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So I was thinking about time in Equestria, I’m researching for a story that takes place in a high-tech Equestria.

If I come up with a year for when the story takes place, in earth years 2034, would that be good?

Do I use time in earth years or equestrian years per the show?

7951335 Ancient history was BC (Before Celestia). In G5, Celestia is all but forgotten, so maybe a new time measurement is in order.

I propose BS and ASS.

What happened before G5 is BS (Before Sunny).

And what happens after is ASS (After Sunny Starscout).

Perhaps your story could take place in 100 ASS.

The exact year wouldn't matter, as it seems you're placing the story in a futuristic Equestria. As we have no way of reckoning how the eras correspond from present-day Earth to Equestria, that would be left to the writer's discretion. In canon, we've seen Ponyville having homes with thatched roofs, cobblestone streets, no visible power lines, and no electric lights other than Twilight's lab, so one can assume it's a rural community set somewhere in the 19th century. However, when we're shown large cities such as Manehatten or Las Pegasus, they're quite modern, so there's the paradox. As the ponies depend more on magic rather than technology, if you were to keep the story within canon any future iterations of Equestria would keep this in mind, but again, that would be totally up to the writer's discretion.

Thank you.

So it doesn’t matter what time my story takes place? OK that’s good to know.

You and your creative acronyms. :P

I also did not like what he wrote, that’s why I down voted his comment.

Great acronyms btw.

TBF even IRL, there can be disparity, with major cities being more modern, while more rural towns and villages having less tech

Very complicated and ambiguous, the 1000 years of Celestia are the most solid thing the series offers and that's only because they said it a couple of times.

Thank you for your responses, your input has really helped me.

Seeing that human companions were never brought back to MLP since G1, we'll never know how times works between Earth and Equis. However, I do know that from watching the original version of Rescue at Midnight Castle it felt as if time moved slower there, because when Megan got back to see TJ during the end credits, it was still dark despite having daylight where she just was. Even though G1 of MLP does predate Digimon, it does give me that idea that it works like especially when returning as if little to no time as passed back where they are, and I'm not just saying this for being a Digimon fan. What I do know in a number of fanfics involving Megan meeting G4 characters with mine included, it's as if it's the same character from G1, but it makes it feel as if she and even Danny and Molly hardly aged despite coming to see new ponies.

Oh, it doesn’t matter what time I put in my story?

In all honesty, I don't know how the time works between the worlds. Being someone who watched G1, I always thought that the rainbow bridge was some temporal wormhole. However, there are exceptions such as that episode known as "Baby! It's Cold Outside" when some penguin makes it so cold that the snow didn't just cover Ponyland, but also Megan's ranch as well despite not being there. In a way it is like Digimon, because I can remember that after defeating Etemon, both Tai and Metal Greymon got sucked into a vortex that placed them back on Earth and he realized that no time has passed since he and the rest left for the Digital World, though he still managed to see Digimon attacking Tokyo despite being invisible to everyone else during real time. In reality, I don't know how it really worked in G1, because this is more of a theory than a fact. Unlike others who did fanfics with the same Megan from G1, I actually did one that was more of a reaction to getting used to the new surroundings known as "Helping Megan Fit In" where she even makes the claim to Twilight that although she is a descendant of a pony that she originally knew, she is still the same person who came to their world thousands of years ago.

I understand.
Thank you.

The truth about MLP is that they hardly do backstories, so a lot of times, so many things here go unexplained. Much of what you get in the fanfics are really just made by the fans especially due to the format of the show. Even when they did the Equestria Girls specials, they didn't say whether time either moves slower, faster, or the same compared to back in Equestria. Perhaps, human companions such as rebooted versions of the Williams siblings should have been brought back to this to see what the relationship between Earth and Equestria would be like, but knowing those in charge, it will most likely never happen.

I guess I’ll just come up with my own timeline.

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