Badass Twilight = Total Domination 4,275 members · 1,245 stories
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So in the season 3 episode "Too many Pinkie Pies", we are introduced to the concept of the mirror pool. In case you don't know, 'though you really should know this' the Mirror Pool can create a perfect copy of any pony that steps through it, although they seem to be hyper-focused on whatever the original was thinking about.

My question is: what would Twilight's mirror clones be like? Would they only care about reading, or maybe magic?
Could Twilight use the Mirror Pool to create an army of Twilights that only care about becoming stronger, and crushing Equestria's enemies?

While I have read a story or two about Twilight creating a bunch of clones; I've never read one about Twilight using the power of the magical pond to vanquish a great threat or something. Has anyone else?

No, but it's a great idea!

I haven't but i think their is one other factor about the pool that should be stated, that is that a latter episode (Season 6, episode Saddle Row Review) implies clones can begin to think for themselves if allowed to exist for enough time, which could be either bad or good if Twilight makes a army of them.

can any one tall me if i need to pot the stories in undead & monsters in thiferint liberty groups

as i understand the way the mirror clones work is initialy they have a fixation on the thoughts of there creator and can be given instructions by said creator however over time they slowly become more self aware, given enough time they eventualy become fully concious and cease being mere copies becoming a fully fledged clone with there own life force and vitality, at that point its imposible to dispell them
this is what twilight wanted to prevent from happening thats why she was in such a hurry to get rid of the clones
also when there first made the clones are very fragile, they are basicly animated water baloons, a sharp object can make them pop...but just like with there minds there bodies grow more durable with time

at least thats my understanding.

theres also the theory/creepypasta that the original cant leave the pool so long as even one clone exists...the 'original' that leaves the pool with the first copy is in fact another clone but one that has an exact copy of the originals mind rather then the reduced one

Is that canon? I looked around to see if there was any information on how the Mirror pool works, and the only thing I found was that the copies have an obsession with whatever the original was thinking about at the time of creation.

I feel like if the clone Twilights retained enough of Twilight’s personality, then they probably wouldn’t turn evil or anything; though that would make a good story.

I could matter on how they are treated, if Twilight used them as cannon fodder or started destroying them "sending them back to the mirror pool" when their use was over, then i can see any survivor's that manage to escape becoming a enemy of Twilight's.
(i mean the show does seem to treat magical clones as expendable, and Twilight showed no restraint going after Pinkie's clone. )

unfortunatly thats the only concreate thing your ever gonna find the rest you have to build from context, situational knowledge and lore tidbits rolling together into an educated theory......well that or if you realy want to find out for sure you could ask lauren, she was only directly involved up thru the end of season 2 but she quote un quote 'supervised' season 3 iirc so she still might count as WoG for cannon in it, or if you reaaaaly wana be sure youd have to track down the writing supervisor for that episode, dave polsky and ask him...the epeisodes were mostly writen by commity but the credited author is considered word of god for the episodes they are credited for so since that one is his baby if you can track him down and get him to spit it out, it counts.
sadly unlike good old M.A. Larson i don't think dave is much of a comunity goer...i dont recall seeing his name come up much on guest lists for cons and such so geting in a place where youd be able to ask him might be dificult


I've never read one about Twilight using the power of the magical pond to vanquish a great threat or something. Has anyone else?

Incidentally I'm in the process of (very slowly (like everything I write)) writing a Starcraft crossover where queen Twilight uses the mirror pool to boost the size of her army. No (direct) clones of herself though.

Oh hey! I just realized that you're the guy that wrote "Of Alicorn Foals". I really enjoyed that story and some of your others too. So if this Starcraft crossover is as good as any of them, then i'm looking forward to reading it!

I will point out that an army of Twilight clones striving to become a more dangerous spellcaster could become a huge problem very, very quickly.

Well, whenever I eventually get it out, I hope I don't disappoint.

While it would be dangerous, it would also be very entertaining

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