Nikola Tesla Fanclub 173 members · 4 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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The world is changing. Power hungry despots hoard and lock away his genius inventions because they're scared of how much we could change with that power. We need to develop and release these things for the benefit of all mankind! A new nation must rise, supported by Nikola Tesla's genius, and remove the few that hold back the many. We will rise!

We're working on this right now, if you want to help, go here.

1764964 My dad figured out how Tesla's wireless electricity worked :moustache:

Last time I checked, the 20th Century was pretty much built around Tesla's various electrical discoveries and inventions. Thus, your argument is invalid.

1765273 Not really. There are tons of stuff he made that were never shared with the world.

And, as his biographers clearly state, the luminosity of his genius was only shadowed by how lousy his own bookkeeping skills were, leaving tons of half-invented contraptions that he never recorded or even told anyone what they were supposed to do, or concepts of inventions that he never even started to work on. His last such is also among his most famous: just before he died, he called the US Ministry of War and told them that he was currently working in an electric 'death beam' that would be capable of blowing up an enemy tank from two hundred miles away. Searching his records, however, never revealed that he ever wrote a single line about how to do such a machine, yet his declaration fuelled Sci-Fi movies, comics and stories to envision energy guns as weaponized Tesla coils.

Furthermore, the luminosity of his brain didn't extend to finance or business skills, leading him to dying poor despite the immense value of his various successful inventions.

On one hand, I love Nikola Tesla and everything he stood for.
On the other, you're obviously (at least trying to be) the Emperor of Mankind.
I feel so conflicted!

1768662 It's for a good cause I promise! My goal is to cast down oppressive and idiotically ruled regimes, and replace them with a free, logical, and prosperous empire! My goal is the stars my friend, the stars!

I have a Chaos Raptor for a profile image and I frequently mention my sympathies for Chaos when the opportunity presents itself. How do you think I feel about "good causes," or your goals?

1769254 If you don't care about good causes, then why did you care to begin with?

As an agent of Chaos, I care only about my own freedoms and pleasure. Nikola Tesla had invented many things that make my life much easier, which is why I like him so much.

Or, that's my online persona, anyway.

In reality, I'm very much a humanitarian and I strongly believe in improving the human condition through technology. Tesla also believed this; the Wardencliffe Tower would have provided free wireless energy to the entire world, which would have certainly improved life for at least a few billion people. Tesla and I share ideals, namely that knowledge is free to use, and therefore should be spent as often as possible on making life better for our fellow man.


If that's what you stand for then we really could use you. I agree with improving the lives of others and am willing to go through any trial to gain the power to rein the world under a single flag and spread our wealth to all corners of creation.


I can see what you're saying, but I'm afraid that it's just too idealistic. It assumes that all of humanity will want to unite under a single banner. The problem with that is that man is a creature of conflict. The only time that men do not fight each other is when they have a common enemy to unite against.

So unless you can find a tangible, objective entity that is unquestionably a threat to all of humanity, I will not be able to support this endeavor with a clear conscience.

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