I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
Comments ( 109 )
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I don't hate Equestria Daily, per se, I'm just sick of all the Trixie. I don't particularly like her character, so it's a bit irritating if I'm looking for a fic to read and I have to sift through mountains of stuff that is centered around that blue unicorn. I've got nothing against Trixie fans, but seriously, I thought EqD was supposed to showcase the best fics, not just ones that feature a specific character, or pairing.

Also, for a bunch of folks who supposedly such sticklers about grammar and punctuation, I've seen some stuff on there that... isn't the most technically correct, to be polite about it. I'm fairly certain that if it hadn't been a shipfic of the admin's favorite pairing it wouldn't have made it on there at all.

Their writing parameters are so academic that it makes me sick. It makes it impossible for stories with personal formatting to ever get accepted.

This is so true, I wish I had a medal for you (seriously).

TBH, it seems that the only thing the pre-readers are good at is looking for grammar. It's freakin' hilarious to see them try and "analyze" a story (pfft).

Interesting Survey Results.

Especially regarding the ones with Humans.

951625 Derp HIE second largest group ON THIS SITE

Link to prove my point

And a pic if the link is broken

Also those are results for EQD I was talking about this site. Also ANY POLL CAN BE MANIPULATED


Well, it seems people have spoken. EqD will continue to be the mess of broken system it is.

Well it used to be the largest group but now....:ajsleepy:

I have doubts about the poll. It's mostly taken by EQD users, the most common plurality answer was "ambivalent", with the second most common ones being answers that favoured leaving things unchanged and supported the current regime. However, in questions where there was a strict yes/no dichotomy, the split was much more even. It looks like a poll designed to be easily favorable to whatever the site rulers want to do. I'm surprised just how the answers for different questions seemed to pattern similarly. That just doesn't seem right, especially when it's almost every single question in a row that's like that.


It was this rejection which finally made me realise that EQD is run by idiots.

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