Struggling Authors 3,680 members · 25,277 stories
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okay so first off this idea is free to use for others I just think it's a cool concept and I might do it too later on.

Okay so i didnt see if this was aginst the rules or not so ima just go with it.

so im sitting in a creative writeing class and my topic is farytails... but not just any fairy tails reverced ones.
so i was thinking who all has made a story where the villain is good? like an AU or something like that. For thoes of you that sit around and wait for a good prompt to get thoes old gears movieng (like i sometimes do) here is one for you to use. im cureius who all could come up with something heres a sample.

I discord the master of cayos am completely miss understood by you ponys. All I ever wanted was to be excepted and loved. None of yall knows how hard it is to be the last of my kind forever roaming this plane of existence.

or something like that you know?


so i was thinking who all has made a story where the villain is good? like an AU or something like that.

It's something that has been done so many times that it's insane. (Even the official MLP comics did it!) It's a concept that presents a lot of free creative space while simultaneously being very easy to pull off right, so it's no surprise that so many people did it. And it also means that, given how many approaches to it there are, you and many others can still tackle it and create an original story. :twilightsmile:

7729418 I do the exact opposite. I make the heroes bad.

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