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Biochi #1 · Mar 6th, 2013 · · 2 ·

I found a really interesting image on Derpibooru about personality types and shipping. As an experiment I tried assigning M-B personalty types to the major shipping characters and looked to see how they all fell out. I think that this leads to a lot of guidance on how to realistically ship our ponies. What do you think?

Twilight: ISTj

Luna: ENFJ - Duality
RDash: ESFP - Supervision (Twi is dominant)
Cheerilee: ISTJ (best guess) - Identity
Rarity: INFP - Activation
AJ: ESFJ - Semi-Duality
FShy: ISFJ - Cooperation
PPie: ENFP - Conflict
Big Mac: ISFP - Request, Mac is dominant
Celestia: ISFj - Cooperation

Rainbow Dash: ESFp

PPie: ENFp - Cooperation
Twilight ISTj - Supervison
Gilda: ESFp - Identity
Rarity: INFp - Semi-Duality
FShy: ISFj - Mirror
AJ: ESFj - Quasi-Identity
Luna ENFj - Request, Luna dominant
Big Mac: ISFp - Extinguishment

Pinkie Pie: ENFp

RDash: ESFp - Cooperation
Celestia: ISFj - Supervision, Pinkie dominant.
Discord: ENTp - Congenerity
Luna: ENFj - Quasi-Identity
FShy: ISFj - Supervision, Pinkie dominant
Big Mac: ISFp - Semi-Duality
AJ: ESFj - Request, AJ dominant
Twilight ISTj - Conflict
Rarity: INFp - Extinguishment

Fluttershy: ISFj

Pinkie Pie: ENFp - Supervision, Pinkie dominant.
RDash: ESFp - Mirror
Discord: ENTp - Conflict
Big Mac: ISFp - Quasi-Identity
AJ: ESFj - Extinguishment
Twilight ISTj - Cooperation
Rarity: INFp - Request, Fluttershy dominant

Applejack: ESFj

RDash: ESFp - Quasi-Identity
Twilight ISTj - Semi-Duality
Rarity: INFp - Supervision, AJ dominant
Fluttershy: ISFj - Extinguishment
Pinkie Pie: ENFp - Request, AJ dominant

Rarity: INFp

Twilight: ISTj - Activation
Big Mac: ISFp - CooperationApplejack: ESFj - Supervision, AJ dominant
Fluttershy: ISFj - Request, Fluttershy dominant
Rainbow Dash: ESFp - Semi-Duality
Pinkie Pie: ENFp - Extinguishment

So I'm not exactly an expert on any of this but one thing I did notice was...

DAT Elusive/Fem Blueblood pic :coolphoto:

Nah anyway I suppose it could be interesting to see just what kind of relationship certain ships have, though I always went with basic "Would they conflict or complement each other? Would conflict be necessarily a bad thing for this pairing?" Sort of questions, nothing quite to this level of depth.

Merciful Celestia, the complexity.

I admit, the research required to understand what the heck this is was fun.

It's a cute thought experiment, I guess. But probably of dubious usefulness for anything but giving someone an idea on how to frame a particular ship. Though they might not agree with your particular character interpretation.

Of course, the problem lies in the fact that while things like Myers-Briggs is useful for broad strokes, in knowing how to deal with someone in the workplace, for example, it breaks down as you get into increasingly emotionally complex situations. Like, say, a romance.

Where's the doormat indicator on the Myers-Briggs test? Nowhere. The test doesn't take force of personality, or aggressiveness into account. E-I might give you a vague tendency, but not more than that. Yet sweet, gentle, Fluttershy's extreme submissiveness is going to be probably the largest factor in any relationship involving her. You'd have to mangle the hell out of a Flarity romance to get it to match that test, above, for example (Though I would argue for Rarity being a ENFp, so there's that).

Characters are more than their most top-level tendencies and methods of viewing the world. Sometimes the lower-level stuff is going to have far more weight. Fluttershy is just the most obvious example. Pinkie is another one. Any relationship with her isn't going to really be ruled by personality type, just by how much they can stand her zany Genki-filly energy. The most important thing in a Celestia relationship is going to be how someone reconciles her being the supreme ruler of their nation. It goes on and on.

Oh I agree entirely. M-B is a sketch not a portrait and not an objective one at that. I did this for fun first and for potential story fodder secondly. Oh, and the dominant referrs to who's the "Requester" not dominant as in Sub/Dom - Essentially in that pairing Fluttershy would be constantly wanting Rarity to be "nicer."

Running the crosses with Rare's as an ENFp gives.

Twilight: ISTj - Conflict
Big Mac: ISFp - Semi-Duality
Applejack: ESFj - Request, AJ dom.
Fluttershy: ISFj - Supervision
Rainbow Dash: ESFp - Cooperation
Pinkie Pie: ENFp - Identity

Hmm, nope I like the other set better.

ISFj/ISTj is a Look-a-Like relationship, you know.


Oh, and the dominant referrs to who's the "Requester" not dominant as in Sub/Dom - Essentially in that pairing Fluttershy would be constantly wanting Rarity to be "nicer."

Well, yeah. That's why I said it doesn't take dominance/submission into account. And I'm meaning that in a broad sense, as horses and humans being a hierarchical species, or in general assertiveness. Not, y'know, the BDSM version, or something.

...though that might work for a Flarity. :fluttercry: :raritywink:

Anyway, I picked on that one specifically because I really can't see Flutters trying to muscle in any kind of request, especially in the face of a powerful, opinionated personality like Rarity's. For one, yeah, the softness. For two, she tends to give her friends a massive benefit of the doubt on that sort of thing. Look at what happened when Discord tried to turn her against the Mane 6. The problem would be far more likely to be the opposite, with Rarity constantly prodding at Flutters to stand up for herself, until the poor thing ended up cowering in a corner, with her hooves over her ears. Followed by a melodramatic Rarity guilt spiral.

In any case, don't get me wrong. A lot of the relationships in that exhaustive list of yours make sense. To continue using Fluttershy, because she's easy:

Pinkie-dominant supervision? Makes sense. Pinkie would always be around, trying to prod Fluttershy into things she'd normally not want to do. Shy would try to live up to it, at first, because she thinks ponies should be all outgoing and stuff, but frustration would mount, until it snapped, and Pinkie would get a faceful of Flutterage, showing Pinkie that, hey, Flutters isn't weak. Cue eventual eternal repeats of cycle. The chart has, I think, successfully given us a plausible version of FlutterPie!

FlutterDash 'Mirror': ...? Dash's ideal is some nebulous concept of coolness. To be the very best, basically. Fluttershy's is to play mother, and take care of everyone. Aside from a general desire to be their for their friends, included in their mantra, which all the Mane 6 share, there's not really one's actions fulfilling the other's ideals, and vice versa. At all. Flutters is pretty much the least 'awesome', and Dash is the least 'nice'.

Just saying, it's a mixed bag. Have to take some interpretations, and leave some. It's a neat construct to help you think about things, from a psychological level. And it's fun to contemplate! But it's something you have to be prepared to throw out when it doesn't actually match the our beloved character's more complete personalities.

Quaint. Final thoughts?

Meh, I am still bummed we don't have an INTP.

At least I am good on Ennegram Personality.

Ooh, what is this?

763713 A sort of graph that explains how you work in layman's terms.
Essentially, each person has different ways of responding to their environment, both in emotions and thinking. For example, I am a Type 5, the Investigator. The reason being is that I am a anaylistical type of fellow who likes to examine things in depth. Usually people also have some sort of sub wing, the 2nd most prominent way you function after the first. I however, seem to lean equally both in as a 5w6 and 5w4.

Try the link here. I can't honestly do the explanation much justice.

I'd say Rarity is an ENFJ. Extraverted because honestly, she is. Very sociable, talkative, lively and assertive, Judging because she has a preference for that over Perceiving, she has a preset way to live and do things, she quickly speaks based on what she thinks, is extremely focused on her goals and is generally very empathetic.

(This will give the gist of what each type represents, though there are so many damn interpretations of the system that I caution you to not dive too deep into it... I end up wasting hours on researching this personality system alone. Oh, and prepare for a big bunch of rambling when reading this comment.)

As to further elaborate on my own type, It's... Complex and complicated to work out.
For me, my wings seems to shift depending upon the emotional state that I am in. (Or mood, if you will.)

For example, take my 4 wing for instance.

Type 4s are usually the Individualist/Romantic of their trade, full of creative energy and with a big need on expressing their unique viewpoints on a given subject of interest. For me, this means writing whatever romance that comes to mind. (To clarify, I'll ship just about anypony with anyone. I've shipped everything from OctaScratch to even an Applejack x Spitfire romance fic.)

Next, Type 6: Usually portrayed as the Loyalist/Science centered person if they come with a strong 5.

As for my Wing 6, once I have made up my mind... Well, I wasn't particularly happy when Princess Luna's Eclipsed episode pretty much permanently overwrote her personality for the rest of time. To this day, I still miss the way of how old fanon Luna was portrayed before her break out into an episode.

But I digress.

As for being a heavy shipper, it might come to you as a surprise that I am actually quite the cynic in some circumstances. I can't tell you how many times things looked absolutely abysmal at times when my own fanon was shattered. Not so much as in altering my own fanon, but everyone else seemingly having the idea that there can only be one universe, thus their fanon MUST conform or die in obscurity. This is where my Wing 6 comes into play. While I am usually a Type 5 with a heavily invested interest in romantical pursuits, if something I care about changes on a fundamental level.
... Well. just prepare for some of the meanest comments that you'll probably ever read in your life.

Ugh.... My thoughts are chaotic in this organized frenzy.
Please excuse me while I recollect properly.

can you put a link to the picture ? This too small for reading anything :twilightblush:
Anyway this is very interesting, I'm a lot into the activation, congenerity and conflict personality/shipping
And the Ennegram Personality give me the idea of a FlutterDashJack polyamory :rainbowlaugh:

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