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there are nearly no crossovers with any of the more 'popular', or good book series that i know of. in fact, there are very few good crossovers with books at all. the three book series i wanted to use as an example are as follows:

Harry Potter (if you don't know what this is, i want to know the address of your fucking rock.)
Warriors (although the sheer size of the warriors series is a bit mind-fuckingly insane.)
Percy Jackson And The Olympians (Fuck TLH.)

all of these are highly accessible, and enjoyable series'. WHY NOT CROSS 'EM OVER?

Probably because crossovers are one of the hardest things to write well.

Also, check out this page. there are a ton of HP crossovers, dude.

923272 Harry Potter is my main writing domain, and I can say with relative ease that the 'rules' of magic there, and the ones for mlp, don't mesh well together. And the storylines wouldn't cross well at all unless you wanted to seriously jack some basic stuff up. I've though of it so much, but I can't think of a good way to do it.

Never heard of Warriors.

PJ I've read and watched, but I'm not to knowledgeable about. Maybe the same reason as HP?

923272 Uhm.
Well, I agree that there are too few book crossovers. (Though the actual books you used as examples, excluding Warriors...:twilightblush:)
But, I have to agree that I have seen very few book crossovers, period.
That may be because the consumer base and variety of the product are so mismatched (LOTS of books for forever, few vidja games, with small and large audiences respectively).

Group Admin

923307 the discrepancies between HP and MLP can easily be beaten by a reliable (if cliched) method of multiverse. or explained through my own thoughts on the nature of magic that i'm sure i've posted somewhere in this group.

Warriors is awesome, if somewhat kiddy. but we watch MLP, for fucks sake.

PJO is actually a much better match with MLP then you would think. with the Gods/Alicorn (or, as i sometimes call them, Avatar's. to represent an ideal or object.) making a base for a Pantheon. an the unknown/unexplained status of any of these figures children. along with all the benefits or detrimental effects it would have on the aforementioned offspring.

Group Admin

923307 yes, but are they Good?

and, just as important, are they long?

923350 but, if you consider that we are Writing said crossovers, it is a bit absurd.

Comment posted by Oni deleted Apr 27th, 2013
Group Admin

923523 TLH is a series continuation that takes place after the events of The Last Olympian. it's rather lazy and doesn't do the greek myths proper justice, in my opinion.

I know that feel.
I've been waiting for a good Twin Peaks / MLP:FiM cross over for a while now... and I'm starting to think the only way I'll ever get to read it is if I make it happen.
Seriously, though, if there is a work of fiction you want to read and it doesn't exist yet, you should be the one to write it.

Group Admin

923696 yes, but the books treat the hero's or 'villains' of mythology as if they are at fault.

EX: in the 3rd of the 2nd series, Ariachne is tricked to trap herself in a massive tube her own web that is inescapable. and then thrown into tartarus for all eternity. she was tricked by the character making her think that making this would get her to be recognized and appreciated. but no, Ariachne (who, i have to add, is only at fault because of her pride. and everyone has a bit of pride.) is wronged. and for what? the self-righteous bitch who is called Athena.

Group Admin

923703 yeah, but i'm not much of a writer. i'm much more of a philosopher (and even that is only when i feel like it.). although i'll probably write something at some point, it's not likely gonna be soon.

923290 Surprised my story ended up in that group. It was canceled ages ago and wasn't even that good.

Everyone starts out as

not much of a writer

. But the only person who can bring your vision into the world is yourself.

Group Admin

923735 and that is why it sucks to have a almost perfect imagination.

whenever i start something, i want to put so much detail into it as to equate to my imagination. which is good enough to be able to feel the thing, see it, and also any uses it might have.

came at the cost of most of my social skills. though, most of the people i could associate myself with are assholes. and the others are in near enough a situation to me that its easy.

Actually... Making a crossover with the books you listed would be insanely hard. The books all have different explanations of magic, or the gods. The only good way to cross them over would be for comedy.

923272 i so agree, warriors is the bbest book series ever and would make an aweosme cross over however I have not time myslef to write one, I hope for someone ele to

927210 I...don't... I'm not sure if that would even be possible. Maybe if you..and replaced..and then....:pinkiegasp: IT CAN BE DONE!!

931930 Fuck, now I have to go read them again, or at least Dante's inferno.

Group Admin


Comedy would be a very good way to cross them over. One Harry Potter fanfic crossover I'd like to see, after all the "Human In Equestria" fanfics we get, would be "Dobby in Equestria".

If for no other reason than to hear him having a conversation with the Great and Powerful Trixie.:scootangel:

923272 There is one HP Crossover I know of that's lost somewhere in my Read Later list - it's where Harry, Ron and Hermione get turned into unicorns and are transported to Equestria. Yeah, um, a bit vague. I forget the title, but I know a tagline in the summary is "Will the world be handle to Hermione Granger and Twilight Sparkle in the same room together?" or something like that, lol. It was featured for a while if that helps anything.

Group Admin


Of Witches, Wizard, and Unicorns

2013-04-10 UPDATED: Major overhaul!
Twilight Sparkle is interrupted from a midnight study session by the arrival of three confused magic students.
A short Harry Potter/My Little Pony crossover. Can the universe handle Twilight Sparkle and Hermione Granger in the same room?

933000 I was close. There it is.
I'll read it later.

Group Admin

933003 it is rather good.

932528 Your doing it in prose?! No way I could compete with that. I'm going to try mind you, but yours will sound nicer.

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