showpiece to watch over her, so she writes a letter to Spitfire, asking her as an old friend, to assign somepony she can trust.

Rainbow Dash hates bodyguard duty. But it’s the only action she can get anymore. Just the hope that she’ll be able to do something heroic. But being assigned to Sweetie Belle… Boring. Sweetie’s not even on the top ten charts yet. Sure, she was Sapphire Shores’ protege before Shores’ retirement into married life with her showrunner, Showstopper, but Sweetie just isn’t danger attracting material. But orders are orders. Yes ma’am, Spitfire sir.

Their first show carries them across the ocean for a foreign tour of Griffon Lands on an airship. When sky pirates attack over a distant shore, Rainbow does what she was assigned to do. She saves Sweetie Belle and carries them off into an archipelago, crash landing finally on a jungle covered island large enough to hold Manehattan and all its suburbs.

The two need each other to survive. And rescue will come.


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Oh my. That went from The Body Guard to ponies vs nature. I hope it's nature.

To be honest, The Bodyguard was the idea seed. It wouldn't take more than a three or four chapters to get from the seed, though, to the meat. Setup, some interplay and history. Working on a more concrete outline than just a back of the book blurb right now.

lol yeah I've seen. Maybe I'll write it into something I do, whenever I actually start writing again.

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I have a similar Bodyguard idea that will never get written. Sticks slightly to Canon with a Sweetie leaving Ponyville after an accident and involves a psycho/stalker fan.

Every little bit helps.

And 2000 word outline done. Whee! If you'd like to take a look, I can share a link. It's a mix of pony vs. nature, piratical adventure, with a few inspirations from Robinson Crusoe. But with lesbian ponies in love. And sky pirates. And generally being awesome (As you do with Rainbow)

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Ooh, I love outlines

PM Sent. It's set to comment on, so comment away if you like. I'm not really married to much other than the overall outline. And feel free to suggest things for the "Fun and Games" section. That's where most of the romance will start to build.

There are many reasons, but most of them are the usual. Opposites that compliment each other, the amount of time they spend together (especially offscreen if you follow specific headcanons like how they have reading sessions to read Daring Do), and I guess they look genuinely adorable and are likely to last in a romantic relationship.

Though one of my personal reasons is that I project myself and a specific someone (whom I may have feelings for that go further than platonic) onto those two.

I know I'm a bit late, but maybe someone will read this.
It may sound a bit boring but I am a fan of those "normal" couples. (A couple that has SOME things in common but NOT EVERY SINGLE ONE.) NOW I AM NOT SAYING THAT THIS IS 100% TRUE BUT IT'S MOSTLY TRUE. Couples that have every single little thing in common a lot of times break because it usually becomes uninteresting, frustrating, boring or maybe even annoying, a lot of times turning one of them into a clingy bf/gf. It's like they cannot get even one minute alone. Couples that have absolutely nothing in common, well... that really speaks for itself, doesn't it? They have nothing to bond over, nothing that they can have as their "thing" that brought them closer. That is why I'm a big fan of those "normal" couples.

And that is exactly what Twilight and Dash are to me. A lot of people probably ship them just because they are that big couple cliche: "The Athlete and The Nerd!" but the truth is that they have a lot in common. They are both leadership material and one of the most loyal ponies from the group. They are willing to do anything for their friends, their determination with their goals/dreams (Rainbow with becoming a wonderbolt and Twilight with her magic studies) and tasks that they are given was something that I always personally admired with those too. They might sometimes fool around and not take things seriously but they always know whats the right thing to do in the end. They are really competitive and stubborn. They like Daring Do and enjoy flying (sure Twilight might not be as much of an enthusiast as Dash is but she also isn't like Fluttershy about it...). They are both afraid of failure. Twilight doesn't want to let her friends and the ponies who are counting on her down. Rainbow, she also doesn't want to let her friends down but also her reputation and who she is as a pony. Rainbow did so many awesome things and still thinks that she needs to prove herself to the ponies around... and so does Twilight. I have a lot more but this text is long already so here is at least the base of my thoughts when it comes to what they have in common.

But also like I said they don't have everything in common. There are a lot of things that they don't share and can teach each other, help each other to grow. One of the bigger thing being Twilight usually being the level headed one, the calm one while Rainbow is hot-headed. Twilight is a pony that always stands back, thinks of the plan and then goes to the action while Rainbow is dealing with problems quickly head on, creating the plan as she already is in the action. Actually, both of these are really important, it's important to be able to hold yourself back and know how to create a good plan, but it's also important to know how to quickly react to problems if you don't have time, quick but deep thinking. Another big thing is their way of learning. While Twilight buries herself in her books and counts on her knowledge, Rainbow is learning through experience. Again both are important, it is important to KNOW what you are doing but it's also important to know HOW to do it. Twilights organization and Rainbows "care-free" personality. Just... their way of thinking. A lot of people say that Rainbow is dumb but she isn't. Twilight has academical knowledge/thinking (she can tell you any fact from any topic) and Dash has logical thinking (that everyday thinking, she is one of those people who know a lot about everyday things or just how the world works (strategic) something that books cannot teach you).

They work amazingly together as a team and even though they sometimes disagree, they always create a compromise. If they have a fight, it's a fight that pushes the story forward, it's always something important, never anything dumb or time wasting. At first, I didn't really think about them as a couple, but over time I really saw what made them work and I really enjoy everytime they interact with each other. And even though there are a lot of differences, those are differences that work. Just some quirks that stay but change the more they are together. They share so much that they can understand how the other one feels (dreams, fears,...), but there are also things that they don't share, things that make the other one interesting, things that they want to find/discover about the other. Who knows maybe... maybe I am reading too much into this, but it is how I feel about them. I don't feel this kind of bond in any other ship with these two (for example TwiPie or FlutterDash)...

Thanks for reading my long essay. I know it's long but I needed to finally write my thoughts down.

I like it mostly because they deserve each other. What, with Twilight having most likely been the mastermind behind Mare Do Well (in universe) and Rainbow abandoning Twilight during the Canterlot Wedding debacle? They definitely deserve each other! :rainbowlaugh:

I have no idea. They're adorable together.... I guess?

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