Spike Fanfictions 2,965 members · 5,608 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Do any of you know any fics where Spike is a smartass, a jerk, or a complete a--hole? If you do know please give me a link to it.

hm... not off hand... but that's probably because I mainly focus on Spike romance fics...

but I do remember one where Spike gets banished for requiring to eating meat to live, and then takes revenge on the main-six (in a really bloody way) it's called Nightmare of a Dragon

1569249 he only did that once when he was drunk (I think)... and it's only talked about in retrospective past tense... but then again I haven't read it in a while

Death by Dragon is a pretty good example of smart assery and jerkassery, though that's subject to change in the future, probably.

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