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It has been confirmed from Lauren Faust herself that Scootaloo has family, but they're too busy for her. Well what if we finally got a chance to meet them only for them to retrieve Scootaloo and move away from it all ?

As fans of the character and the show: What do you think of that and will it change the dynamic of the overall show ?

They wouldn't do that. The show creators would not make it permanent, they would only make it perm if the voice actor was leaving, which she ain't y

Wanderer D

6099897 given that Faust!Word is not official anymore, it remains to be seen. Personally, I prefer orphan!Scootaloo... still, I guess distant/absent parents could pose an interesting topic to handle, but they'd have to be careful about it.

If they did make an episode about that, which they won't because they know Scoota-Orphan is a very popular head-canon (also, as Wanderer D. said, Faust's words are no longer canon), then I think Hasbro should go somewhere along the lines of Scootaloo convincing her parents that she *belongs* in Ponyville with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, possibly touching on the fact that Sweetie Belle's parents have put enough trust in their oldest daughter to care for her. From there, they could emphasize just how important Scootaloo is to Rainbow Dash and vice versa.

But, again, they probably won't do this.

In parental glidince scoot says no one was there to tell her she be the best at anything ok look i get having busy parents but for them to be so absent as to not be able to tell there own daughter basic stuff like that is just mind blowing to me either they just are not there or they don't give a flying buck about scoots it would almost be easier for the show to deal with scoots being an orphan then to open up the bag of landmines that would be her having parents that are THAT out right indifferent that's gotta be borderline child neglect at some point the only case the show has for saying scoots has parents or even foster parents is the one scene where they seem to show a house and her room everything else like her NEED for a sister even how shes scared of the woods cause shes never had anyone take her outside of town before seem to point to some kinda less then normal home life
I mean at the end of parental glidence she was practically crying from the attention she was getting from dashes parents that not normal for a kid who has parents and any kind of stable home life

and to answer your question if we do assume she has parentis and there too busy to tell there own daughter she can do stuff with her life well then i doubt they care all that much if she wanted to stay as long as dash or well anyone was willing to take her off there um..hooves they most likely not care enough to fight it out with her
ohh you want to live in the apples tree house fine have fun bye!

Scoots has Shrodinger's parents. They both exist and don't exist in a same time, If the show staff gets an idea for Scootaparrents episode they will suddenly exist.

And the way you say that I get impression that maybe Scoots ran away from home and is living in Ponyville but then her parents find her and want to bring her home. She probably would show them that she found the magic of friendship and that she finally found happiness. Unsure would show ever do this though.

I always figured her parents (as well as her flying) would get the Red X treatment.

The show will end without answering the question.

Of course, the longer it goes on, the more pressing the question becomes. And the likelier it gets that any answer given will be a messy one, given how this sort of thing usually works out.

Unenviable situation. Either no answer or an answer that will never satisfy everyone. I do think chances are that they will never do it but then I thought that about CMC cutie marks too.

All that we really know is that Scoots lives in a home, so at least we know she doesn't live in a cardboard box.


All that we really know is that Scoots lives in a home, so at least we know she doesn't live in a cardboard box.

That, in and of itself, is good enough for me, honestly. It'd really be a mismatch with the setting, otherwise. Never understood where people got that idea from.

I guess some people just find sad and dramatic stuff emotionally appealing. There are lots of dark fanons like Berry Punch being single alcoholic mother.

Cardboard thing I mostly saw in stories that are comedic in nature like Scootaloo, Professional Orphan. Then again I don't read sad fics that often.

Given that her folks finally learn of Scootaloo's overall actions and behavior one would think that her parents, if they actually existed, would reprimand her and try to pull her away from all this.

6099897 That's a lot of interesting ideas and premises.

Didn't see the episode but... Did they even show Scootaloo with the family? Many fans could think that Scootaloo put that family out of the hat, others can go to the route of 'Abusive Family' and others could just ignore that and make a AU so it's not like it's really important

you could say that but that behavior is coming from lack of parents unless they fix how they treat her or really in this case how there not treating her or even paying attention to her shes going go off and do the same anywhere she goes for scoots to show all the signs she does of being neglected and then to have normal parents i don't know scoots would have to be a lil lose in the head or out right trying to con people

Yet they had Rainbow Dash's OWN PARENTS held her high in the end of that episode. Doesn't that mean anything to you ?

yes they took her in as one of there own why would they do that unless she had no one around look go to a school and start cheering for some random kid and see how long until the cops come now do the same thing for an orphan and tell the teacher were doing this cause the kid has no one and more then likely they will be OK with it lol
with out a doubt in my mind scoots is an orphan or has some bucked up home life everything on the show to me points that way now what will the show actually do is anyone's guess it seems the writers tend to forget some stuff now and then and at any moment they could just blow us all away a show her parents and not explane wtf they been up too this whole time

So, did punctuation kill your parents or something?

LMAO killed them in front off me when i was but a child now i spend my life seeking vengeance DAME YOU COMMAS!!!!!!

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