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Here's a scene of Spike and Rarity holding hands/hooves in the recent episode.

I saw the early release of this episode. It was truly a sweet moment.

It was a cute episode that was surprisingly open to interpretations on our group's titular pairing.
I thought it was going to outright kill the pairing but I was pleasantly surprised in that aspect. It was kinda a rehash of the lesson from "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" but it had enough of a different take to not feel too much of one. At least Rarity didn't try to kill Gabby. I was also surprised that Rarity didn't after her trips with Spike actually ligit enjoyed the Con ,well the cosplaying anyway, and the O&O game.


Harem path unlock.

Putting "[spoilers]" in the title and then putting a gif with said spoiler in the beginning of the post completely defeats the purpose of the warning.

Group Contributor

I try to hide the gif but it didn't work.

I knew this episode wouldn't let me down :raritystarry::moustache:!

Looks like a great moment.

How about doing it this way:


So I watched the episode a few more times and I feel I finally got how I truly feel about this episode. I was hesitant to write this response because I've noticed a lot of threads have ended after I made a lengthy post and was nervous for fear of "killing a thread" somehow with my no doubt overbearing Sparity discussions/contributions.

Having said that, i have to say that ultimately while this episode is not what I hoped for as the potentially "final send off" for Sparity in general, its not the worst fear I dreaded coming true either. I was worried the relationship would be totally glossed over and nothing would be acknowledged or changed, and while nothing changed we DID see Rarity definitely has an ABOVE NORMAL relationship towards Spike, and I feel her fondness in missing him and really seeing how much she got used to him being in her life so often is something I always wished we would see get pointed out. I still feel there's romantic love there and I find it funny Rarity never missed her friends in that capacity as she did in Spike's case..just saying.

While many can point out Gabby has now had her hat thrown into the ring for potential shipping mates, aside from that one cherry handed to him, Spike never got hearts-in-the-eyes, head over heels, dreamy/floating on air over Gabby nor has he for any other female character in the show. I don't take Spike's ignoring of Rarity a sign of he no longer has feelings for her, more that he has made a new friend outside of Big Mac who shares more similar traits with him and was really enjoying the new friendship. I also got the feeling Gabby is too sunny and cheer happy to really look at Spike in a romantic way.

I did love seeing Rarity's drama queen shenanigans coming back and missed them (and her fainting couch) dearly. I also loved the Humdrum and Mane-iac costumes and most importantly, the fact Rarity actually DOES listen and know what Spike likes. Everyone always believed Spike knew just about everything Rarity liked but she never knew enough about him so it was wonderful to see she does pay attention and did take the time to do what he wanted to do, even if jealously did spear head everything.

In the end, my biggest problem with this episode comes not from the fact Sparity was not confirmed, it comes from the fact Hasbro chose not to make any decision at all. I felt this episode was too safe and didn't have the guts to make a decision and stand by it or at least give a definitive answer. As much as I love the show and I do, Season 9 has showed me that the creators idea of "wrapping up loose ends" still leaves a lot left uncovered, like exploring certain lore aspects, background explanations and *cough* A CERTAIN DRAGON'S PARENTS?!? I feel like giving a solid answer would show maturity, growth and taking a risk of taking a stand and giving a clear result on whether or not they will or are ever going to be a couple. I am so sick and tired of shows leaving "will they, won't they" dangling in the wind with no answers, even if its a "no, its purely friendship." Shows like "Gravity Falls," "Star vs. The Forces of Evil," "Voltron: Legendary Defender", "Steven Universe" and even the recent "Amphibia" gave some closure and took chances by being bold and made things clear on who was with who and how things would turn out.

I feel Sparity was a missed opportunity here and it clearly wasn't some cheap running gag if it lasted all 9 seasons of the show AND showed up in the movie. Much as I would have hated to hear the love isn't there, I feel further defeated knowing the creators decided to play it safe and take the easy way out by essentially not changing anything. Although, I do love the fact they showed how lonely and empty Rarity's life is without him and realizing just how hard it was carrying bags or making certain choices without his help. One thing is clear though: this episode did not derail or deflate any hopes/feelings/passions/drives/love I have for Sparity, if anything, it enhanced them. This episode didn't change their status to "in a romantic relationship" but neither did it say the ship has definitively sailed, least not in my humble opinion. Thanks for letting me rant.

just wait till the the last episode, you'll make another rant, in which i'll be happy to read.

I can't say, I dont want to spoil it for you sorry. I want to tho so badly but you'll have to see it for yourself

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