The Writers' Group 9,331 members · 56,840 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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When your first story is regretted but your second story was accepted, what do you do? Do you scrap the idea? Or redo the story for later publishing?


If it failed moderation, then take a look at why that happened. If it's something we don't allow here on a purely content basis (like a non-English story or something that doesn't have ponies in it) then you might be stuck. Outside of that, we generally only reject stories on purely technical grounds, like when it's generally unreadable or in script format or something. Whether the underlying idea is worth reworking the story to fit within Fimfic rules is going to depend on how much work it'd be to fix, and how much work you're willing to put in.

You're such an amazing mod, Eldorado. Thank you for being as great as you are <3

7968910 I still fix all of my stories even if they've been published for over a decade. Don't forget to write new ones as well, though.



Thanks Eldorado and bad dragon!

TalB #7 · May 14th · · ·

If your story already exists, then just edit it especially when it's your story to start with, which will really save a lot of time than just writing the whole thing over.

Agree. And from his profile pic we can see that he is the only true fan among us. :twilightsmile:

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