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A Finnish book about Spike being a pony.

EQD says it comes out after 10 days after the official release of the G5 film and ironically I care about this book more than that film, haha!

Anyway, I don't live in Finland and dunno much Finnish bronies who care about this book or even know about it. So I dunno when we'll see this popping around at some point. Whether it's in Finnish or somehow translated.

The book itself won't be as apparently popular as that g5 film but I still wanna see how they tackle a ponified Spike.

Also, I dunno which concerns me the most: Spike's ears turning into wings or Twily staring at his flank with a blush.

EDIT: Oops, I mean to say Spike is looking at his own flank, not Twily, lol. But yeah she's actually blushing...

Hopefully someone will translate the pages for us. Or we'll just have to translate it ourselves with a Translator

Even if it's in Finnish, I wouldn't mind at least seeing the images to see how well they drew Spike as a pony.
Of course I still dunno the text-image ratio this book will have...

Oh wait, the MLP wiki says October 18? Oh come on, I was super hyped for this book.

7580034 They must be desperate for ideas. This idea has been done how many times now? :rainbowhuh:

in fanfics or in the comics?
why does the world have the better stuff than we do!? I like Twilight's blush, it opens up a few things.

but not comics right? so this one will be the first then

but we had already covered most of the bases already when it comes to Spike being turned into a Pony, and the implications of why it could be good or bad that he is now a Pony. To have the comics tackling this so late into the game long after the series proper had finished up on what is arguably the absolute weakest Season Finale that most of us has the displeasure of seeing... well, I'll let Marco say it for me.

I am still waiting for the Season in which Marco would have been the secret descendant from the butterfly fam, being evil, etc.

Yeah, I know it has been like that, I still have more questions than answers bout some of the leftover plotholes but still, this is the closest to canon we can get for Spike being a pony. Also, I wasn't sure if everyone agrees on which pony form would Spike transform to.

The biggest issue I have is how a Cult Leader, a Warlord, and an unrepentant Chaos God all got a slap on the wrist while a child who was being manipulated by said Chaos God to be turned into a weapon is punished for someone elses' crimes. Since we honestly do not know anything at all about Cozy Glow, it really leaves a major hole in well... everything that Twilight Sparkle had struggled to achieve. We could have had an entirely different Seasons 8 & 9 if it was established from the beginning that Cozy Glow was actually a public rival to Twilight Sparkle who was more outspoken of her venomous nature towards Twilight and towards Princess Celestia for reasons that would be explained in the Season 8 finale that would have long-lasting scars in Season 9 that redefines everything that we once thought we knew about Friendship is Magic and show that the creators actually cared to have the series grow up with its audience enough to treat the material seriously with all of the emotional gravitas it deserved.

Well, I do wonder how Spike's egg was the method to choose Celestia's next protege. Meaning that Sunset hatch a dragon before Twilight but was never heard from or was that a failure and the Dragon egg was secretly thrown out. How did Celestia know that a dragon's egg was the only way to choose her next protege or how did she even get one how many were sacrificed or hatched? Was it also another secret experiment in which it would have decided the fate of friendship between ponies and dragons could be possible? So all this time Spike has always been a control experiment? Was Spike made so that Twilight would have a partner always with her since she knows how lonely it was when she sent her sister off to the moon?

In truth, Spike would had been the most dangerous villain of them all.

I am at work on a multi-faceted story that offers up an explanation to... many things involving My Little Pony in its own unique twist on things. But to focus on Spike, he was originally meant to be a weapon: not one designed by Celestia, but by the Satyrs (The Storm Kings' species) against the kingdom of Goria: the homeland of the Centaurs, Gargoyles, and other beasts known colloquially as "The Breakers". It is a land that as it turned out has a strong historic connection to the Earth Ponies long before the time of The Three Tribes.

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