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5038845 It's not the only thing that's rainbow-colored.

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5035875 5038819 5039481 Sorry, I'm out of practice, but I did what I could to cohesively bring together what we have so far.

“King Sombra?” Mint backed away from Rainbow and the still form of Princess Twilight.

“That’s right. A dark, crazy unicorn of unspeakable powers. Taken in by madness and a lust for control. All to satisfy his endless thirst for the world’s crystals.”

Trembling, Mint backed away even further. “W—what do we do then?”

Rainbow gently slid Twilight off her back onto the ground. “I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to keep on eye on Twilight. No crazy unicorn is going to take my friend from me.” She tossed her head back casually. “You, should probably run. Get some help or something. The last time we beat him we needed to use some sort of crazy crystal love magic. So, maybe if you could find Princess Cadance, that would be good.”

“Got it. Find Princess Cadance.” Mint turned around back toward the way they came, but paused before she ran. “Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

Rainbow grinned and puffed up her chest. “Definitely. I’ve taken this guy on before. And that was before I got my super-powered-rainbow-form. This’ll be a piece of cake.”

“Oh, I really want to see that! I bet you could make tons of promotional products and toys with it. A rainbow Rainbow...” Mint trailed off, her eyes glazing over from the sheer market appeal of Rainbow Dash.

“Mint! Focus.” Rainbow stomped her hoof on the ground. “You need to go find Princess Cadance.”

“Right! I’m going.” Mint took to her hooves, leaving Rainbow alone with Twilight Sparkle.

Nodding in satisfaction, Rainbow turned back to Twilight. Noticing her friend was starting to stir, she prepped her hoof for some hot hoof-on-horn action in the case of any further eruptions of dark magic.

“Twilight! It’s me, Rainbow Dash! Why don't you cut the dark act and come on back?” Ignoring the sense of déjà vu, she leaned closer to Twilight.

Twilight’s eyes opened slowly and she groaned.

“Twilight?” Rainbow prodded Twilight’s cheek with a hoof.

“R...r...rainbow?” Twilight gasped out.

“Yep. I’m right here. You okay?”

“Yesss.” Twilight hissed.

Rainbow only had a second to react, her hoof hit Twilight’s horn, but it wasn’t enough this time. Her eyes locked with Twilight’s and the world faded to black. In the background she could hear the cacophony of hisses. “Disss—pair...diss—pair...”

And then, the world returned. The darkness was gone and instead she was in Spitfire’s office. She looked down and found herself in her uniform. It was like nothing had happened.

“Rainbow Dash!” Spitfire barked out, her wings spread in obvious agitation. “Do you have any reasonable explanation for the stunts you pulled off today?” Spitfire’s hoof slammed down on over two inches of paper on her desk. “The damage reports, the estimated expense to fix it. I could withhold your salary for the rest of your life and it wouldn’t come close to paying all this.”

Rainbow’s ears fell, she had no idea what happened. “I... I didn’t do anything! Honest!”

Spitfire stepped around her desk and came face to face with Rainbow. “That’s all you have to say? We have witnesses Dash, magical video records, everything. If you weren’t on the team, you’d be in a cell right now. You know what this means right?”

“...No?” Rainbow began hesitantly.

“Rainbow Dash, you’re hereby dishonorably discharged from the Wonderbolts. All your records will be stripped from the books, and should the Princesses wish, you will come under charges. You are also further banned from all Wonderbolts events indefinitely.” Spitfire sighed and pressed a paper to Rainbow’s chest, bearing the official punishment and seal of the Equestria Pegasus Guard. “Sorry, kid.”

Just like that, Rainbow’s knees crumpled under her and she fell to the floor. The darkness swirled around her. When she opened her eyes again, she was in Ponyville, like nothing had ever happened. Seeing, Twilight, she wiped away the tears she didn’t know she was crying and waved.


Twilight turned, noticed Rainbow Dash, and flashed over in an instant. “Rainbow! Just what did you think you were doing? You can’t go around releasing that much magical energy at once. Look at the damage!” Twilight shoved a completely unreadable chart in Rainbow’s face. “And the worst thing is, you invited me to be the guest of honor to your little event. Said it was all for me. Now, I have to clean up the mess!”

“I, I didn’t mean anything by it, I just wanted to...” Rainbow paused, what did she want to do again? Everything was blurry.

“I don’t want to hear it Rainbow. You knew I was trying to get used to this whole princess thing, and you have to go and pull a stunt like this. And as to your little proposal at the end? The answer is: no. How could you even think of asking me out like that? Are you crazy? Everyone knows I’m with my handsome royal guard now.”

Twilight smiled and leaned to the right to the suddenly appearing Flash Sentry. She nuzzled the orange pegasus and he draped a wing over her back, the wingtips grazing just slightly over Twilight’s cutie mark.

Rainbow screamed and collapsed once more. The world swirled and she found herself in an empty room, with just Twilight. “Twilight?” Rainbow asked quietly, her vision blurred by her tears.

“Rainbow Dash, we aren’t fri—.” Twilight stopped mid-sentence and shook her head.

“Twilight?” Rainbow stood up and took a step toward the the stuttering alicorn.

“We... We aren’t...” Twilight gasped, screamed, she grabbed her head with her hooves and shook herself violently.

“Twilight!” Finally noticing something was horribly wrong, Rainbow dashed forward and wrapped her hooves around Twilight. “Twilight! I’m here! It’s Rainbow, you can do it.”

A pair of hooves wrapped themselves around Rainbow, and she felt them tighten. Twilight gasped in relief once more and buried her muzzle in Rainbow’s mane. “We are friends! Best friends!”

The world flashed bright white and she lost her senses. When her eyes opened, she found herself muzzle to muzzle with Twilight. Ignoring her blush, she nudged Twilight gently with her hoof. “Twilight? Are you okay?”

Twilight’s eyes fluttered opened as wisps of black and green faded away. “Rainbow?”

Smiling, Rainbow nodded. “That’s me. Sorry it took me so long to get you out of there.”

Shaking her head, Twilight blushed and pulled back. “It’s me who should be sorry. I didn’t mean to put you through all that. The magic, it kept pulling at me, feeding off something dark inside of me. It wasn’t until I finally remembered my friendships was I able to break free.”

“So, none of that was real?”

Twilight giggled. “I hope not. Me and that suave orange stalker? Shining Armor would have a fit.”

“Phew.” Rainbow wiped her forehead with the back of her hoof. “So, what do we do now? Are you going to get hit by the dark magic again? Should I walk around with my eyes closed?”

“Well.” Twilight looked up to the ceiling in thought. “I suppose we dispelled his power last time with a combination of love magic and the Crystal Heart. And until we’re sure how he’s gotten access to my magic, we should be on guard. If only we had a suitable source of love magic...”

Rainbow grinned, “Are you sure you don’t want me to find that Flash Sentry guy? You two seemed pretty close.”

“Rainbow!” Twilight groaned and covered her face.

“How about Celestia? I bet she has a secret desire to teach you some very Princessy things.”

“Rainbow! She’s my mentor! Nevermind what the tabloids say.”

“Or maybe you have your eye on a different princess, something involving those stars you like so much.”

“Rainbow.” Twilight frowned and crossed her forehooves. “Stop pairing me with random ponies. Besides, even if I liked any of those ponies that way, they aren’t exactly available right this moment.”

“Oh...” Rainbow grinned and scooched up close to Twilight. “I see how it is.” She waggled her ears. “It’s not like I blame you, I wouldn’t be able to resist me either.”

“Rainbow!” Twilight shoved her friend away, a blush clearly streaked across her face. “We don’t have time for this. We need to come up with a some way to dampen Sombra’s magic before he comes back. We might not be able to break out of the next set of visions.”

A loud explosion rocked the room. Suddenly, on the far end, a bright light appeared and a tall alicorn stood just on the threshold. “Twilight! Rainbow? Are you in here?”

Twilight leapt up as she recognized the form. “Cadance!”

“Twilight!” Cadance flew into the room and landed in front of Twilight.

And as tradition, began the ceremonial secret princess shake.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake.”
“Clap your hooves and you’ve been fooled!”

Cackling, Cadance burned away to reveal the dark form of Queen Chrysalis. “Hello Princess Twilight, having a little trouble are we?”

Rainbow charged forward and placed herself between the Queen and Twilight. “How did you find us! What are you doing here?”

“How rude!” She hissed and waved forward a smaller pony to her side. “You specifically asked this one to find me.”

Mint smiled and winked, before turning into a changeling herself.

“You don’t know how much trouble my hive went through, scouring the wastes for that silly horn. Of course, I found it fascinating and we got to talking. In the end, we decided on luring your little princess here with a Daring Do convention. Cleverly staffed by my hive members.”

“So, all the guests, the creatures we saw...” Twilight backed slumped down on the ground.

“Very good, princess. Now you’re catching on. Of course, we didn’t expect you to bring this rainbow one, but I imagine she won’t be much trouble.”

“That’s where you’re wrong!”

And thus, Rainbow punched Queen Chrysalis in the face. the end of the story, this thread might need to be renamed "One Punch Rainbow" :rainbowdetermined2:

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


You're up. homeslice.


18. The Abyss (Feb. 24-25)

Why do I only have two days to write my piece while everyone else has three?

4956655 Also, as it seems people are just posting their stuff into the thread here, are you already compiling all of the chapters into the main story? If so, when my turn comes up, may I read what everyone has written there, please?

'Cuz you don't need three. Eye of the tiger. Eye of the tiger. You got this.

5040352 Haha. It's not a big deal to me, and I look forward to seeing what I have to work with.

Group Admin


Actually, I'm just a goof and there was a typo. Fixed it now so that it reads:

18. The Abyss (Feb. 24-26)

To answer your other question, for now everyone is just posting their contributions here. Once life calms down and we/I see about getting some proper story art done, I'll start posting everything as a part of a single story. If you and other people want, I can compile everything up to now in a google docs folder and link it on the initial post here for people to read without needing to skim through the comments.

5040377 That would be great if you could compile everything. :heart: I can't wait to see what I have to write.

Group Admin


And done!

There is now a link on the original post of this forum with a direct link to a google drive folder that I will make sure is constantly updated as the new chapters are posted here. You can also check everything out here.

5040477 Much appreciated.

Timaeus... thanks for the reminder, but i remembered... we've just been havin trouble with our internet lately..
I'm at my Sisters apartment for a few days tho... so I'm catching up on what i've missed.

wow... this went straight to WTF-ville quick.
this was supposed to be My swing at actually getting past my writers block to start writing all the fics i've held onto for the past 4 years... and ya'll are makin it tough on me :derpytongue2:

aahh well... wish me luck.

and By The Way... could one of you tell me how to put my story text into the boxes like you all did?

P.S. I'm no stranger to OMGWITAF stories. :scootangel:

Timaeus already got me... thanks tho committed

Lol.. guys.. i derped...
It's done.. but i left the house without my computer... so i can't post it till tommorow. (sigh)
that's what i get for leaving the house in a rush...:facehoof:

Locked in at 1,323 words
finally got this RETYPED for the third time.

“I’m so glad you’re here Cadence,” Twilight sniffled as she and her sister-in-law maintained their embrace, “its’ been awful.”

“So I’ve gathered,” The larger alicorn replied. “Mint explained what was going on, at least what she was able to.” As she spoke, the princess regarded the unicorn with a smile, “it’s a good thing she was able to find me so fast. You have my thanks Mint Condition.”

“That’s not really anything special your highness, it was nothing.” The unicorn insisted.

“Nothing?” The princess shook her head, then eyed the smaller mare sharply, but her smile remained. “I’m sorry, but anypony willing to risk themselves for the sake of others, regardless of the situation, Is more than worthy of thanks.” The unicorn met her gaze, and she continued, “And when those ponies risk themselves, especially for my friends and family,” her gaze bore into Mints, “That’s NOT nothing!”

Mints’ face went pink at the praise of the Princess, “your too kind, your majesty,” she responded as she bowed.

“I’m only being truthful.” The serious look left her face as she bowed her head to Mint. “I would like to express my thanks to your other friends as well… once we find them.”

Twilights sniffles steadied after a few more moments, catching her sisters’ attention once again. “You OK now?”

Twilight nodded slowly. “Yeah, I… I think so.” She nuzzled the older princess. “Thanks.”

“Of course, it’s what I do” Cadence shifted her head toward Rainbow a few feet away, who kept looking from the door, to Twilight, to Cadence, and back. Her gaze was forlorn. This immediately worried her, slightly for the situation, but mostly for the Pegasus’ well being.

“Rainbow, what’s wrong? Releasing Twilight, she quickly got up and moved to the Pegasus. Rainbow however, maintained her gloomy gaze as her head returned to the door once again. “Rainbow?”

Twilight made her way to Mint. “Thank you Mint” she said with more cheer and happiness than had been present through their ordeal thus far. The princess of friendship did indeed seem to be feeling better.

The unicorn looked at her, curiosity adorned he features. “Yeah, I’m OK. She finally answered. After a few more moments, she opened her mouth again, “hey, can I ask you something?” She finally asked.

“Uhh, sure.” Twilight was now curious, much the same as her conversing partner.

“You and Cadence... your both Princesses right?

“Well, yes, we are” Twilight couldn’t help but thinks this sort of question was pointless and unnecessary, but assumed that there must be a reason she was asking, and decided to continue. “But Cadence has been at it longer than I have… I mean I haven’t been a princess for very long.” She turned to meet Mints eyes, but found them frozen on the scene of Cadence and Dash. “Why do you ask?”

“Why are you so nice to me… and to others who aren’t royalty or famous?”

Twilight was now confused. “Why are we nice?” she stared. “Uhh, is there some reason we shouldn’t be?” Twilight scanned her mind for an answer. However, even with a much clearer head, she could not find an answer to why this question came up, until she thought of Luna. “Is it because of the Nightmare Moon story?”

Twilight thought she had a proper response, but Mint shook her head. “No, it’s nothing like that.” She continued to watch as Cadence attempts to coax Rainbow failed. “It’s just that… well, I’ve been to Canterlot before, and met with Prince BlueBlood.” Twilight giggled, earning a quick awkward glance from the unicorn. “What?”

“OK, now I get it,” Twilight smirked and rolled her eyes. Lowering her voice, she finished. “THAT’S why.” Mint was now intrigued, and when Twilight didn’t continue, she began to pout. “Trust me, I’m nothing like him.” She returned her gaze to Cadence and Rainbow. “And Cadence, please don’t get her started, or we’ll be here all week.”

“Ooohhh, promise to let me in on it sometime” Mint asked giddily as she gawked in awe, then slowly returned her own attention to the other pair.

“Sure.” Twilight noticed that Mint was started to move toward Cadence and Dash, and quickly grabbed her tail with magic and pulled her back. Mint turned to her, concern for her new friend clearly evident on her face. “Let Cadence handle it,” She whispered. “Rainbow looks like she’s about to break.” Cadence was displaying adamant resolve to get the Pegasus to speak up.

“So… another question.” Mint began.

“OK sure,” Twilight replied, still keeping her voice down.

“What’s the deal between you two?” her voice sounded a little too inquisitive, and happy.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh don’t play coy.” She answered, “Are you two dating yet?”

Twilight nearly coughed up a lung, although quietly. She quickly regained herself. “Excuse Me?”

“Well, you two seem awfully close,” she observed teasingly.

“We’re… we’re just friends” Twilight let out her reply, unconvincingly.

“Uh-huh.” Mint grinned. “I bet.” Her voice carried around a teasing air that would impress even Discord. Finally she gave it up.

“So what about those two?” she asked.

“You ask a LOT of questions.”

“C’mon, tell me.” Her whisper was almost pleading, and she pouted again, so Twilight acknowledged.

“Rainbow and Cadence, have a… special bond.” Twilight and Mint’s eyes met. “Rainbow is… an orphan, and doesn’t have any family.” Mint’s eyes widened. “And, Cadence was an orphan too. Before she became a princess, she was an abandoned Pegasus orphan, with no memory of her birth parents, just like Dash.” Twilight looked back at them. “So she’s kinda partial to Rainbow, and knows how to best deal with her. And by that same token, also has the easiest time getting Rainbow to open up about what's bothering her.” Twilight gave a small shrug, and smiled. “Sometimes… I can’t help but feel a little jealous of Rainbow, no matter how much I care about her.”

Mint grinned victoriously, as that last statement gave her all she wanted to know about the progression of Twilight’s own
relationship with the cyan mare. “Just like Daring Do and Rosetta Stone!” she thought triumphantly.

Cadence reached a hoof out, placing it on Rainbow’s chin, turning the younger mares’ gaze to meet her own. “Rainbow… please, what’s wrong?”

The Cyan Pegasus looked up to meet Cadence’ gaze, she was on the verge of tears. The princess sat herself down, and stretched her wings around younger mare, pulling her into a hug. “Go ahead and tell me,” she invited softly. “What happened?”

“Cadence,” Rainbow said through sniffles, “I… I’m a failure.” She sobbed.

“I got kidnapped by an ugly unicorn that hurt Twilight and I punched him in the face. And then I abandoned Fluttershy and I can’t find her. Then Sombra got a hold on Twilights magic and I couldn’t stop him from controlling her, and I punched her in the face twice, and I attacked my hero and punched her in the face. And then we ran into chrysalis and I punched HER in the face too, and nothings working out and everythings all wrong and I haven’t managed to do anything.”

Cadence hugged her tight as Rainbow went into full blown tears. “I’m so sorry Cadence! I’m supposed to be the element of loyalty and the pony everypony can depend on, and I’m just worthless! I’m sorry I’m a failure!”She continued to bawl as Cadence held her

After a few more minutes, Rainbow began to calm... but just to make sure she was feeling better, Cadence decided to try something. "Rainbow," she said ever so sweetly. "Do you feel better?"

Rainbow took a deep breath, then let it out amidst a sniffle. "Yeah, i think so, Thanks Cadence." she looked up at the princess, who smiled warmly at her. Suddenly, A pink hoof connected with her nose with a resounding thud.


Rainbow rubbed her nose. "What was THAT for?"

"Just making sure."

Couple things..
1: I'm sorry this took so long to put up.. i had it done yesterday, but didn't have my computer. then when i tried to load it up this morning. the File was corrupted.. so I had to Rewrite it... (sigh), then the power went out... just as i was about to save.. so as soon as i got back to my sisters.. i had to REWRITE IT AGAIN.:facehoof:
thank god i have my laptop back.
2: All of you... thanks for being patient. Life a real pain in the ass sometimes. But i want to Thank Timaeus especially for putting up with me, props to you my friend. Oh, and sorry for editing that after Midnight Timaeus.. i know the rules.. but that sentence i fixed didn't copy from word... so i went ahead and fixed it... hope that's not any trouble.
3: I think that since i did this... I'm feeling pretty good about my writing again.. even tho it almost became a disaster :twilightangry2:
I think I'm gonna get some of my fics that i've been holding onto for the last four years or so written. hope nopony minds past season placed fics :derpytongue2:

4: Cadence and Rainbow Dash harboring a very close relationship like that is actually one of my Headcanon things... and was further strengthened by the comic that Detailed Cadence as a pegasus before a princess.
I hope you guys don't mind HeadCanon involvement in this...

Now Formerly Commited... it's your turn! (passes THE THING)
P.S. I think i did the Quote Thing wrong... Sorry

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


"quote" Your story here "/quote"

Obviously, brackets instead of quotation marks.

There! I got it
little dissappointed tho... there are a couple things missing that didn't copy from my Word Document :pinkiesad2:
Maybe I'll see if Timaeus will let me fix it later.
went ahead and fixed it.. don't know why Word didn't copy it all... weird
Anyway... good luck committed

I can kinda tell you really were stressed for your part, there were some issues I found regarding grammar, still a pretty fun read. :twilightblush: I more than likely wouldn't have been able to pull it off if I had been in the situation you had.

I wonder how many more enemies Rainbow's gonna end up punching before this is over...

Sorry.. I had to finish by manual typing out some of the end... it didn't copy it all from microsoft word.
but i just finished the manual work.
not going through this crap again lol...I'm getting a better computer! :yay:
PS, i wanted to have Rainbow punch someone... but i decided to flip the bar instead. you can reread to make sure you caught the Actual end.
i found it humorous myself :coolphoto:
I wonder what wild direction it's gonna go next. Can't wait

And Bluenintails... I'm sure you woulda did just fine, you have my confidence bro and a :moustache: for good measure

Comment posted by SonicRainbowNova deleted Feb 18th, 2016


There ya go
Please don't let this image of Epicness spoil any future punches.

But at least Cadence got a shot in. Even if it was a friendly one :scootangel:
:yay: for 2nd best Pony

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


Twilight couldn’t stop herself from giggling as she watched Rainbow rub at her bruised nose. Maybe now Rainbow would think twice before punching her or anyone else in the face . . . Knowing Rainbow, most likely not. But that wouldn’t stop her from gloating, if only for a little bit.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Twilight teased.

“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, Sparkle,” came the nasally retort. “At least I made it up to you.”

“Well, seeing as how I wasn’t the one that hit you, you should ask Cadence to make your boo-boo better,” Twilight said, sticking out her tongue in the most dignified manner she could.

“”I was asking yo—”

Rainbow realized what she was about to say and luckily stopped. Also just as luckily, Cadence chose this time to step into the conversation; though, everypony could clearly hear Mint Condition's “just friends my flank” between horribly veiled coughs.

“Twilight, Rainbow, that’s enough,” Cadence chastised. “We still have a changeling swarm, an evil king, and an unknown amount of hostages—”

“What’s up with that anyway?” Rainbow interjected. “I mean, I get the whole ‘ooh, I want revenge for beating me’ thing. But why team up with Sombra? He didn’t even do anything. He was beat by Spike!”

“Rainbow!” Twilight admonished.

“What? Seriously, this is like a really bad Daring Do fanfic. Like, if Dr. Negative team—Ooof!”

Rainbow’s rambling ended when Twilight tackled her to the ground.

“Rainbow, you’re a genius!” Twilight screamed in delight, Rainbow directly on her schnoz.

“Um, what?”

“Bad fanfiction!” Twilight quickly levitated Cadence and Mint over towards her, wrapped all three mares in her moves, and teleported the group away.

The four ponies appeared in an entirely deserted room. Tables were lined up all throughout the room creating quickly made ‘booths,’ creating alleys to move between each table. Papers and drawings were scattered everywhere. Twilight quickly sprinted off, her head swiveling back and forth as if looking for something.

“Uh, Twi?”

“You remember that pony you punched?” Twilight asked, knowing exactly what Rainbow was asking as she continued to search through the room.

“Uh, which one?” Rainbow chuckled. That earned her a bolt of magic flying dangerously close to her head. “Isn’t he dead? What about him?” she quickly asked.

”No, not today. Yesterday. Here to be more precise.”

Rainbow looked around, finally taking in where exactly ‘here’ was. She walked over to the nearest table and picked up a stack of papers that were stapled together.

“Fanfic alley?”

“Yes! He was here. He had a booth with—Aha!” Whatever Twilight was looking for, she seemed to have found it. The three bewildered ponies went to go see what exactly it was that she found. They found her sifting through a rather large stack of papers, muttering to herself.

Rainbow Dash, Cadence, and Mint Condition stood there as Twilight flipped through pages and a blinding rate. It was Cadence that dared to interrupt her.

“Um, Twilight, I know you love readin—”

“Bad fanfiction!” Twilight yelled. The three ponies blinked. “Everything that has happened today has been due to this,” she said waving the stack of papers in her magic.

Three confused ponies stared blankly at the ranting alicorn. Twilight huffed in annoyance.

“You know the ‘Come to Life’ spell I cast on the books we read during our reading days so we can watch them?” Rainbow, expression still blank, slowly nodded. “Right. Combine that with a simple compulsion spell, like ‘Want It; Need It’ and you’ve got ponies acting out a book or in this case bad fanfiction.”

“Okay, but what does that have to do with us?”

We are in it! Me, you, Cadence, even Mint Condition!” Twilight waved the papers about seemingly to try and show them some part of the story, which they couldn’t see due to all the waving.

“I can understand you three, but why me? Who would write me into a fanfic?” Mint asked.

“Well, I’m hoping it’s some sort of pen name but he goes by . . . Edge Lord?” she said with a furrowed brow, staring at the front of the stapled pages.

That’s where I know him from, “Mint practically spat. “That loser ships Daring and Ahuizotl just so he can pair his stupid OC with Rosetta. I mean, come on!” Three ponies blinked at the ranting unicorn. “I mean . . . sooo how do we beat him?” she asked sheepishly.

“Well, I think the blows to Rainbow’s and my head broke us from whatever spell we were under,” Twilight said, all the while glaring at Rainbow Dash.

“You’re welcome.” Rainbow stuck her tongue out at Twilight.

“Anywho, I think all we need to do is pick a point in the story and force the plot to diverge from it. Something that everypony involved will notice. This should break the spell.” Twilight resumed flipping through the story.

“So, should we wait ‘til the end, or . . . ?”

“Definitely not. It’s still fairly early in the story, but Mint you die—considering your rant, i take it he has it out for you.”


“Rainbow you die, too. But,” she paused flipping further into the story. “you come back to life? Something about not doing anything?”

“That’s stupid,” Rainbow cried.

“Very stupid,” Mint agreed.

“But while you’re dead, you get your wings ripped off and eaten by,” another pause and more page flips. “Sombra. And then you get magical golden wings, granted by our fearless Edge Lord.”

“This can’t get any stupider.”

“Did I mention you kill Chrysalis . . . twice?”

“I stand corrected. How do you kill something twice? Do the dead have an afterlife?!” Rainbow was fuming at ridiculousness of this story. However, Twilight didn’t appear done.

“Oh, and your alcoholic redneck parents break out of jail and try and kill you because,” more pausing and even more page flips. “They blame you for them getting thrown in jail, since you were the one they were beating.”

“I’m an orphan!”

“Twilight, we don’t need a summary, dear,” Cadence put her hoof down, having heard enough of this awful fanfic. “How do we stop him—them, whatever?”

“Well, first I need Rainbow’s help.” Twilight stood next to Rainbow and whispered into her ear for a moment. Rainbow nodded and walked up next to Cadence, as Twilight stepped next to Mint Condition. “As I said before, Rainbow and I broke the spell be getting punched in the face. However, you two have not and could still be under the spell so . . .”

Both Princess Cadence and Mint Condition seemed to realize at the same time what was happening but still too late as a hoof slammed into each of their faces.


Group Admin


“Rainbow you die, too. But,” she paused flipping further into the story. “you come back to life? Something about not doing anything?”

“That’s stupid,” Rainbow cried.

“Very stupid,” Mint agreed.

Just for that, it's gonna be another three years. :derpytongue2:

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


I regret nothing; I lived as few men dared to dream.

... as messed up as this is.. I can't stop laughing...

"This can't get any stupider."
"Did I mention you kill Chrysalis... Twice?"
"I stand corrected."

I lol''d so hard. That is one of my favorite types of moments in.. well... anything.

oh and:

It's not at all what I was expecting, Or anything near where I intended it to go...
Nice Addition Committed
I loved it, Have a mustache... in fact.. have 2 :moustache::moustache: and a :yay:
Oh... and I ran a Word Count for you. You hit 1,125 words.

P.S.: Thanks for having RD be the one to smack Cadence:rainbowwild:

Quill Scratch... you've got one heck of a piece to continue from...
Good Luck Buddy :trollestia:

wait... now that the humor has worn off some.. i got to thinkin...
:pinkiegasp: Cadence and Dash were both under a spell... and don't really have a special bond???
but... ... but... ...

(Heart Breaks)

Formerly Committed
Group Admin

As long as you laughed, that's all that matters.

. . . If the people I roasted laughed too . . . Well, bats did. And bats-senpai noticing me laughing is the most important thing.

Group Admin


Somebody say something?

Just kidding...

It's cool committed.. your read was pretty fun, I enjoyed... I just try to squeeze my Headcanons wherever i can find em.
and I've gotten over the "Shock" and slightly downed mood.
I guess the whole thing can be overlooked though, considering my Implication of the closeness of the two was actually prevalent long BEFORE the story itself takes place. so I guess it's all good. :scootangel:

I enjoy Cadence and Dash moments.. even though they're so rare. But i also enjoy when Cadence has a major hoof In Twidash Development (Princess Of Love, after all... it's kinda her thing), so it's pretty much a win-win.

I'm lookin' forward to the rest of this! :pinkiehappy: (the face selects need Cadence and Luna ones)

P.S.: Who'd you roast? or did I miss something?:trixieshiftright:
And from what little i know about him.. and the comments i've seen from him in this thread... bats seems to be pretty cool

Group Admin


Several of Edge Lord's plot elements are lifted from specific fics. I quoted the part that was making fun of one of mine. All in good fun. :ajsmug:

And I can assure you, I'm quite lame.

You aren't the only one.

As much as i read Fanfiction, and Fimfiction for that matter... I'm sorry... but Edge Lord is a name that i don't recognize. (feels like a scrub)
ah.. oh well.
And for the Record... that was my Opinion... i think your allright :moustache:

Group Admin


No, not the character name. The details of his fanfiction. Like the thing I quoted. The line about how Rainbow Dash dies but 'comes back' is a reference to my fic Coming Back. There are a handful of other details in that section that are lifted from other fics by other writers.

OOOHHH... :derpyderp1:
Ok.. gotcha...
Sweet Celestia i feel like an idiot :facehoof:
I've not read Coming Back yet.. I'll get around to that one later.

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


Don't bother. It's deader than Kanye West's credit score.

Oh hey. I wrote a thing. Apologies for any typos I missed—it's really late and I'm really tired and probably missing a lot, up to and including the plot.
Gdocs says 763 words. Guess I'm falling in a bit under average, but I really didn't want to try to pad it out.
Edit: I forgot the italics wouldn't copy over. Fixed now!

A good half-hour of brainstorming, it turned out, was not enough time to come up with a decent plan for defeating the unspeakable horror of bad fanfiction—especially when two members of the group insisted on spending the first five minutes complaining about minor issues like “unprovoked assault”, “possible concussion”, and “Nightmare’s sake, Rainbow, you hit hard.” Sensing their discussion was going nowhere (or maybe she was just bored of all this talking without any actual conflict-resolution. Or, for that matter, conflict), Rainbow Dash stood and stretched.

“Look, we’re clearly not getting anywhere,” Rainbow said. “Why don’t I just go and punch Chrysalis in the face again and get this over with?”

Cadence, to her credit, was doing a much better job of not glaring daggers at Rainbow than either of the others, which was particularly impressive given that Rainbow had just interrupted her detailed and comprehensive rebuttal of Plan of Action 17b. Instead, with the kind of diplomatic grace that one only achieves by literally being a diplomat, she smiled sweetly and drew a long, calming breath.

“All in favour of Rainbow Dash just going and punching Chrysalis in the face again and getting this over with, say ‘aye’,” Cadence said, patiently and with only a hint of condescension. Twilight held back a snort; Mint didn’t.


“And the motion fails, outvoted—” Cadence made a show of counting the ponies in the room very, very slowly “—three to one.”

“Sorry Rainbow,” Mint said. “Looks like you won’t be punching Chrysalis’ face again any time soon.”

“Ugh, screw this!” Rainbow turned her back to the group and started walking towards the door, because everypony knew that democracy was rigged anyway. “I’m gonna go clear my head.”

The crash of the door slamming shut behind her echoed idly through the room, giving Twilight just enough time to process a single thought before it faded into nothingness:

Oh. So that happened.

“I think,” Cadence said, her voice strained with uncertainty, “that maybe you’d better go after her, Twilight. I’d rather not lose her to the changelings, if I’m honest with you.”

The room was filled with a soft sort of quiet, the kind that muffled noise and tension like the carpet muffled hoofsteps. Somewhere outside, Twilight could hear hundreds of pelting hooves and buzzing wings—and the army of changelings storming the building to find them didn’t seem like such a pressing matter when the sound was quite so dimmed.

But one noise cut loud and clear through the quiet: the gentle rise and fall of another mare’s breaths.

Rainbow Dash was lying on the bed, her limbs splayed and her eyes closed—in thought, Twilight noted, not in sleep. Twilight smiled, sitting down on her haunches against the edge of the bed, rolling her neck back so that her head rested ever so slightly on the covers. If she rolled her eyes upwards, she could almost see one of Rainbow’s legs.

She didn’t know quite what to say, so she said nothing.

“Hey, Twi?”

Rainbow’s voice was quieter than usual, but it still seemed to almost scratch through the silence like the last grains of sand caught in the imperfections of your hoof—warm, and not unpleasant, but certainly not as soft as the beach had been. Twilight couldn’t quite bring herself to speak, so she forced a slight, faltering note of affirmation through her throat.

“That fanfic you found, the one that was dictating everything through some spell…” Rainbow paused for the longest while, almost as if she had forgotten that she had spoken. Then, just as Twilight was about to let it slide, she heard the quietest of whispers: “Did it ship us?”

Thanking Celestia that Rainbow couldn’t see the bitter smile on her face, Twilight nodded. And then, realising that Rainbow probably didn’t have her eyes open, added, “Y-yeah. Yes, it did.”

There was a quiet snort of derision behind her.

“Thought so,” Rainbow said. “I mean, the way everypony kept asking us if we were a couple… it sounded like shipfic, you know?”

“Yeah.” Twilight chuckled, not quite sure why her laughter felt hollow. “I guess it did.”

“Heh. Could be worse.” At this, Twilight heard the muffled thumps of a body rolling over to face her—she twisted herself around, and found herself sitting almost nose-to-nose with Rainbow Dash. And, for some reason that could only be understood by herself, Rainbow Dash was smirking like a smug cheshire cat; Twilight simply raised a bored, exasperated eyebrow in response, and waited for the inevitable explanation…

“Can you imagine if they’d shipped me with Applejack?”

I'm so sorry.

I really don't mind reading older fics, so i don't see where the problem is. unless it's an Incomplete fic... sometimes... if their old and haven't been touched in a while, I'll avoid those.

Oh, and:
Kanye West had a credit score... Le:pinkiegasp:

P.S. Really hope Quill Scratch makes his deadline... We've already had 3 people miss their turns i think.:applecry:

*coughs quietly*
Am I just invisible or something? Or did I need to post a thing somewhere else, too?

Well that's certainly one way to be direct about the matter. :rainbowlaugh:'

On a sidenote, Quill Scratch, I'm not sure which I find funnier. The bit you decided to say at the end there, or your reply above this one. XD

This is going Great!

Looks like we are about half-way, 17 of 35 down.

Hey Quill Scratch... when i made that post... My page hadn't Registered that your addition had come... when i checked, nothing new had been added yet... I don't know why it didn't show up, but it didn't. which is why i posted that.
It was in no way meant to offend you, or be irritating... and I apologize if it was. Sorry.

On a side note.... I'm probably not the best person for feedback, because I'm not too picky when it comes down to it. I thought your piece was good, even if it was shorter. The end line made me laugh, It was funny, And I'm glad that your post did make it. :pinkiehappy:

5068947 Leave me alone (pouts jokingly)

Can't wait to see what happens next.:raritywink:

It's fine, I was teasing. I figured something like that had happened! Glad you liked it :pinkiesmile:

Comment posted by SonicRainbowNova deleted Feb 25th, 2016

It's cool. I actually thought your response was kinda funny too. It looked like something I'd have done myself. :)
I felt it necessary to apologize. But after i thought about it for a bit while workin a a new character on Skyrim (play ps3 btw)... I figured you were just messin with me. :derpytongue2:

BTW: Not sure why, but I like your avatar. something about it is amusing... (Thinks hard for a bit)
Ahh, I'm probably just overthinkin' it. I'll take it for what it is. :pinkiehappy:

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