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I'm gonna need some help on this part. I need some help describing how Luna would put people into their worst nightmare since she's the Dream Mistress. Don't worry, the person I'm writing to have their worst nightmares would have a very funny worst nightmare.

So how do I describe her putting people into a sleep where the dreamer's worst nightmare will be played out?


A shovel to the back of the head:unsuresweetie:

Or dark magic:pinkiecrazy:

2105964 A fear of beautiful women. Look it up. It's a real phobia.

2105974 You know, I saw an anime once with this EXACT plot device.

No, I meant that how to describe her actions of putting people to sleep.

Using words that describe confusion pain or something along the line can be a good start. Maybe depictions of a vortex for the character inserted into the dream sequence. And finally, them being in a completely dark place before luna "opens up" the nightmare.

That sounds godd to me, but ive probably not understood the meaning


I think you could describe it as though she were either:
A) shrouding them in sleep, slowly wrapping them in layers of exhaustion, smothering them into dream
B) Pulling them into sleep, as though she were gently dragging them down into cold, dark waters. Perhaps like a fisherman in reverse, reeling them in. Or like the sucking grip of a bog.


Maybe her eyes could become like Nightmare Moon's.

The victim is transfixed. Hypnotized.

The world falls into darkness until only the eyes remain: cutting deeper and deeper into their soul until all secrets are laid bare.

The eyes know all. The eyes can expose you for the pathetic worm you truly are.

...anyway... most of that stuff happens in the victim's head.

I suppose Luna could, make her horn glow too, like casting a spell.

That depends entirely on the situation. Is she doing it remotely, or is she actually there, with that person?


Wonder if this applies to Raj Koothrapali, him not being able to talk to women without alcohol and all.:derpytongue2:


Why would she do that?

2105964 Aloneness. It's something that constantly eats at you. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, that hot coworker that no one can seem to bag? Well, the two of you share a drink.

One thing leads to another, and before you know it...she's been usurped by a sociopathic god, you've had to bury a bullet into her skull, and then you've even forgotten you ever knew her.

Until you have to shoot her again, anyway. At the very least, you get to tell her you love her this time. You barely notice her spear in your chest at all when you pull the trigger.

2105964 Ask Guillermo Del Toro. He knows.:twilightsmile:

2106532 She's helping the main character who just ran into a dead end when the school 's most notorious bullies are after him.
2106331 She's actually there, the bullies can actually see her but only for a few second before they were put to sleep.


That seems... a mite heavyhanded for helping with a bully problem.

I would suggest to simply use a reversal dream - making bullies dream they are the ones being bullied.

2105964 just for laughs, have her seduce the person and drug their drink

I am not asking on what dream I should write about. I'm asking on what actions will she do to put the person to sleep.

Okay, what would she say? The setting goes like this:

"Any last words you little shit?" The bully growled, reading his fist.

"Umm... Err..."

Here's the part where Luna will show up, using full stereo HD Dolby Digital Canterlot Voice on the bully.

What would she say? Something like...err..."STOP RIGHT THERE! *insert synonyms for bad person here* ONE! I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO HARM HIM IN ANY WAY!"

Please help me.

2109238 Wow...I must have been really, really drunk when I wrote this. Don't even remember writing it.

Sorry about the confusion. :rainbowderp:

make it so the reader doesn't know they're asleep until things start to get weird, or you could reveal it like luna is watching form the background, laughing like a maniac.:pinkiecrazy:

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