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Spoilers for the Christmas ep We are still alive

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I see some people bitch and whine about this scene :ajbemused:

let them do what they want , ( but i did like the Rarity and the green Acorn guy finally got a second favorite Rarity ship)


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What about Capper?

what about Capper lol he was ok its not my favorite Rarity ship for some reason i don't know why

6640261 It's about time. Haven't seen that happen between them since season 2

6640516 I think this was the first time in a long while that they ever even mentioned Spike's crush on Rarity.

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Spike's crush on Rarity was mentioned in season eight episode, "The Break Up Breakdown".

didn't he blush lol

You can say that again.

Don't put much thought behind this. Not too long after this kiss, Rarity and Applejack are shown to have a fond hug.

And we all know how much the show runners want to do Rarijack more.

they didn't blush lol

I was surprised when I first saw this.

Back then, I figured Spike's crush calmed a bit. Like he still had feelings for her, but not to extent of floating in the air with hearts bubbling from him, but rather instead just smiling warmly at her.

But when I saw this kiss on the cheek before I saw the actual special, I wondered how this happened. Is this a mistletoe kiss on the cheek that happened in the middle or the end of the special?

And when I saw the special and saw the beginning and how much Spike wants to greatly impress Rarity complete with hearts bubbling and floating him up.

Well, let's just say I was gonna enjoy the special.

I liked seeing him with the guitar though. I still remember seeing Rarity shred the shit out of that guitar in that episode, Honest Apple, so I hope some artists do something involving that and Spike's guitar.

Sometimes a couple can be so content with each other that they don't blush when they cuddle, after dating for some time.

That's only been set up in "Equestria Girls", not here. In fact, I think Spike's song was a wonderful tribute to the fact he still loves her and found this to be one of the sweetest and biggest supporting moments of Sparity; especially if you watch Rarity's reactions closely as Spike sings. It was even more touching than I expected and I already knew about the kiss, this just made it EVEN more heart warming.

Plus, Rarity has hugged like literally EVERYONE. She only kisses Spike. I think the fact Spike's crush hasn't been brought up for so long makes this scene all the more precious and smile inducing. Season 8 has been pretty dry for Sparity and in all honestly, I wouldn't have been totally surprised if the writers tried to phase out his relationship as a means of having to avoid to deal with it anymore.....but they didn't. They could have easily forgotten about it or abandoned it but they keep bringing it back. For a pairing everyone acts/treats like the writers are desperate to forget, the writers have a funny way of "forgetting it" in EVERY season time and time again.

Has Rarity ever kissed Spike before, even if only on the cheek? I feel like it happened at some point before, but I don't remember.

Yeah, but they've been trying to phase out the Sparty thing for years, even providing some Twitter posts from the writers and Jim Miller on Sparity not becoming canon.

Rarijack is more likely, and judging from all the knowing winks the animators have made towards that in the main show, it seems they want to do it as well.

ehhh i dont think any of the Mane ships are going to be canon

EQUESTRIA GIRLS EVENTS ARE NOT RELEVANT TO MLP TIMELINE!!! I like Rarijack in Equestria Girls, but it highly annoys me when people started to push Rarijack because if it happened in Equestria Girls, so it HAS to happen in pony world. Why don't give Sparity a chance ? Spike put more heart and effort into winning Rarity's heart than any other character. People ship because of winks, glances and hugs ? Spike would probably RISK HIS LIFE TO SAVE RARITY, he helped Rarity with Trenderhoof because that's how caring he is. And don't even start of "age and spiecies". In the show with magic, powerful alicorns and almost omnipotent spirit of chaos, there are litteraly millions of ways in which they can eliminate age and/or spiecies gap, if they want to.
Kiss > Hug

Yeah, some people may not like it but the fact is that Spike is the most kissed character in the series. And all the kisses are from the pony he loves !

I really don't want to be rude but you seem to negate every possibility of Sparity happening and go in favour of Rarijack. Which is totaly cool and fine, everyone has a right to their taste, but still, this is a Sparity group. Why do you come here if you are not giving this ship a chance and approve of Rarijack instead ?

This is same argument I have with another rarijack shipper. They claim that rarijack is canon in the mlp:fim show and when I ask for prove, they pull that it canon in Equestria Girls so it have to be canon in Friendship is Magic. That despite the fact that Rarity have only flirted, fawned, kissed, or crushed on male characters, no female ever. So Rarity from Friendship is Magic is 100% straight. And in Rarity's chapter book, the curious case of charity which is canon to the show, Rarity basically told Charity Sweetmint to back off from Spike saying "Let's get one thing straight. That's my Spikey-Wikey, capiche?"


I have this book too, it is my favourite from the sextet. It has a hints on Sparity in a few places, beside of that "capiche" moment which was the strongest there was also a moment when Rarity felt a "pang of jealousy". This is so sweet. I mean, I can actually see and would love to witness Rarity getting jealous because of Spike, since he helped her and adored her for so long.

Come to think of it,, your reasoning is right. Rarity, at least pony Rarity, is the most male-engaging one of the group. I think Rarijack shippers got it from the Equestria Girls where Rarity can actually be a lesbian and it works rather well. But in Equestria...nah, I don't see it.

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