Pinkie Pie: Pinkamena Diane Pie 1,626 members · 1,868 stories
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Sherlock Pinkie!!!!

I'm just waiting for the Pink panther reference.

My thoughts exactly. Sparkle's Law was hilarious; can this ep live up to that fic?

Donnys Boy
Group Admin

My mind actually went to "The Games We Play" first, I think because I read that most recently.

I am guessing that there will be significantly less of Pinkie drugging and kidnapping Twilight in the upcoming episode than there is in "Sparkle's Law." (Though if I am recalling correctly, the spoiler screen shots show Twilight in a bowler, so she may be drafted to be the Watson to Pinkie's Holmes--which, if true, I am entirely in favor of.)

That would be awesome! Twipie interaction!:rainbowkiss:

That actually makes sense; I already had Sparkle's Law on my mind due to the presence of that life-giving elixir, coffee, in today's episode.

"Elementary, my dear Twilight!" I do hope we are given more fuel for that other group we're in...

Twilight Watson is best Twilight!!

Donnys Boy
Group Admin

Ah, I remembered correctly! Yay!

I love how very Serious Face that Pinkie is in that picture.

Donnys Boy
Group Admin

OH MY GOSH, you guys. EqD just posted a long preview clip, and it is wall-to-wall Pinkie love.

I DIED towards the end, when Pinkie woke up and scratched her head. It was the most adorable thing in the history of adorable.


Yes. Yes indeed. I daresay Fluttershy has competition at the 'making peoples hearts explode' awards this year.

And yet another preview clip!

Pinkie actually says "my dear Twilight."

Pinkie actually says "my dear Twilight."


This is going to be the best episode. THE BEST.

(Also, the end of this season has bizarre parallels to the end of the first season. Fourth to last episode: Cutie Mark Crusader episode that also features the entire Mane Six. Third to last episode: Pinkie Pie episode where she is suspicious of her friends (at least, I assume that will be the case of "MMMystery"). The Spike-interacts-with-other-dragons episode was a few episodes earlier than the first season's, true, but that's just to make way for the two-part season finale... which focuses on a big fancy-dress event in Canterlot.)

Donnys Boy
Group Admin

You scooped me! I was JUST about to post this. Darn yoooooooou!

I find it interesting, from this clip, that there's a bit of a reversal from previous roles--with Pinkie throwing some serious condescension in Twilight's direction, rather than vice versa. Oh, that is not going to end well for our little pink pony. I think there shall be some serious comeuppance for Pinkie by episode's end.

Also, Twilight is very, very cute in her bowler. I approve.

(I think all seasons should end with a big fancy-dress event in Canterlot, preferrably one that the Mane Six completely destroy. Also, I'm gonna be seriously disappointed if there isn't a scene where they show just how Pinkie's hair was wrangled into the gravity-defying 'do she's sporting at the wedding. My current best guess is liberal applications of unicorn magic.)

Pinkie Pie's hair defies gravity naturally; wrangling is only required to make it obey the laws of physics.

Much like Pinkie herself.

TWI. PIE. INTERACTION.:rainbowkiss:

Ten bits that this ends up as one of those stories where the Watson(Twilight) ends up doing the actual sleuthing and mystery solving while the Holmes(Pinkie) is too busy being arrogant/crazy/paranoid.

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