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Because I have, and I can't get a damn chapter off the ground...
Don't ask me why. One day I was high on SoarinJack, the next it somehow turned into Spitfire defending Zecora from some bucking racist flankholes. Now I can't get it out of my head, yet I have no idea how to express this story!

I am in some dire need of some assistance for writing this story down.
I have a general idea of where I want to go with this story, but trying to convey the emotion is a bitch to say the least.

:facehoof: ... Quite frankly, it is giving me a headache.
And though it may be crack shipping, I shall make this work!

long I can help. I have a story I wrote before on it. want it? I'll give it to you.:pinkiehappy:

I did DaringCora, if it helps (Daring Do and a Place Called Home). I think it turned out awesome!

532738 Think you could help me collaborate on it? I could use the experience.
Especially since I cannot rhyme to save my own life.
I already have a rough idea of where I want to go with it.

Want to hear it?

532726 Depends.
Showcase your wares, good sir.

532865Ever since her arrival at Ponyville zecora has had a hard time making friends let alone any real relationships with any pony. That changes when spit fire captain of the wonderbolts crashes in Everfree. Saved by Zecora spirited spends the next few days healing her all the while they share their lives with each other. Zecora comes to secretly liking the mare and spit fire doing the same. can an outsider fall in love with a celebrity?

Zecora could secretly be a huge Wonderbolt fan and have posters and bubbleheads and everything. And then she meets Spitfire and the only reason she doesn't fangirl all over the place is because she's frozen with shock and awe...

Right, sorry. My imagination ran away from me there. But seriously, how hilarious would that be?

541994... You might be on to something there. That could actually be of use...


Always glad to be of assistance. Especially if it results in an expression like that... Just lemme know if you end up writing something like this! Or if you need more help, with anything. :pinkiecrazy:

548973 ... Yeah.... But Zecora rhymes.....
Either I somehow kill her voice off in smoke and ashes, or be forced to divert all my time into thinking up rhymes....

Ugh.... What a nightmare...


Well, one shortcut could be that whenever she's around Spitfire she just kind of freezes up and can't talk out of pure "OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH"ness.

Of maybe she does ruin her voice somehow, and for some reason Spitfire is helping her out... Or maybe Spitfire speaks Zebra and so they can converse in Zecora's natural language, in which she doesn't have to rhyme everything.

Just a couple of ideas.

657238 Well, I already have a couple rough drafts of how the scene could play out.
If you want, I could send them to you for review.


Absolutely! Send them my way :pinkiehappy:

To be honest, ZecoraFire never even occurred to me. But now that you mention it, I am a little tempted to try it :rainbowlaugh:

710726 Want to cooperate? We can leverage both our ideas here to bring up a fine story indeed. After all, it is difficult to write dialogue for a rhyming zebra and plot in how the Wonderbolt herself get's hooked up with Zecora in the first place.

I was also thinking of writing AppleFire, just for the heck of it.

That sounds interesting. It would also be my very first time dealing with anything ZecoraFire

711590 Good. Where do you want to start?

You said you had a general idea of what you wanted, yet just had some big trouble when trying to write it, right?

711595 Indeed. I will not lie. Whatever I write tends to turn into the most bland piece of literature ever to haunt mankind. Words don't do my feelings justice when describing scenes. They don't feel like that they have any power. I do have a couple rough drafts up at the moment, but they are dead in the water.

I will send you the link and password via PM.

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