Spike Fanfictions 2,965 members · 5,608 stories
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Found this on Tumblr! It is awesomely cute and I would like to see what any of you can do with this. Rather it be clop-fic or not. If you do make a story, even if it is a One-Shot.

Spike Forever

AWWW Thats so cute!

1554095 Spike forever
and I know... I've almost never seen this pairing... only once and it was a downer of a story... I wish there were more of them... but I can never think of a good scenario to write them together...

While I have my own story to work on I think I can make a good starting point for this ship.

Spike is working part time at a bar, pool hall or something when Glida shows up. She is minding her own business when a bunch of guys start hitting on her. She tell them to fuck and they decided to use force Spike joins in to help her fight them off. After the fight one of them bandage up the other one and start getting to know each other and you guys can go from their.

This situation should work no matter what you use. It can be ponies, anthro, or human. I hope I helped whoever will take this challenge.

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